Cake for Tamaki
Fun fact, the SUNS uniform is really complicated to exactly describe or find an example of because it's based on women's clothing and it has no counterpart in the show other than what Sen Kaibara wears and it's not right even then.
Oh I had no motivation
Tatami and Eijirou usually got picked up from school, but today they couldn't. Dad and aunt were both busy at the moment, so they were walking home that day. Eijirou luckily didn't have his whole prom committee thing that day and could walk with his sister. Walkers were told to walk home in groups anyways.
"Wanna grab something for Tamaki? We can tell him it's from Nejire." Tatami joked, wiggling her fingers.
"That's mean. But yeah, we should!"
Tatami and Eijirou turned the other way so they could head to the lovely bakery owned by Nejire's mother. Nejire probably went there like she usually did after school, so maybe she's there now and they wouldn't be lying.
"What are we gonna get him?"
"Uh... pastel blue?"
Pastel blue was cotton Candy flavored ice cream rolls. Vegetarian right? It was milk, so maybe not.
"No, that's ice cream, it'll melt!" Tatami said, smacking his head a bit. "Don't be an idiot. Anyways, let's get him a drink, just so it won't melt."
"So the Fairy option? Is it called that because Nejire was a fairy one year or something?" Eijirou asked, trying to remember the options on the menu. "Or because of the whole theme they've got going on?"
"Nejire said she doesn't know." Tatami shrugged. "But yeah, that's just a really cute tea right?"
"I think so. Let's get that for Tamaki."
To be honest, this was probably the most considerate thing they had ever done. They didn't do this for each other or their dad. Tamaki was just more worth it to be honest.
Once they had arrived though, Ms.Mochi was behind the counter, large smile on her face, like usual.
"Hey babies!" Mochi was basically their godmother, if that made sense. "How are you two doing?"
"We're good! Uh... what's good for a pescatarian?" Eijirou asked.
"Uhh... do eggs count or can you eat eggs?" Mochi asked. She was so lovely.
"Oh, it's not for me. Eggs are fine."
"Yeah, Nejire gave her pescatarian friend a drink because she didn't know. I didn't know whether it was funny or not." Mochi laughed. They wound up buying a cake for him and a few cookies for themselves because goddamn, she had the best sweets on Earth.
"Oh... hey Eijirou."
"Uh... you have girl friends? I thought it was just Mina." Tatami whispered, turning around. A short girl holding an obvious stray cat was trying to talk to her little brother.
"Oh, hey Reiko! How are you doing? I thought you were working tonight." Eijirou said, ignoring his sister. "Who's this?"
"My familiar. I plan on naming her something." The cat was black, skinny, had bright green eyes, and definitely had rabies. Especially with the way Reiko moved her hands to avoid being bit. "Shinya gave the last one back to her owner."
They heard about that encounter and Tamaki barely went out anymore because of it. Only to Nejire's little cafe, which they found adorable. Especially since they were supposed to hang out soon.
"I have work soon. Bye."
That was an abrupt exit. Damn.
"Let's get going home." Tatami said. "Gotta give Tamaki his cake ya know." She laughed nervously, walking back the other way. There was a faster route, but their dad told them not to use it because of how dangerous it was.
"Sure, I'm ready to get home anyways. Dad's bringing home food anyways after his boxing match." Their dad wouldn't get home until about nine now that he boxed instead of being an Adonis. As an Adonis, he wouldn't get home until 4 am sometimes.
They headed towards an old street that was a mainly used as a shortcut. Students used it all the time.
"Ha, look who it is!" Eijirou laughed quietly, looking at their aunt's boyfriend. He was in uniform so he wasn't going to talk to him or anything. To be honest, with how he dressed, he had to look at the symbol on his chest to even realize he was in uniform.
"That's funny, but doesn't he work the graveyard shifts?" Tatami asked. She thought it was really weird that his shifts changed. Usually they only did that to accommodate assistants since they didn't stay out as late. Plus the new curfews, teens couldn't stay out to long anyways.
"Oh yeah, it is. But it's not that odd with school ending soon. Desperate seniors." Tatami shrugged, looking around. Across the street, her boyfriend stood with his little sister, getting out of school early. "Oh, yeah, elementary schoolers get out later than us. I'll catch up with you, keep walking!" Tatami said before running across the empty street to walk with her boyfriend a bit.
Eijirou was left alone with Tamaki's cake. Now, Tamaki was lucky that Eijirou had some sort of self control. He was left all alone with a full cake. Instead of looking down at the cute cardboard box Mochi packaged her to-go stuff in, he looked straight ahead.
"Hey! You walk too fast Shinya!" Nejire's very familiar voice shouted in the streets. Eijirou looked at her as she walked up next to Shinya wearing an assistant's coat.
Oh god...
Eijirou crossed to the other side. That couldn't have been real. Couldn't have been. Nejire wore white all the time, the coat didn't mean much, did it? Maybe she didn't get the hint and was trying to talk to him on duty.
He wasn't looking back.
Because if he did, he was going to see Tamaki's crush actively trying to kill him.
During their little walk, it took about an hour, Nejire was somewhat impressed. They came across at least three people who were clearly vampires. All of them looked like they were about seventeen. It really made her think about what Natsuo had said. Kids.
"Hey, uh... do you guys... ya know, kill kids?"
"No? Why would you say that?"
"Uh, well, my friend got attacked, and Natsuo said he watched a kid get killed..." Nejire said as it was hanging in her mind.
"Well, I've never done that, I don't know about anyone else. I still can't believe what happened to your friend." Shinya pouted before it turning back ahead. "We're back, you can go talk to Kugo if you want now, he should be back."
"Wait, but, uh... what happens when you guys kill someone?"
"Well, it's legally not murder. We're setting them free. Their bodies are prisons. These people are corpses. Or at least, the vampires are. We can't kill werewolves or anything. We actually have a prison for them." Shinya said. "But we can kill as many vampires as we need, as long as we do it orderly and properly. I've only ever gotten rid of one corpse incorrectly and that was the guy who attacked Ryuko."
"How'd that happen?" Nejire asked as they arrived back at the agency.
"We're supposed to release vampires with garlic and wooden stakes. Well, I forgot to get his information, and I shot him. I didn't exactly have any other choice, so why not. And it worked, especially since he was a hybrid." Shinya shrugged. He totally didn't care. Kinda creepy, but at the same time, it was his girlfriend. Well, not at the time... but it was someone he cared about. That kinda made it better?
"Ok, um, thank you, I'm gonna go talk to Mr.Kugo now." Nejire said, running inside
Mr.Kugo was tall.
He was a tall Jamaican and Polynesian man with dark skin and white patches. His eyes and everything below his lip was surrounded with pale skin, his hair in dreads. He was around 6'6 which made Nejire feel like an ant.
"Hi! I'm Nejire! I'm Mr.Shinya's assistant."
"What?" His voice was really rough and scratchy. It sounded like he smoked a lot or something.
"My friend, Ryuko asked me to tell you thank you about letting Tsu go to ballet classes. She was really happy to learn." Nejire said, "sorry, I should've come later when you were less busy."
"Oh, it's fine. How was Tsu? She's happy?"
Complete 180.
"Tsu had a lot of fun! She loved it. We're having a big party at my house I think, and she's kinda excited. It's not completely decided yet, but she's really happy. Ryuko is making sure she's as comfortable as possible."
"Well, I'm glad. She's a very lovely lady, is she not?"
"Oh, uh, yeah..." Nejire said. She thought they were on decent terms, not good ones. "Yeah, she caught on right away. Ryuko just wanted me to tell you thank you and all." Nejire whispered.
"Well, tell her it's not necessary. She's thanked me enough."
"Oh? How do you two, know each other?" Nejire asked. She was nosy and wanted some details. Ryuko said something about a friendly breakup, but she didn't know anything outside of that.
"We used to date in highschool. It's nothing much. We broke up because we had different goals in life. No hard feelings at all." He had a cute smile on his face. Nejire looked at his desk and noticed a bunch of cards with little notes on them.
"What are those?"
"I have a daughter and she likes to color stuff for me. My wife also sends me notes. They're the sweetest." He gushed all about his wife and child. "Tsu joined us for the schooling here. She was really upset, but she's adjusting I guess. Is she? I really hope she is."
"She seemed fine yesterday. She had a lot of fun."
"I'm so glad."
Nejire sat at home in her pajamas. She was worn out from doing barely anything all day. She had to wash her hair though, so that took effort and her dad's help.
Right now she was scrolling through her socials. Her friends and acquaintances were mainly on her feeds. Ryuko was starting to get more followers from her cute little photos she'd post of her and Shinya. Somehow she had a lot of followers. Ryuko probably didn't know either because she rarely posted anything.
She got a quick notification. She always got them so it wasn't much, but this was her being tagged. She didn't get tagged by anyone much, usually just saw stuff her friends posted cuz those were the people she followed.
The notification was a quick photo of Bibimi in a pink prom dress. Nejire looked at it and saw her name in the tags.
"How the hell did this bitch even know I wanted to wear pink?" She rolled her eyes. Next time she saw Natsuo she had to tell him they were changing colors. Blue would work she supposed.
Either way, she wasn't gonna dwell on it, and she needed to hang out with Tamaki, so she was sending Tatami a DM for his number and stuff.
"Hey babs, do you have Tamaki's number?"
It took a while to finally get a reply.
Nejire loved the sparkles. So pretty.
Sorry for no update in a while.
Anywho, um. Nejire is besties with people who are trained to kill. :).
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