Nejire knocked on the white door, despite having a key. She didn't want to terrify her parents by a random person trying to get inside.
"Can you just wait out here for a while, just in case things don't go right?" Nejire asked Ryuko, who stood next to her. "I know you didn't plan on coming with me, but I'm scared of things not going right."
"How about I go inside and sit in your room, because I'd get bored just sitting in the car." Ryuko snickered.
The door opened up and the two girls were greeted by the 6'1 man. He stared down at the two and blinked, before wrapping Nejire in the biggest hug he had ever given her.
"You're back! Oh my god-" Malachi squeaked out before picking her up off the floor and spinning around a bit. It was a surprise this man was a bakery owner and not a pro boxer with how strong he was. He said he wanted to be so strong so he could hold both Nejire and Mochi, which Nejire thought was so sweet. "It's all my fault that you two are fighting and I'm so sorry!"
"Oh it's not your fault dad!"
"It is though! I'm sorry." He did that weird ruffly thing aunties do when they see you. That really fast hand thing on your back during a hug. Really weird but it was comforting. "Uh, should I pay you anything Ryuko?"
"I'm not babysitting her anymore silly, you don't have to pay me to watch her." Ryuko laughed. "But uh. Yeah, give me a thirty."
"I used to charge fourteen every hour. Thirty for two days is perfectly fine." Ryuko laughed, robbing this thirty year old man of his money.
"Fine. How's Shinya by the way? Has he proposed yet?"
"Nope, but I can hope it's soon!" She smirked. "I actually wanna propose instead. We've talked about getting married so why not?" Ryuko shrugged her shoulders and walked inside.
"That's amazing! I better be invited to the wedding!" Malachi said, nudging her with his elbow.
"Anyways, Mochi, Nejire is here!" Malachi shouted. "Your mom made a really good dessert. I've never had it, apparently it's Laos? I don't know. But it tasted nice!" Malachi rambled in, dragging Nejire inside.
The kitchen walls had gone from Navy blue and white to the beautiful indocolite color. It was almost the same color as her hair, but a bit more lavender colored.
"Hey sweetie. Can we talk?" Mochi asked, putting something in the oven. "I'm my room? Malachi, Ryuko, can you guys stay down here?" Mochi asked.
"Of course! Malachi, what kind of ring should I buy Shinya? One with a Gem?"
"Yes! Definitely a gem. Wait but he has to work, so maybe a plain one if you want him to wear it all the time."
Mochi and Nejire walked up the stairs while Ryuko and Malachi had a long discussion about rings. It was definitely something Ryuko would do, but Malachi? Sureeee-
Mochi and Malachi's room was navy blue, white, and grey. The walls were really pretty and had mirrors and white floral curtains.
Nejire sat on the grey comforter of the bed and chewed on her cheek as she nervously awaited whatever conversation she was about to have. Mochi sat next to her and laid down.
They sat there for a moment. Mochi was silent, Nejire was quiet as a mouse. Both of them looking at the ceiling for around five minutes, pure silence. Only thing they could hear was Ryuko and Malachi laughing.
And then she could hear quiet sobs. She turned to face her mother, who was laying on the bed, her arm covering her eyes as her tears fell to the sides rather than down.
"Mama? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine Nejire. I'm just being selfish." Mochi laughed to herself. "It's so weird how you went from absolutely hating him to wanting to meet him, but I guess it's normal." She sighed before wiping her tears and sitting up. "I'm sorry." She let out a large sigh. "I'm sorry for what I said. Saying that was... really horrible."
"It was. I know I was an accident, but it really hurt to hear from you. I could ignore it and treat it as a joke, and then, bam." Nejire did a little hand gesture that mimicked fireworks.
"How long have I made you think like that? That you were a mistake."
"Never. I always knew. It's not like every seventeen year olds wants to go into labor in a McDonald's. And then, two days ago, you just tell me that he never wanted me and it really hurt. Like, I know, but, hearing it makes it not a joke anymore." Nejire huffed.
"I shouldn't have said that. I really shouldn't have said that. And I regret it with everything I have."
"So, do you not think of Malachi as your dad sometimes?" Mochi glanced over, wiping her eyes. Sometimes Nejire wondered how her eyes looked so blue like a sunny day, to a cold seal grey like storm clouds.
"I always do. I told you that. Malachi's been with us since I was what, three? He's always gonna be my dad."
"What made you change your mind?" Mochi asked.
"I think I just got bored and started wondering. All this drama because I got bored, ha." Nejire chuckled. "Do you ever miss him?"
"Ha, hell no. He came to Cali but I wish he kept his ass in Georgia. But, I met him, and he agreed to meet you as long as I met him. So, I hope you have a good time?" She shrugged. Nejire's eyes widened as she turned to look at her mom, who had started smiling at her. "You obviously don't have to forgive me for what I said, but I hope you can."
"Wait. So I'm actually meeting him?"
"Well, yeah? Or else my absolute suffering was for nothing."
"Um... thanks." She laughed gently and just looking at the ceiling.
"Knock knock!" Tamaki heard at his window. He jumped back and gasped when he saw Himiko at the window. How the hell did she find the house? "Can I come in? I've been looking for hours!"
"Uh... sure... come in." At least she couldn't come in without permission, so he didn't have to worry too much or anything.
Himiko hopped in through the window and she was actually wearing clothes this time. "You're going out with me tomorrow, no choice." Himiko said, looking down at her phone.
"Wait, but I don't go out much. I shouldn't go out since ya know, I'm a vampire? And the whole garlic thing."
"Oh don't be a baby! And you're a virgin, so like, it won't kill you dummy. Just a small allergic reaction." Himiko rolled her eyes and smacked him. "And anyways, this is just a tiny club, we'll be in and out."
"Hey, um, I cant. If I go out, the white coats are patrolling, especially since tomorrow is prom night." Tamaki made up on the spot. He didn't want to go out, especially with her. She killed someone's cat! Probably a human too but the cat!
"Oh get over it, it's not like they're gonna attack some of the strongest demons in the country. They're still human. Anyways, just, don't tell them you're new. You'll probably have to drink some blood from whatever goat or something they drag. By the way, do you like Touya Todoroki?"
"Singer? We listen to their music a lot at this stuff."
"I get it. It's like a party or something?" Tamaki asked, body slightly shaking. Himiko was so chill about it. She was a serial killer who had severely injured an officer. Should she not be in hiding right now. "What happened by the way? You know, with that Officer?"
"Ochako? She's so fake, we used to be best friends, then I got bitten and now she wants me dead. Isn't that crazy? But yeah, I bit her finger off." Himiko snickered, falling back on Tamaki's bed. "Now they want me dead or something, so great. But yeah, you're going to a party with me tomorrow."
"Um... I r-really don't like those kinda things."
"Oh. Well that sucks for you. I'll pick you up tomorrow." She giggled, hopping right back out the window, which made Tamaki let out a sigh of pure relief. "Don't be a bitch about it." She said before climbing down the tree.
"Hey Tsuyu! How's your day been going?" Izuku greeted her. Tsuyu blinked and looked up at him from her phone. "We get tomorrow off you know! You excited?"
"Oh, uh... yeah! You wanna hang out or something?" She asked. "We could go visit Ochako? She's stuck in the hospital cuz of her finger."
"I still can't believe it got bitten off. Ya know? That's like, so gross, crazy, and scary at the same time. Like it was a vampire. How is she ya know... not turned?" Izuku whispered.
"My uncle said they never drank her blood, so Ochako is fine. She's lucky though." Tsuyu sighed. "Let's pick something out for her tomorrow."
"We could be really cheap and buy something off of the blue option. Or be cheap and use our worker's discount."
They were friends with Nejire. Almost everyone was just so that they'd qualify for free food. Mochi kept up tabs on it and if she had a falling out with someone, they would be forced to pay, which Mochi liked. Unless it was dumbass Nejire's fault.
"Bye the way, how is your family? They're still back in Hawaii right?"
"Mhm. I have to call them, I just remembered that." Tsuyu snapped her fingers and tried to make a quick mental note. "I really hope Ochako gets better soon though." Tsuyu said from the kitchen as she put on her apron and hat.
"Hello Reiko." Izuku said, biting his lip. He didn't know what to think of this girl but Momo had a crazy story of what happened at her lunch table. There was also the fact that a bunch of seniors were bugging her about her brother, and she'd flip them off, which was very reasonable. But she just didn't seem too nice.
"Hey. Do you guys have smash cakes?" She asked, pulling out her earbuds.
"Heck yeah. What's the occasion?"
"All the kids at the facility get tomorrow off cuz of prom, so Ryuko and I are eating cake. She's finally saying fuck off to her ballet company and eating more. Celebration and we're having a tea party."
"Oh, I forgot you worked with your brother. What's your role?" He asked, pulling out a nice white box and letting her pick out the smash cake. Reiko pointed at a rose gold cake.
"I'm a witch. I enchant stuff and make up new methods of releasing. It's fun." She mumbled as Izuku picked up the cake. "I'm also supposed to talk with Momo tomorrow, so... great."
"You are friends with Momo, I forgot." Izuku slightly hissed as he slid it into the box. "She's going through a hard time, especially after word got out."
"Oh. That sucks. Ryuko told us to talk because my mom died from cancer and her mom is battling it. Did you know she was partially Asian?" She asked. She couldn't be the only person who didn't know!
"Uh... yeah. And your mom died? I didn't know that."
"I don't like her or care, so I don't talk about it." Reiko sighed, scrolling through her phone.
"Wait... how'd you get here?" Izuku asked, realizing she legally couldn't drive, being that she was only fifteen.
"I walked?"
"Woah. That's impressive. Nejire says it's a long walk to your place. Wait, so like, what kind of witch are you?" Izuku asked. Reiko blinked and looked at him.
"What?" She asked.
"Like, fire, water? Is this offensive?" He winced, really hoping she didn't get mad.
"No? Confusing, but not offensive. But I do voodoo dolls, make potions, and can make stuff float and stuff. You know?" Reiko explained. "I make the dolls and I'm an officer because of it. I'm a special branch." Reiko said as she was handed the box.
"Oh, that makes sense." Izuku nodded. Being a white coat sounded weird, especially if she didn't release anybody.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go." Reiko said, the little bell ringing as she left. He watched for her to walk one way or the other but instead she just disappeared. Just vanished.
Tsu and Ochako only being friends because her uncle said "you're the same age lol"
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