Bibimi, more like Bit-
Nejire finally had a date! So that was finished with.
"Momo, we gotta get going." Touya said. "Your dad's excited to see you." He grumbled, annoyed. He probably just wanted to get home.
"Oh right! Enji recorded you guys dancing and sent it to your mom and dad." Natsuo said. He called his dad by his name? Odd. She didn't call Malachi by his name and that wasn't even her real dad. None of her business though. "Nejire, we should get together soon and talk about your whole prom thing." Natsuo said before waving goodbye and walking off. She got his number and thought he was really cute, no big lie.
"Bye Momo! Bye Natsuo!" She grinned. She said this a few times as it was just a normal thing for her. Her mom did it, Ryuko did it, and her grandparents did it.
"Who was that?" Malachi asked, "Dont tell me it was your boyfriend! You know we have to meet him before you guys can date!" He pouted.
"We aren't dating dad! He offered to be my prom date, and I accepted." She grinned, using her fingers to hold up a bright smile. "Let's go! I wanna pick out some candles!"
"Oooh! Ok, so you wanna get food first or after candle shopping?"
"You know I have to work tomorrow, right?" Shinya asked. Ryuko just bummed and raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you were taking more time off." She asked, frowning. "What happened?"
"Literally nothing. They just gave me more hours. I guess it's because Nejire is starting soon, so they want me to prepare her." He didn't even know. "Now that I think about it, you would've made a good assistant too. I remember telling you about that as well."
"Ha! I'm not up for that kind of stuff anyways. It'd make me uncomfortable." She cackled, going back to her phone. "Plus, I've been dancing since I was little, doesn't make sense to quit." Ryuko whispered, laying her head on his shoulder. "That dance was tiring." Ryuko's company had an entire routine where they weren't breathing. Very complicated but it was worth it. Ryuko did well and her dance fed her self esteem. So yay!
"Are you hungry?" Shinya asked.
"...No... not really."
Shinya squinted at her. "You can eat some of my fries. I don't mind it." He was glad to offer up some of his food, knowing she didn't eat regularly anymore.
"We're getting fast food?" Ryuko scrunched up her face, and groaned. "I'll have a salad." She shrugged.
"How about we go out for Korean food?" He knew her well enough to know she wouldn't say no. She loved Korean food. He really didn't like how she was handling her diet but didn't wanna say anything outright.
"Olivia says I need to eat healthier. Maybe another time." She shrugged. "Sorry..."
Olivia was one of Ryuko's bosses. She was the reason she took up smoking and all that harmful shit. "Are you sure?" Shinya asked, looking over to Ryuko. "I'm driving to Chick-Fil-A if you say yes." He joked with her, trying to at least lighten the mood.
"I'm sure, you just enjoy yourself." She shrugged, looking back herself. "I'm just gonna eat a salad."
"Alright." He sighed. "I'm gonna get a salad too then."
"Great." Ryuko mumbled and looked out the window, extremely tired.
"Nejire! I heard you got yourself a prom date!" Mirio screamed, running up to her before class started. They didn't have the same first period, so he would come in ten minutes before school started. "Mina told me!"
"Oh yeah! He actually asked me!" She grinned, "but Momo had to ask him for me, so..." Nejire whispered. "Natsuo Todoroki, the guy who played basketball with you last year and all?"
"Holy Shitaki Mushrooms! You and Natsuo? He's like, one of the coolest dudes ever!" Mirio gasped. "He's gonna treat you so well! He's just an amazing guy in general!"
"Oh, you got a date?" Yuyu asked, over hearing their conversation.
"Yeah! And get this! It's Natsuo Todoroki!" Mirio gasped. "You're lucky!"
"Yeah, lucky, men are totally hot." Yuyu shrugged. Nejire laughed, knowing Yuyu didn't exactly have any attraction towards men. She was making a joke off of that or something. Nejire didn't know if it was a joke or her being purely sarcastic.
"He's really cute. We've never exactly talked before, but he was nice. We're planning on meeting and picking a color and stuff to go with the theme. Natsuo's pretty though, so he'll probably look good in anything, it's me I'm worried about." Nejire grumbled, crossing her arms. "I said something self deprecating, don't tell me," now she was playing a guessing game, "is Bibimi or Yuyu behind me?"
"Yeah, Bibimi's livid." Mirio snickered.
"You got a date with Natsuo? How the hell did you pull that off?" Bibimi was radiating with pure disgust.
"I dunno, maybe he thought I was cute. He said yes before I even met him." She shrugged. It was the truth, she had never met this dude before yesterday, and Momo told him about her a long time before.
"Nejire is cute, so I understand why." Yuyu shrugged. Bibimi looked like she was about to scream. Maybe because they acted like she wasn't there, which they did a lot. "Who even is Natsuo? I have no idea who he is."
"Oh, he graduated last year. His mom works alongside that one fashion company as like, a Vice President, and his dad is just a rich guy. He's really cool though." Mirio explained to her.
"Oh right, he brought the Nurse's grandkid right? Tenshi?" Yuyu asked. Nejire knew about Tenshi, but she was surprised Yuyu didn't mention her disability like absolutely everyone did, which Nejire found annoying as hell. Tenshi wasn't just blind, she was a person too.
Bibimi simply left. She wasn't dealing with them anymore. Bibimi was a very mean person, but still extroverted enough to join the conversation. Might've been because her and Nejire started to hate each other in middle school, when boys began to get in the way of things. They used to be friends, and then jealousy and pure toxicity dragged them apart.
"Bye!" Nejire waved to Bibimi, who plopped in her seat and stuck her tongue out. They acted like kids still.
Too bad Bibimi was a bitc-
(Anyone else find it funny that S.U.N.S is an acronym for Slaying of Unnatural Nuisance Species, and we call the officers for it after the acronym and not their branch even tho I list branches-)
That evening, Tamaki planned on not going outside. It was gonna be a crowded street because kids had practices and stuff, so there was obviously gonna be a lot of Suns working out.
Eijirou had prom decorating stuff going on, and it took long hours as well, Taishiro was busy at the gym, and Tati was busy that night with something. So he was home all alone! Well, he had Luna.
Where was Luna?
The title.
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