Korean Food
Idk if I need to add a trigger warning yet. I don't, nvm.
Ryuko and Nejire went out to eat for dinner. There was a good Panda Express place near her place, and Nejire knew Ryuko loved the food. Especially the spicier stuff.
"Oooh, do you like French food?" Ryuko questioned. "There's this place Shinya likes to bring me too, they have really nice food ! We should go there when you two meet!" Ryuko said with a happy look on her face.
"I've never really had French food. What is it like?" Nejire pondered.
"It's good, I prefer Korean though." She snickered. "What about you? Do you have a special someone? Or have any plans with friends?" Ryuko asked.
"Oh yeah! We have to go shopping for our prom soon. I'm really excited. I think pink or beige would look cute on me." Nejire giggled.
"Oh! For my prom, I wore a red dress. I went with this guy, uhh... He works with Shinya now, so ha... kinda awkward having your ex boyfriend work with your current boyfriend." Ryuko sighed, laughing at herself. "You wanna see the pictures?"
Nejire nodded. Ryuko scrolled through her photos and finally found her prom pictures after two minutes.
Ryuko wore a red dress that was very tight around the waist. She had a tall man's arm wrapped around her waist, and a large smile. Her ex, Kugo, had dark skin and white patches around his eyes and from the mouth down to his tie.
"Are you two on good terms?"
"Oh definitely. Anywho, I hope your dress shopping goes well. High schools have so many formal events now. Senior photos, proms, graduation parties, so expensive." Ryuko grumbled.
"For real! It's annoying, plus they're probably gonna ask mom and dad to bake for the stuff, so I probably have to help serve food at my own graduation party!" Nejire pouted.
"Ooooh, I would love to do that!" Ryuko gasped. "But then again, I can't bake. Or talk to strangers very well. It's a wonder how I even made it through highschool." Ryuko frowned, thinking about it.
Nejire began eating her food as Ryuko tried to not make eye contact. Nejire had a very weird habit of staring at people while she eats, especially when using a fork or chopsticks. It annoyed Ryuko ever since Nejire was a little girl. She had picked it up from couples on tv and whenever Ryuko brought Nejire out to dinners, she would do it.
Oh yeah, Nejire thought Ryuko was the coolest person on the planet, despite her being a very awkward and lazy person.
"Oh yeah! Mirio and Yuyu invited me to the boardwalk tomorrow. We've been dying to go!" Nejire squealed. "Our parents said we couldn't go all week because of the new missing people, and because it was a school night, so now we're going tomorrow." Nejire said, looking down at her food, for the first time.
"Oh that's nice, I hope you have a good time."
"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Nejire asked, wanting to see if Ryuko could come along.
"Hmm..." she hummed, trying to remember her plans. "Oh, I'm just helping Taishiro move in and stuff. He and his kids just moved into a different place and he asked for extra hands." Ryuko asked.
"Oh, your brother? Isn't he a boxer now?" Nejire asked. "It seems so dangerous... Like, you're being slammed into the ground, and being paid to physically attack someone? All that blood..." Nejire cringed. Ryuko seemed uncomfortable.
"Yeah, being thrown to the ground isn't pleasant." Ryuko sighed, like it was a joke, then nervously biting her lip. She realized what she said and began to look upset.
"You say that as if you have experience." Nejire said, raising an eyebrow at the blonde woman.
"Are you ok?" Nejire asked, eating a piece of meat on her fork.
Ryuko looked scattered. "I'm fine." Ryuko said, almost in a whisper.
Nejire reached out to touch Ryuko's arm, her pink bandaid about to make contact with her friend's shoulder. Ryuko smacked it away, and looked at Nejire. "I'm fine, sorry... anyways! Yeah, he wants me to help move boxes since his kids are pretty busy." Ryuko said, shrugging off whatever had just happened.
Nejire knew not to pry, especially if Ryuko brushed it off herself. "Ohhh! Yeah, I hope it goes well! You've been working out a lot!" Nejire said. Ryuko had really bulked up a lot. She used to be very dainty and frail.
"You noticed? Is it too noticeable?" Ryuko gasped, rolling her short sleeves up to look at her arms. They were quite muscular but nothing bad. Ryuko was always like this, panicking over her image, especially since she did much more practice than Nejire did. She worked for some ballet company or something and they were supposedly really toxic.
Ryuko was always concerned about her body. Not her face and what her makeup looked like or anything, but she cared about her body, in an unhealthy, obsessive way. She brushed it off with "I'm just trying to keep my job, ha." Because ballet was a very visual art, and the very willowing and dainty figure was appealing or something. Nejire wasn't dainty, she had the complete opposite body to Ryuko. Was she a bad dancer because of her body?
"It's fine! Why're you working out anyways?" Nejire asked.
"Just because."
Nejire stfu.
After paying and stuff, Ryuko and Nejire left the restaurant.
"You wanna get dropped off?" Ryuko asked, looking at her phone. Nejire gasped, offended that she asked.
"You want me to go home so soon?"
"Uh... your mom asked when you were coming to the cafe..." Ryuko looked at Nejire with a weird face of confusion.
"Oh! Uhh... sure? I don't really care." Nejire shrugged.
After being dropped off, Nejire headed to the back of the cafe to find her mom and dad. They had a lot of people seated, and it was weird that they weren't going around talking to them. They had employees and they weren't the only people working, but it was just a natural thing Mochi and her "husband" did.
"Mama? What's going on?" Nejire asked. Nejire walked into the back and looked at her mom and dad. "Um..." Nejire blinked as she looked at her parents trying to get an employees hand out of a bucket.
"Hey, sugar pea, could you go walk around and stuff? Your dad has work and I have to help this kiddo. It's his first day!" Mochi giggled, Nejire looked so confused.
"Okay?" Nejire shrugged and walked back outside so she could put an apron over her school uniform. Nejire began walking around the cafe, speaking with guests who seemed to have a good time.
"How're you doing?"
"Is the food good?"
"Do you want a refill?" Nejire asked around every table. The people of their city knew their family pretty well. Well enough for Nejire to just pull up a chair and sit with the customers for five minutes and have a tea party.
(Lol I just imagine Lolitas going to their cafe for afternoon tea parties and Nejire joining-)
Nejire got up and walked behind the counter with Kaoruko, one of her mom's favorite employees. Kaoruko was a college student and Mochi totally wasn't paying for her semester. Totally not.
She was.
As the two blue haired girls talked, the bell to the cafe door began to ring. It was a bell with a baby pink ribbon wrapped around it.
It was a newer customer.
He was kinda cute, not gonna lie. Purple-black hair, black eyes, pointy ears.
"Good afternoon!"
Ryuko Tatsuma is crushing on Shinya :).
We're gonna meet Shinya soon, but not next chapter, I have a plan for that one.
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