"Hello and Good Afternoon!" Nejire squealed from behind the counter. The customer looked confused and scared at the same time.
"H-hi..." The Brunet said, staring at the two girls. He looked kinda confused, probably by their hair colors.
"We aren't siblings, just best friends! I'm the owner's daughter, this is Kaoruko. Are you new here? I've never seen you before. If so, I recommend the peach tea with mango boba pearls." Nejire rambled. "If you want a milk tea, maybe you should get a honeydew flavor?" Nejire thought about it.
"Uhh... sure? Can I just stay here for a while?" He asked, very quietly. Nejire looked around and saw that the place wasn't exactly packed and people were leaving, so it wasn't exactly crowded.
"Of course! You can sit right over there, and do homework or something." Nejire explained. "But you don't have a backpack. So I guess you can just sit there? We have tvs I guess, but that may get boring. Oh my gosh! You should apply for a job!" Nejire kept rambling. The job application was a weird mention though. She didn't know what to say, and maybe he was there for an application? She didn't know.
The guy sat down and watched tv for a while. He was there for a long time in fact. It was dark by the time Nejire decided to go home. She decided to stay for a long time just to look at him, but no. She got bored of just watching him watch the news and stuff.
Nejire was told not to walk home after dark, because of the kids going missing randomly, but there was a lot of police officers, even people like Kamihara. Or at least that's what she thought they were. They were wearing all sorts of colors.
Black, grey, and white. Kamihara from that assembly wore a white coat. She assumed it meant something important if there were different colors.
"You ok?" A man in a grey coat asked. He was a tall, brunette with bright blue eyes. She simply nodded, despite knowing he was not dangerous. "Is your home far from here? Sorry, that sounds creepy... Are you able to walk home alone? It's dark and the police or I are glad to drive you home if it's far."
"I'm ok! My home is only a few minutes away. If it makes you feel better, I'll run! Or buy roller skates. Wouldn't that be fun!" Nejire giggled. "Thank you for asking though!" She said before running off.
In Mirio's car, Yuyu was listening to Meghan Thee Stallion on the radio. She was rapping along as Nejire messed with her hair, trying to figure out a good way to mess with her hair.
"So, if we get there at seven, we can leave at ten and avoid all the people who leave when the place closes for curfew."
"Ooh! Ok! I'm excited to go now. We have to do everything they have!" Nejire squealed, getting excited about the Boardwalk now. Especially since she finally got an excuse to stay out later than normal.
"We know, we know. Just make sure you have your phone on, ok?" Mirio said, looking at both girls. "I'll have mine on so if you guys wanna separate, we don't get lost." Mirio said in an upbeat attitude.
"It's on and charged Mirio." Yuyu said, showing off her completely charged phone. She had her mini backpack with her too. It carried water bottles, pads, tampons, pain killers, really anything. Yuyu called it her "friendly female pack" because it was for her, Nejire, and literally anyone who asked. Today, it had a portable charger for Nejire and Mirio. Nejire had a bright pink one with a holographic charger cord. Mirio had a blue one with a pink cord.
"Friendly female pack to the rescue!" Mirio shouted, making Nejire and Yuyu laugh. He was the little goofball of the group, always able to make everyone laugh. "So whats our game plan again? I don't wanna leave you two alone, especially Nejire, and I know you two don't wanna be left alone either."
"Wait, I can be left alone!"
"Nejire, you'll get lost. This has happened several times." Yuyu said, looking at her with a judge mental look. Nejire realized she was right. "Plus, it's dangerous. How about we all just turn on our locations?" Yuyu suggested. Nejire shrugged and turned it on as they were planning.
"Ok so, remember, be safe, don't get lost, and use the group chat to tell us where you'll be going if you have to separate." Mirio said, getting out. Nejire nodded and hopped out, jumping around, unable to contain her energy anymore.
Nejire: guys I'm lost
Mirio: lol no shit
Yuyu: where are you? We gotta go soon
Nejire: idk
Mirio: what's around you?
Nejire: pretty people
Nejire: lol, I'm at the food court.
Mirio: kk, stay where you are, we're coming for you.
Nejire: ok Terminator.
Mirio: I'm not finding you
Nejire: luv u too boo
Nejire was just sitting there lost. She felt like she did as a little kid. When she was little, she got lost from her mom and dad. She was crying because she was scared and no one was around her.
Nejire looked around as she waited and pulled up an ASMR video to listen to as she waited. She looked up at the stars and sighed, noticing a bunch of people slowly leaving. Kids leaving with their parents and screaming because they didn't want to leave.
Then there was that one group of grown adults who were all walking into an alleyway that the food stand created with the bathrooms. Nejire blinked and thought it was odd. Nejire slowly got up and walked over, bumping into a bunch of people. She apologized but kept walking.
The group of men all wore black jackets. Was that some low ranking type of stuff? The white jackets seemed a whole lot more official to Nejire.
The black jackets were beating a person on the ground. Nejire paused and looked at them with horror in her eyes.
Ryuko's boyfriend worked with people like this? Gross... maybe he was different? Nejire was absolutely praying he was.
"H-hey! What are you doing?!" Nejire shouted, not being a person who would just stand there. It was disturbing to watch people who were supposed to be helping keep kids from going missing, beat someone up.
"Miss, stay back." A man shouted at her. He turned away from whoever the hell they were abusing and tried to move her away from the scene.
Nejire looked the person in the eyes and was shocked. What did the guy from the cafe do to deserve to be beaten to death? Yeah, it was the black haired kid who sat there for a few hours. Now that she thought about it, it made quite a bit of sense. Hiding from the authorities for a few hours in a public area. Yeah, makes sense.
But he was like, seventeen! He was teary eyed and looked like he was badly injured. Why was he here? What did he do?
"What the hell! He's a high schooler! What the hell is wrong with you? Do you enjoy hurting kids? Maybe I should call the cops..." Nejire rambled, really pissed off. These are grown men who were tormenting a teenager!
The entire group of about three guys, stopped what they were doing to talk with her for about five minutes before she shoved past them and went to grab cafe boy.
"Wai-" one of the black jackets yelled out to her. She shook her head and puffed her cheeks out at him.
"I think I'm allowed to hold my boyfriend." Nejire squinted, lying. She didn't know this kid, she just wanted these assholes to leave him alone, and saying they probably got the wrong guy probably would work. "I don't know what you think he did, but it wasn't him, I've been looking for him for hours!" Nejire shouted, grumbling under her breathe.
"Oh... sorry?" They said, probably knowing she away lying and didn't really care either. Like, goddamn, have some human decency and apologize like you mean it! Even if you don't...
"Hey? You alright?" Nejire asked. She noticed the lack of blood everywhere, despite seeing how hard those black jackets were beating him. "I can call your parents for you?" Nejire suggested.
"Thank you..." he mumbled under his breath.
"My name's Nejire, I'm just waiting for my friends right now. We can sit while I wait for them? And I can call your parents?" Nejire suggested, reaching a hand out to him.
"O-ok... my name is Tamaki..." he mumbled.
Ok now, let's remember this fact, Nejire is a big dumbass. She doesn't remember anything. So the name Tamaki literally slipped her mind after yesterday's adventures with her best friend.
"I'm Nejire! I can buy you another shirt if you want." His shirt was dirtied and nasty. Mud and rips covering his shirt.
"It's fine... I have to go home anyways." He mumbled. "Can I stay with you for a while?" He asked, wiping his face. She nodded and helped him up. He was really tall now that she got to look at him. Like 5'10 and she was 5'4. He was quite a tall kid.
"Are you a basketball player?" She giggled, making fun of that classic question people asked tall kids. He shook his head and sat down with her as she waited for Mirio and Yuyu. "You wanna call your parents?" She asked, handing him her phone.
He nodded and called a pretty familiar number? Awkward.
Why was he calling Ryuko's brother? Taishiro Toyomitsu? What? Why, how, what?
"Oh you know him?" Tamaki asked. Nejire nodded.
"He's like my big brother! You know him?"
"Y-yeah?" Nejire felt stupid for asking that.
"That's cool! Call him! I'll get going, but I know he lives somewhat near." Nejire said, as Tamaki called his caretaker? She didn't know who he was though. Ryuko would've talked about him a lot more.
"Nejire!" Mirio shouted at her, making her turn quickly. "We gotta go!" Mirio said. Tamaki flipped his hood up and looked away, not wanting to speak with Nejire's friends.
"Thanks, bye." Tamaki whispered, handing her the phone back. "He's on his way, I'll just wait for him at the front. You can go since your friends are waiting." He mumbled, waving her goodbye.
"Ok, if you need anything, just ask Taishiro to tell me! Bye!"
I loved this, mainly because I liked the new meeting and how sarcastic the text messages were.
Tamaki is baby.
Oh, heads up, the Todoroki Family will most likely be extremely important.
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