Fairy planning!
Nejire started working for Shinya that Friday. It was a teacher work day, so he decided that would be a good day to start. Nejire was really excited, but right now, she was sitting in the cafe with Natsuo, just chatting. She didn't want to bring up her job with him at all, even if his dad did work in the same company. It went against the contract she signed, so she couldn't tell him either way, so she could just forget all about her job while they talked.
"Did you know if you ask for something off of the Nejire menu, you get free food? Especially since you're with me." Nejire asked. A lot of people didn't know how to get free food. Only her friends, and random kids who asked for stuff off the Nejire Menu and Mochi confused them for Nejire's friends.
"Oh for real? I've gone here so many times and I always wondered what it was for." He laughed. "Never exactly ordered from it either."
"Yeah, it's kinda weird, but I guess people like it." Nejire shrugged, sipping on her Winter Melon Boba tea. It didn't go with her menu, as everything on it was a blue color, but her drink was orangish. "My mom got most of the recipes from her parents. They lived in Japan so most of the desserts are Japanese." Nejire shrugged.
"I used to live in Japan. We moved for my mom's job. She and Momo's mom are business partners so we moved for them." Natsuo said, breaking a piece off of his Cinnamon roll.
"Oh, that's cool. Wait, so, what are you taking classes for?" Nejire asked. "Art? Marketing? Color theory?"
"Oh, actually I plan on becoming a doctor. So general welfare." Natsuo blushed just talking about his major. "It surprised everyone when they found out." He chuckled under his breath.
"What do you plan on going to college for?"
"Oh, Psychology and dance! I'm really excited for that." Nejire was absolutely beaming just for the chance to really speak on her interests. "Just from the way you're sitting tells me you're really interested in what I have to say."
"Oh really? I am but, can you explain? I'm interested." Natsuo asked.
"Well, you're facing directly at me, your grinning even though I haven't even said much at all, you're head is tilted, your posture is open, oh, and! Your pupils are huge. It's a proven fact that when you're around people you're happy around that your pupils get larger."
"Oh wow, and I've barely said a word." He laughed. "You're good! You'd be a good psychologist. Or therapist. I dunno." He shrugged.
"Do you remember what your prom theme was?" She asked, entirely ignoring their previous conversation because he had to bring this stuff up.
"Our was a Paris theme. Whats this years? Is it dumb?" He asked with a whisper.
"Oh! It's a masquerade ball! But it's also very Fairytale and Enchanted Forest themed. So it's gonna be gorgeous."
"Finally, a good theme. I was glad Tenshi didn't have to see any of the trashy decorations they had." He laughed. "She deserved a better prom." He grumbled.
"Awww. You two are really close friends, arent you?"
"Yeah! We're best friends. But anyways, what were you thinking for your dress?" He asked. "I'm down for wearing whatever, don't worry about me."
"So, I was thinking a normal pink dress and a pink tie for you, but then I thought that was boring. So instead, I thought, what if we were full out fairies?" She giggled. "Like... actual fairy wings on our backs. Or is that too extra?" Nejire winced, used to being told it's be too expensive or extra.
"You're not being extra! It sounds really interesting! What color?" He asked, leaning in.
"Ok, so since my hair is this weird ass shade of blue cuz of my sperm bag, it's harder to match stuff-"
"Sperm bag?" He laughed at her nickname for her deadbeat dad.
"Oh yeah, sperm bag. We don't like him. Anyways, I was thinking a green, pink, or beige. But since we're having a cute fairy theme, I was thinking of pink and green. Don't really know if it'd look good on you though..." she shrugged. She knew he had white hair and everything, but his eyes were grey so it'd be a bit hard.
"It's fine! It's your prom. Just tell me what to buy. I'll ask my mom for help when I go visit her."
"Sorry, I'd rather not get into that whole mess right now. Maybe I could explain another time? It's a really long story." He apologized for being uncomfortable.
"It's fine! It's totally fine!" Nejire didn't care at all. "Ooh, any funny stories?" Nejire asked. She had a bad habit of changing subjects. Natsuo shrugged and shook his head, so Nejire began telling random ass stories.
"Hey, Reiko?" Ryuko whispered as she walked up to the young girl. "I'm just gonna drink tea right here, is that alright?" She asked, sitting in front of her at their table.
"It's your house, I don't care." Reiko grumbled. "Where's Shinya at? You two are usually tied together."
"Oh, he's sleeping. You should be too, you have school tomorrow." All Ryuko could actually do was advise her to go to bed.
"Don't you have work too?" Reiko rolled her eyes and looked back down at her snack. She looked over at Ryuko too and noticed that she wore a band teeshirt from when Shinya and Reiko went to a concert a few years ago. She just frowned. "Aren't you a ballerina or something?"
"Oh, uh... well yeah. I should be asleep, but my company is- I'm a hypocrite, sorry!" She flushed up, covering her face with her hands.
"It's cool, I'm gonna head upstairs anyways. Oh and... thanks for the room..." she mumbled.
Ryuko beamed. She didn't decorate it, but she tried to fit it with Shinya's description of her aesthetic.
"You're welcome!"
Natsuo and Nejire both having bad biological fathers was a complete coincidence.
And Nejire only refers to her biological dad as Sperm Bag, Malachi is her real dad.
What's up with the Todoroki mom?
Does Reiko like Ryuko?
Why is Reiko able to fit a shirt from four years ago?
What drama is Reiko causing in school, cuz this bitch is extra.
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