Ok but if you're wondering, it's on purpose when Ryuko doesn't show symptoms of having eating insecurities.
Ok but, Nejire calling Ryuko her sister and Shinya her "brother", is just a thing she does since she grew up calling people who weren't related to her her relatives. Her grandma, grandpa, etc. her entire family isn't related to her, so her calling her friends her family isn't weird at all.
That night it was basically impossible to go to sleep for Nejire. Her mind was roaming wild. She had already downed like, three sleeping pills, which usually work. She assumed it was her ADHD since it kept her awake often.
Nejire: hey Tamaki, you up?
Tamaki was up. He was roaming his neighborhood, being that he was extremely hungry at the moment. Night time just got him like that sometimes. Before curfew, he could see some people walking dogs or anything really. Now it was empty, and he absolutely loved it. All alone.
But then the anxiety crept in.
What if an officer came and killed him? He wasn't wearing garlic or silver, so it was a total possibility that to a bystander, they would think that he was a vampire.
He should turn back now, but he was really hungry. He had started his pescatarian diet once he had turned, just to avoid eating human blood and stuff like that. It had helped to stick to only eating fish. He already knew if he ate red meat, he'd wanna go even higher. He knew himself and knew he'd go on to eating humans.
Tamaki: yeah I'm up :) how's your mom?
Nejire: staying at a Ryuko and Shinya's house lol
Tamaki looked at it and scrunched up his nose. He didn't like Shinya much, just for the fact that ya know...
Tamaki; oh, sorry things didn't get better :c
He was somewhat flattered that she thought of him first. But, it was around twelve in the morning?
Tamaki: why are you up?
Nejire: idk been a stressful day.
Made sense. Got into a fight with her mom and all. His mom and dad got into fights all the time and it kept him up often.
'You're adorable."
It was a young girl's voice. She didn't smell good. She smelt dead actually. Like a corpse. Rotting and cold. Her voice was very shrill and shriek, like a child's voice.
"Hello?" He asked and walked to where he heard it. It was at the end of the street and between two houses. The neighbor with the cute kitten. The cat always escaped at night. He stood in between the two houses when he saw a bright pair of yellow eyes. They looked like a kitten's eyes, except much larger. Much larger. "A-are you alright?"
The young girl was crouched down. She was cooing to something, which he couldn't see because of the way she sat.
"I'm hungry. I'm really hungry." The girl was sobbing with her mouth full. She was blonde, with bright yellow eyes. From what he saw of Ryuko in pictures, they had similar features physically, except for the fact that this kid was ash blonde with long hair in two space buns.
"I-I can g-go...go get you some food? I l-live nearby." Tamaki said, trying to help. She sounded sad as she crawled up to him. She was naked with blood splattered around her mouth. "Ah!" Tamaki squealed and fell down.
She was naked, wearing only a choker around her neck and a pink bracelet on her wrist. Or it wasn't a bracelet. It was pretty large and a lot like bangles, except not a type of metal.
"Did you know these people?" She asked, pointing at the house next door. He didn't. He heard about them. The woman who lived there lived with her two kids and her boyfriend. Had a pet kitten named Blanca.
"Y-yeah?" He lied, looking away. He hid his face in his hands as a extra measure. "Why?"
The bracelet on her wrist jangled when she moved. A bell had started to jingle as she walked up to him. That was more concerning now. But her entire stance changed. She was crawling on her toes, as if she was cautious, but now she had stood up and approached him like an excited child.
"Hi I'm Himiko!" She giggled and patted around his body. Tamaki cringed as all of his muscles in his arms, torso, and legs tensed up. "Yeah, this is kinda weird, but like, why are you so fleshy? You're dead, right? Or is the cat scent strong?"
Cat scent?
Tamaki peered behind her from their height difference. He was taller by a few inches. A good seven or so. So when he stopped cowering because of her naked body, he looked around.
"Blanca?" He asked, noticing the cat.
The guts drawn out across the grass, organs covered in scratches and bleeding out. The esophagus hanging out like an umbilical cord. "Y-you ate their cat?"
"What? I was hungry! And this annoying ass Officer is on my back so I can't exactly drink anyone's blood. You understand right? You drink blood too!" Himiko pouted.
"N-no! I don't!"
"Oh shit, it is the cat." She cursed. "I gotta kill you if your not a vampire you know? So like, are you?"
"Yes! Yes I am! You don't have to kill me!" He admitted in a shout as he backed up.
"Oh, well then we're good! I'll come find you later and we should hang out more?" She grinned as he stood still in fear. He shivered, nodded, and swallowed. "I will find you! So like, don't try and run or anything!" She giggled and walked off. Tamaki looked at Blanca's body as she left.
"Poor thing. I... I can't save you, I'm sorry." He apologized, kneeling on the ground and apologizing to her over and over again.
"I missed you so so much! We should like, go out and do stuff!"
What the hell was Himiko up to now? She was naked, covered in cats blood and now she was talking to someone.
"Hey, Nejire, you can get up now." Shinya shouted from outside, knocking on the door. Nejire was an awfully light sleeper. She could simply wake up from dreams just by thinking about waking up sometimes.
(Funfact, I do that often lol.)
"Morning." She whispered and got out of bed to shower and put on her uniform. Prom was at least next week. Which meant she was almost out of school and whew, she needed that.
Why did they have such good water pressure. Not too hard, or too soft.
Her uniform was filled with little creases. She looked like she had been doing drugs or something. Just the look of her uniform screamed druggie somehow. She could put her pajamas back on and go use an iron or...
"That bag didn't like your uniform, huh?" Ryuko asked, sitting at the table. "Reiko is coming down in a minute I hope."
"You know, you two have really similar names." Nejire said. "Reiko, Ryuko? Funny right?" She giggled and sat at the table. "Oh hey Shinya. How late were you up?" Nejire asked. He looked extremely tired.
"I got home a few hours ago. Ochako said she saw Himiko, and she was covered in blood."
"Ochako Uraraka? She works with you?"
"Yeah, she's a black coat. She has her own floor, that's why you've never seen her. But she used to train under Kugo, so." Shinya sighed. "Sorry love." He whispered to Ryuko, who laughed at him.
"You're good." Ryuko giggled and kissed his forehead.
"It's too early for you two to act like that." Reiko mumbled. Her hair was an absolute mess and her eye bags were much heavier than usual. "At least wait until we aren't in the house to start eating each other's faces." Reiko rolled her eyes and sat down. They were just having croissants for breakfast because Shinya wanted to be extra French that morning. Why? Nejire would never know. Ryuko was eating yogurt instead of croissants though. A parfait because today was French Wednesday.
"So, how is everybody?" Ryuko asked and took a bite out of her yogurt, which got everyone's attention. She wiped her lip and looked at everyone, extremely confused. "What's up?"
"You bite your yogurt? That's weird." Nejire mumbled under her breath.
"That's fucking weird." Reiko blurted out and leaned back, waiting for Shinya to yell at her. "I bet you bite your ice cream as well." She teased and Shinya snapped his fingers.
"I don't! That's weird!"
"You bite your yogurt so anything is possible I guess." Shinya shrugged. "You're supposed to slurp yogurt!" Ryuko rolled her eyes and bit her yogurt again just to piss him off.
Reiko stood up and waited at the door with her croissant.
"You're awful." Shinya snickered and flicked Ryuko's forehead. "Let's go you two, I don't want our yogurt biter contaminating you two." He teased and stood up, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "Eat in the car, I'm not a stickler on that."
"Bye Ryuko!"
"Bye." Reiko said, grabbing Nejire's hand and dragging her to the car.
"Usual meet up place, right Reiko?" The tall purple haired boy asked. Reiko nodded as she grabbed her lunch. He always brought his own, and most of their friends did too, but she didn't feel like it and she was notorious for liking weird food, so she just didn't wanna get teased for whatever she brought in.
"Oh, uh... you're Ryuko's little sister, right?" Reiko let out a long groan at the sound of this girl's voice.
"Sure, who are you?" Reiko asked, not turning around. The girl instead walked in front of her and she got a full look at her. Tall, black hair, black eyes. Boring ass-
"Momo Yaoyorozu."
"Oh. Great." She mumbled and walked farther up into the line. "I'm supposed to talk to you or something?"
"That would be nice. Can I sit with you at lunch today?" Momo asked. Reiko thought for a while and sighed. She was probably gonna rat them out for vaping. Not that Reiko did that shit. She took a few dabs but nothing serious.
"Uh... as long as you don't tell the teachers about our bullshit, then sure." She shrugged and grabbed some of their food. "I'm lowkey about to start bringing in stinky noodle or something, I don't care if I get bullied anymore. This looks like my cat's shit." She sighed. Momo snickered at her.
"We can share some food? I bring a lot in my bentos. Like, I have some dumplings we can share. Oh! And Wagyu beef! Fuyumi helped make some rice balls for me too." Momo grinned.
"Wait are you asian?" She asked. She honestly hadn't been paying attention and didn't realize she was most likely talking to an Asian girl.
"Uh... yeah? Well, my mom is half French, my dad is partially Italian." Momo giggled at her. "Yeah, so, I know a bit of French. I sadly don't know any Japanese!" She sighed, sounding quite disappointed. "My parents don't exactly teach me about my Japanese culture, and more of the French part."
"Oh, that sucks."
"Yeah, the Todoroki's are trying to teach me but-"
"Cool." Reiko interrupted and let out a long drawn out breath. She felt like she was in a dream with an alarm clock blaring in her ear, but she would refuse to wake up.
"Oh yeah, you're Kamihara's sister? Or, "the hot officer"'s sister. Your brother truly is sweet. Very nice man." Momo said. "So like, do you work with him?" Momo asked as they walked outside near the school's basketball court. Fumi said there wasn't any cameras there, so no getting caught. There were no cameras mainly because it was public after school, not during. So no use for it really.
It was a walking tetanus trap too, but whatever.
"Oh wow, you guys smoke?" Momo gasped.
"Vape. And they do. I don't." Reiko said, looking at her idiot gang of Fumikage Tokoyami, Katsuki Bakugo, some bitch named Richard, Yui Kodai, and Hitoshi Shinsou. "Now don't go ratting them out, mini doctor." She sighed.
"Why's she here?" Yui asked, a long puff of smoke leaving her lips. "To give us medical advice or something?" She sighed, her breath smelling a lot like Oranges. "Shit, I took Setsuna's vape by accident." She grumbled before pulling out another.
"Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't say anything." Momo was whispering to herself. Despite how... nice everything smelt, she cringed.
"So, how's mommy?" Richard asked, messing with Momo, who still had red eyes from crying so much yesterday.
"Cut it out," Reiko groaned and flipped off the guy, "I don't even know him, don't pay him any attention." Reiko whispered, earning Richard's offended glare. "She's not gonna snitch or anything." She sighed.
"I promise!"
"Yeah now show me your food Momo, this is a mugging." Reiko said.
Reiko not realizing Momo was Asian because her dumbass didn't listen.
Like Reiko heard "Peach" and that was it. Just Peach.
Blanca is dead, Ochako is important for some reason lol.
anywho Ryuko bites her yogurt
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