I wanna write a chapter dedicated to Ryuko's life and her getting better slowly before her biggest part in the story.
I deadass wish I made Best Jeanist their sibling as well, and I deadass could-
In a Cinderella story, Cinderella was burned like a witch :). Reiko go burn the shit out of someone.
Trigger warning: EDs
That evening, after Ryuko fell asleep, Shinya headed outside of the room to call Taishiro. He sighed and spoke in a calm voice, trying to understand what was wrong.
"Tatami, stop messing with Luna!" Taishiro shouted over the phone. "Hey, what's up?" He asked into the phone.
"Has Ryuko ever had problems eating?" He asked in a hushed whisper. "Like, saying she isn't hungry even though she hasn't eaten in a while?"
"Hold on, what? Is she sick? Or on medication? She doesn't eat much then, maybe it's that."
"Not throwing up or anything. She isn't taking any meds either." Shinya said. "I don't wanna force her to eat or anything, it could really hurt her, but she hasn't eaten in a while, or she only eats like... a piece of bread and a tiny amount of food that don't do much. It's concerning..."
"Maybe look up the symptoms of eating disorders? That's what it sounds like right now." Taishiro said. "You guys come over tomorrow and we try to talk about it?"
"No, I don't want her to feel like she's being pressured into eating. I want her to, but... it's hard. I don't want to ignore it until she gets hurt or has to go to the hospital or rehab." Shinya said, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Oh yeah, makes sense. Um... just research the topic and ask her questions?"
"Alright." Shinya mumbled before going back inside the hotel room. His sister was getting out of the shower and Ryuko was sleeping, so he took the opportunity to get in bed with his girlfriend before Reiko started scolding him about staying up too late like she did. Early flight after all, they needed to sleep.
Nejire: We still on for tonight?
Tamaki looked at the message. Taishiro had invited Shinya and Ryuko over, so it probably was best to go out.
Tamaki: where r we going?
Depending on the place, Taishiro might say no. He hoped it was somewhere nice at least. Well, not too nice because that's weird! Maybe like, a Chuck E. Cheese? That would work. They had good food anyways. Really good pizza.
Nejire: arcade :) there's one close by so why not?
Knowing Nejire, it probably was a Chuck E. Cheese. She was a little kid at heart. Literally everyone knew this. He didn't mind it though.
"Hey, Taishiro, can I go to an arcade with Nejire? We'll be home before nine?" Tamaki asked.
"Bring Eijirou and everything's cool. Just text me if you plan on going anywhere else." Taishiro shrugged as he did the dishes. "Shinya and Ryuko might come over later, I doubt it, but you might have to sneak out." He apologized and went back to loading up the dishwasher. "Wait, do you know anything about Eating Disorders?" Taishiro asked.
Tamaki didn't know much about it. His mother did have crazy diets where she would eat really smelly food and work out for hours a day, which might be classified as one, but he doubted it.
"No not really." Tamaki mumbled. "Sorry."
"It's good."
"Mirio, Yuyu you're coming to an arcade with me."
"Is that a question or a demand?" Yuyu asked over the FaceTime call. "Cuz I'm in. The smell of Cumin in the house is overwhelming." Yuyu rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, my mom wanted to say hi. She loves you as much as I do." Yuyu grinned, panning to her mom.
Her mom had golden brown skin and long black hair, which Nejire always complimented her on, earning a bunch of love from the Haya house.
"Hi Mrs.Haya!" Nejire grinned. "Anyways, you're coming to the arcade with me. I don't wanna go alone with this guy."
"Guy?" Both Mirio and Yuyu gasped. Yuyu looked more disgusted compared to Mirio.
"Yeah, he's really cute."
"I don't have any. Sad face." Nejire said out loud.
"D- did you just say that? Yuyu go smack your girlfriend." Mirio said. Nejire snorted at the idea and Yuyu screamed into a pillow.
"We aren't dating silly." Nejire giggled at Mirio through the phone call. "Just Gal pals." She was really just goofing around right now.
"Nejire, I love you but shut up." Yuyu laughed. "Babs, Gal Pals is basically "the straights don't know we're into girls"." Yuyu wheezed over the phone. Nejire shrugged.
"I mean, yeah, I am? Not you, but I've had my fair share of crushes on girls and guys. Anyways, what should I wear to the arcade?" Nejire asked, getting up and rummaging through her closet. "I'm thinking being a cute little brat and wearing my bear hoodie."
"I deadass thought you were pan." Mirio wheezed and had to leave the room for a minute. "Babs your parents know?"
"Uh. Yeah? Mama kinda guessed, I told dad. They were both fine with it. Didn't really care. Doesn't change who I am, I'm just into girls as well." Nejire shrugged. "Anyways, cute little bitch, or baddie?" Nejire asked, holding up her bear hoodie and her bodysuit and jeans.
"Bestie, you're going to an arcade, just put on jeans and a shirt." Yuyu laughed.
"Bear hoodie!"
Eijirou and Tamaki were walking again! It was dark already and the arcade was really just a Chuck E. Cheese but for older people. Which Tamaki didn't mind.
Eijirou on one hand, wasn't comfortable leaving Tamaki all alone with Nejire. He saw that damn uniform on her. The coat with the pink angels trumpet embroidery. He was kinda scared of any encounters he might have with Nejire. Especially since she worked for their uncle.
"Have you ever even been here before? I hate this place." Eijirou grumbled. "Mina took me here and we had an awful time."
"Aw.. that sucks. Yeah, my friend and I both went here all the time when we were younger. I miss him." Tamaki said. "I haven't seen him since middle school..."
"Oh, that sucks. But hey look!" Eijirou said, pointing at Nejire, Mirio, and Yuyu. Nejire looked adorable. She was wearing a cute bear hoodie and a pair of white athletic shorts. "There's Nejire..." Eijirou said, looking at Tamaki.
Tamaki thought she was the cutest thing in the world.
"Tamaki! Cmon!" Nejire shouted, opening her arms out for a hug. Tamaki awkwardly hugged her back and patted her back. "Ok, so this is Yuyu and Mirio! Mirio, Yuyu, this is Tamaki and Eijirou." Nejire said. She wasn't concerned with him coming along.
"Hey Tamaki." Both of the seniors said. Mirio less enthusiastic, Yuyu in a "wazzup tone".
"Let's go inside!" Nejire squealed and walked inside.
It all took a minute to get signed in and shit, but Nejire was vibing. She bought food and they all talked a bit with each other, but Mirio and Tamaki kinda just stared at one another. It was really awkward. "Ok, well, someone can stay at the table if they want, but Tamaki and I are gonna go play games."
Right now they were playing skeeball. Ball going into the hole, determining how- everyone knows how to play the game, alright. Tamaki looked for his reflection in the glass of the machine as Nejire played her own game.
"Do you like cotton candy? I like it, I'm craving it." Nejire mumbled, looking at her score.
Tamaki saw his reflection and saw a transparent version of himself. He was happy that he was at least somewhat visible. Maybe he should never eat any red meats.
"So... what do you wanna play?" Nejire asked him as he looked in the glass. "Cuz I honestly could play skeeball until I drop. I love this game." Nejire laughed.
"Let's go play the coin game." Tamaki shrugged. He liked it even though it was usually the start of a gambling addiction. He could hear Nejire groan and begin to laugh.
"My dad plays that game religiously! Are you old?" Nejire asked, bubbling with energy. "Let's go!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the coin machine. She pressed her hand against the glass. "Look, it's almost over! How good are you? I always rush."
"Oh, I'm really good I guess. I just wait for the right timing." Tamaki shrugged, scooping the coins out of the little tin. The slot kept pushing inwards and outwards. He inserted the coins one by one while it was pushing outwards, so it would come back and push coins off.
Nejire took a turn and immediately wasted most of her coins. A bunch of little coins going to waste, because of her inability to be patient.
"Aww. I did it again! Sorry." She apologized.
"I-it's cool. Wanna play something else?" Tamaki asked, disappointed that she used the last of the coins. "They have a Beat Saber game? You can play and I'll watch?"
"Sure! Let's go!" She gasped and dragged him again, like he was a teddy bear that would be lost in a month. It was all so cute.
As they stood in front of the next game, Tamaki looked down at Nejire and just smiled. She looked so happy just spending time with him. Or maybe it was because of the games. Either way she was smiling.
"Hey, thanks for saving me."
At the moment, Ryuko had to teach a class. Shinya had the day off after returning home, mainly because of the jet lag, but instead of sleeping or relaxing, he sat on his laptop and was researching.
Use "I" Statements
Rehearse what you are going to say
Tell the truth
This all sounded like something a child could understand. His text to speech app playing so he didn't have to struggle while he was trying to research. It couldn't be that simple. He wasn't the one struggling and the stupid voice had said "you might make them withdraw more."
He began to look at stories from survivors and people who were still struggling.
"It felt like every time I was touched, they were just trying to feel how fat I was, or how boney I was."
"I became more and more concerned about how I looked after I ate. Bloating made me feel disgusted. My uterus was visible and I desperately tried getting rid of it."
Shinya could see Ryuko in both of those comments. Sometimes she'd make little comments about some fat she still had. It wasn't a big deal to him. He would've still loved her even if she was a bigger size, as long as it was healthy for her. That might not be what she wanted to hear, but it said he should be honest?
This was confusing. And he wanted to see which label fit how Ryuko was acting. At the moment, Anorexia Nervosa and Orthorexia seemed close to what she was showing. Was it his job to identify it though? What was he supposed to do and not supposed to do?
"Hey, ugly face, when do you want me to start on that doll?" Shinya ignored his little sister and continued to scroll, listening to what his laptop was shouting at him. A bunch of information about Anorexia? "Rat man?!"
"What do you need?" He asked, turning to the tiny little rodent he called a sister.
"When do you want me to start on that doll?"
"Tomorrow would be fine." Shinya sighed. "Who are you making again?" He asked, rubbing his hand down his face.
"The hell? What's wrong with you?" Reiko scoffed, looking at the computer. She was confused by the screen. "Im making a doll for Himiko? The serial killer?"
"Oh right, sorry..." Shinya yawned before going back to his research. "Yeah, just make sure to get it done." Shinya mumbled, the text-to-speech starting up again.
"Weirdo." She grumbled marching out of the room. "Can you order something for dinner? I'm hungry and Ryuko isn't picking anything up."
"Oh, yeah sure." Shinya said, pausing the voice again, to text Ryuko. The websites said to not make her plates, so he had to get something she'd at least try and eat.
Shinya: hey, what do you want for dinner?
Ryuko: I'll pick something up for myself, eat whatever you want.
Shinya: any ideas for us?
Ryuko: :/ nope not really. Maybe Chinese food?
Sounds good. Big platters, all somewhat healthy, still tasted good. Maybe it would help a bit?
Ok so, I did a bit of research on what to do to help. Shinya is struggling, which I love.
Nejire and Tamaki's coin game is all pretty important.
I love that Tamaki and Nejire have only met three times and they're besties
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