Edmund straightened his cloak comfortably, Elora was currently sitting on the bed brushing Liah's hair.
"Careful not to mess up your dress." She said. Liah giggled and went off to play with her brothers.
Elora stood up and brushed Edmund's hair with her hands. Then she gently placing his crown on his head.
"Thanks." He murmured. She kissed him softly and left the room.
He smiled at himself in the mirror and went down to the courtroom.
Edmund smiled as Liah and Brennan ran around the thrones. Ellie was sitting on Elora's lap, playing with her crown.
"Oh! You silly little monkey!" Elora laughed as Ellie took the crown and stuck it on her own head.
Edmund laughed and twirled Liah around.
"Are you happy?" He asked. She laughed and nodded.
"That's good, are you excited?" Lucy asked, Brennan and Liah both nodded.
Edmund bit his lip.
"We should probably get settled down, Peridan and his wife will be here soon." Edmund said solemnly. Everyone calmed down a little bit. The kings and queens sat in their thrones, Ellie was on Elora's lap and Liah and Brennan was with Lucy.
After a moment the court doors opened. Animals and people alike started to come into the room. Finally Peridan and his wife, Opal, came in.
Brennan and Ellie waved happily at them. Liah looked a little more hesitant, then she began to wave too.
Edmund smiled at the children, then back at Peridan and Opal.
After another a moment Edmund stood up. The crowd went silent.
"I don't usually get to do fun ceremonies like this often. I wish I could, but we are all here to announce the official adoption of Liah, Brennan, and Ellie. They are being adopted by Peridan and his wife, Opal." Edmund said. "Peridan and Opal please come here."
Peridan and Opal stepped out from the crowd. After a few promises and commitments Edmund grinned and looked at the three kids.
"Okay, Liah, Brennan, and Ellie, come here." He said. The three kids stood with Peridan and Opal, the crowd cooed when Ellie gave Opal a slobbery kiss.
"I officially announce that you five are a family! Aslan bless you and keep you, may he continue to draw you closer to each other and to him!" Edmund said. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Peridan and his family left after a while with everyone else. Edmund looked at Elora was was grinning as she watched them.
"Happy, dear?" He asked, she laughed and he spun her around.
"Very." She answered.
He smiled and chucked as she nearly tripped on his foot.
He scooped up Arian and Eliazer at the same time. Elora watched, laughter sparkling in her eyes.
Finally, unable to just watch, she hugged them all.
Yep yep yep last chapter. I'll have another one up after school gets out (or earlier if i get bored 😉) but should be out by May 27. Love yall! 😊💕
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