Peter clenched his teeth together tightly, it had been two weeks with no reply from Edmund.
Although he assumed what happened to Edmund he didn't want to say it around Elora.
He assumed that Edmund had been rash in defending Narnia. Edmund could be a bit over-protective when it came to defending Narnia, including taking a 'few' punches in the process.
"Peter, what's wrong?" Lucy asked, she was bouncing Eliazer on her hip. Peter glared ar her until she shifted her nephew into her arms more securely. Edmund and Elora teased Peter about being more protective about Arian and Eliazer than they were
"Nothing Lu." He answered absentmindedly. Lucy rolled her eyes and looked around for a seat, she sat down in the seat closest to Peter's desk.
"You're lying." She stated. He groaned.
"Okay. Fine. It's Ed I'm worried about." Peter said, he watched Eliazer chew on Lucy's finger.
"Hmmm. You don't think something has happened to him do you? Elora wouldn't take that well at all." Lucy said. Peter hushed her.
"Shhhh! I don't want her to overhear." He hissed. Lucy nodded slowly. "Ed can be a bit..." she trailed off.
"A bit over-protective of Narnia?" He asked. Lucy snorted quietly.
"Yes. That's exactly it." She kissed Eliazer's nose as he started to fuss.
"That's what I'm afraid of." Peter mumbled. Lucy looked heartbroken.
"Poor Elora. I hope nothing has actually happened.
"As do I. Oreius suggests a trip to Calormene." Peter said. Lucy bot her lip.
"It's risky, but it might work." She murmured. Peter sighed.
"I guess that means we do have to tell Elora." He muttered, taking Eliazer from Lucy.
Lucy nodded and stood up. She put her hand on his arm.
"I'll tell her. You take Eliazer for a while and go make a plan with Oreius." She said. Peter nodded.
"Thanks, Lucy." Peter left taking a very sleepy Eliazer with him.
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