Pastels and stickers
Friday Morning,
No school that day! Except Nejire finally started working. Her uniform consisted of a white cloak with a angel's trumpet embroidery, just like Shinya's coat. She wore a simple pink shirt and white shorts that fell to her mid thigh.
"Mama! I'm ready to go!" Nejire shouted. Her mom had to work anyways so she volunteered to drive Nejire.
"You look fancy. Love the shoes. Comfort over style." Mochi laughed. They both found converse shoes comfortable because they had feet that weren't very curved. No corns or callouses.
Nejire quickly ran to grab the cookie basket her mother had made for her yesterday. She planned on giving them to the receptionist because he was a sweetheart last time. Though, he was doing his job, but who doesn't deserve cookies?
First day lolsies!
(I unironically say lolsies.)
At the front office, Nejire held up her student I.D for the receptionist. Same guy as last time.
"Hey darling!" He grinned. His name was Tensei. He was in a wheelchair, so that sucked, but he had the same badge as Shinya. So... "Shinya's already waiting for you! You can head up n-"
"I have a gift for you!" Nejire cut him off, before apologizing. "I asked my mom to bake cookies for you since you were so sweet last time!"
Tensei looked like he was going to cry from pure happiness. Especially when he saw the basket. "Thank you."
"Bye bye!" Nejire grinned and walked off to the elevator. She wondered if she was gonna see Moe when she walked in. It was floor five? She would figure it out. As she pressed the button, she saw Moe holding the elevator door open as she stepped inside.
"Hey Ne-jar! How ya doing?"
Nejire looked stunned and shocked. How the fuck did she hold it open like that?
"Oh hey! How's Touya doing?" Nejire asked. He seemed cool from what she saw on Saturday. But then again, he just looked cool because of his tattoos and piercings.
"Hm? Oh, he's with the kids today." Moe shrugged. Nejire blinked. Moe was a mother? "Oh right, I never told you I had kids. They're names are Roman and Genesis."
"Oh, those are pretty names? Boys?"
"Genesis is a girl. She's blind so we actually live with the Todoroki family for support. They're two years apart. We just had Genesis actually." Moe giggled, lifting her shirt a bit to show off her stretch marks.
"That's adorable! Two year olds are the cutest things ever!" Nejire was in awe. "Do you have pictures of them?" She asked. Moe nodded and showed a cute picture of her tiny babies. Roman had a large smile and looked at the camera, Genesis was asleep. "They're so cute! They look exactly like Touya." Nejire laughed.
"Yeah, it's sad." Moe faked a sob before putting her phone away. "We should totally hang out outside of work one day!"
"Hey Shinya! Sorry I'm a bit late." Nejire grinned. "Was I supposed to follow Moe? I can go catch up to her."
"Yeah, theres a filing room for you, Moe would be there too." Shinya sighed, looking at his computer. He had reading glasses on his face, probably so he could read easier? He already had dyslexia, maybe it was so he could see the words easier? "You can drop by anytime, so just sit tight for a moment. I'll show you the room in a moment." Shinya whispered as he stood up and checked a file. "You can see why I wanted an assistant?" He laughed.
She could. He was really unorganized.
"How's everything going?" Nejire asked. She didn't want to say anything about the room so she tried to make s herself forget whatever questions that would come up by asking others.
"Not very good. One of our biggest allies got sick with cancer. Plus, the government is trying to combine us with the military, but the entire point is to not be combined with them. We're supposed to be a fucking private organization, but no!" Shinya let out a large groan after he realized he had pushed all of his folders to the ground. "Sorry, don't get that, I'm fine. I'll show you the assistants room." He inhaled and handed her a large briefcase of messy files. It weighed a ton, but Nejire handled her mother's clumsy ass all the time.
Was the ally Momo's mom? She had recently been admitted to the hospital? And she was rich.
"Are you alright?" Nejire asked.
"I'm just stressed. I apologize." Shinya inhaled, practicing a few breathing exercises. "Let's go."
"I forget you two know each other. Sit next to her, and she'll teach you what to do." Shinya whispered, walking out. "There shouldn't be much, I just need you to organize." He said, peaking his head through the door.
When the assistants knew he was far enough, they became the pure embodiment of chaos and havoc. "Ok so, basically, you can get away with stuff, but you gotta do some work. I can help with some files, but since your guy works in the Undead unit, you just have to organize by species." Moe explained, practically yelling over the chaos.
"Thank you!"
Nejire flipped through every paper left for her. It was hundreds, so many. Nejire picked one up and noticed the file that said "Kendou Rappa?"
"Oh, he's an old case. Not even in your department." Moe shrugged. "He attacked two members of the Toyomitsu family. An Adonis and a boy."
"Oh? Eijirou or Tamaki?" Nejire asked. Moe raised her eyebrow. "You know, his son and nephew?"
"Oh! I've never met Tamaki. He never talked about him or anything during the bonding vacations. He brought Tatami and Eijirou though." Moe frowned and turned to take the file. "I'm just gonna place this in my own binder, all right?"
Nejire peered over at Moe's section and noticed how organized it was. Luckily, Nejire was provided with a few binders and stuff by Shinya. He probably realized she was a fan of pastels, as the files, binders, and stickers were all pastels with cute stickers on them.
Since Shinya had dyslexia, she wanted to make it easier for him. Work had to be hard if he was reading almost all the time. The colors and cute kids decorating kit she had would probably make it easier.
Nejire was about to make this important murder diary look like a school project a kindergartener made and no one was stopping her!
Vampires had the purple binder. It was a pretty lilac color. She thought it would be funny to put the succubi/incubi as purple because of their blood, but Shinya might not find it amusing. So instead, she chose her pretty yellow color for the sex craving demons. Regular demons were green. Hybrids were a cute aqua color. Then she had a folder for the deceased.
She threw on all sorts of stickers and glitters, trying to make it look adorable. Which it did. It had a lot effort as well. That's what happened when she hyper fixated. She would put so much effort into her work.
After a few hours, Nejire had finished. Organization really took a long time, geez. Especially when Shinya was probably the messiest person on earth. "Whew."
"That was pretty fast." Moe peered over. "Any questions? Cuz next time I'm teaching you how to use the computer!"
She could see why he didn't bother to organize it. They had a complicated method of filing. Too much reading. Would probably give him a headache.
"Uhh... who's this?" She asked, picking out a random piece of paper. It was the last one she got to put away correctly.
Aden Lee
Age: 27
Sex: M
Race: Caucasian
Species: I/V
Status: Deceased
History: Born to a succubus mother and vampire father. Both parents killed. Repeated offense of stalking, violating, and murdering Asian Women
"Never mind." Nejire grumbled, placing it back in the deceased section. She thought this dude was the scum of the earth.
"Ok, so basically, after today, cuz that man needed this organization session, you'll be making reports like this when you go out to travel with him, that's really all the job is! Sometimes you can fight too, but that's never really gonna happen. It's a job for college students to be honest. I'm twenty six, just got out of College." Moe laughed.
"Ooooh. Ok! That sounds fun!"
"It's not- All those flashing lights you've been seeing are assistants being called in. So yeah, never wear heels." Moe laughed. "Ya know, just in case."
"Hey Shinya, I think I'm done, can you look over it?" It was only a part time job, so she wasn't exactly sure if he was gonna make her stay until he left, or if she could go once she got stuff done.
"That was only three hours. You're done?"
"Yeah! And thanks for the binders! I decorated them to make it easier for you!" Nejire said with a very large grin. "See! I made vampires purple! Stuff like that!"
"Aw, thanks. Yeah, uh... it's a part time job, can't keep you here all day if you're not busy. Uh... well... go home? Clock out I guess?" Shinya laughed.
"Alright! When do I come back?"
"Part time job hours... I don't remember those. Um? I think it was Friday's, Wednesdays, and Sunday's. I'll get back to you on that later, but really, I'll send you a schedule later on."
"Alright! I'm just gonna clock out and go home."
Nejire caught the bus. Her mom was working. Her dad was busy, and Mirio had to harass Kaoruko's ex boyfriend. So she had to catch the bus to get back to the cafe.
It was only noon and Nejire already finished her first day. She felt so proud! Going out into the real world, making a living for herself! Yeah!
Hey Yall, Tamaki is gonna come back next chapter. Or at least he's supposed too. Not sure yet.
Anyways, Nejire being a baby for pastels. Decorating a whole ass murder diary like it's a kindergarten project.
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