April fools day.
So I tried to get this published then but I was having some issues
Millie and her friends are Planning a prank on Ethel and her friend to get back at them for bullying them.
Millie: okay what if we cover them in slime?
Enid: no, to basic.
Maud: ummmm I have nothing, Ruby?
Ruby: nope, Enid you have the ideas what you got?
Enid: I can temporarily turn there cats into monkeys and watch the chaos burn.
Millie: I love that!
Ruby: idk, maybe dogs!! Hb HATES Those!!
Enid: YES!
Maud: Even better!!
Ruby: let's do it.
The day of April fools.
Millie drops two black cats onto the bed.
Ruby: okay great, I will go see if Maud is done with the potion.
Enid: I'm literally so excited!
In the staff room.
Ameila: today is going to be hell.
Miss bat: I'm scared of what the girls have planned! They have always been good at this stuff.
Miss drill: oh I bet it's nothing to worry about.
Ameila: magic and jokes don't go well together miss drill.
Miss hardbroom walks in
Miss hardbroom: have any one of you seen my cat?
Miss drill: definitely not.
Miss bat: no?
Amelia: I'm sorry, but no. Is everything alright?
Miss hardbroom: I don't know, I haven't been able to find her.
Miss bat: well maybe she went for a walk!
Miss hardbroom: no she wouldn't.
Back in Millie's room.
Ruby and Maud enter the room with a small purple potion.
Maud: I got it, are we ready?
Ruby: I think so,
Enid and millie hold the cats in there arms as Maud gives each a snack with some of the potion in it.
Millie and Enid quickly set the cats down and watch has one turns into a Great Dane and the other a wolf dog.
Maud: why is that one a wolf dog?
Enid: I don't know but we should put them in the hallway.
Ruby: let's go to the west wing hallway so it's far from us.
Millie: great idea.
The girls put the two dogs into the hallway and went to breakfast.
Millie: I swear it's still alive!!
Enid: it's so gross!!
Miss cackle goes up on stage: has anyone lost there cats?
Everyone goes silent as Ethel's hand went up: me miss cackle!
Maud went pale: that's only one hand... we had two dogs meant to be Ethel and her friends cat...
Enid: oh no, what did you do millie! Did you grab the right cats?
Millie: I think so?
Miss cackle: so, Miss hardbroom and Ethel have both lost there cats please keep an eye out for them, thank you.
Ruby: did we turn her cat into a dog...
Millie: we have to fix this before she finds out!!!
Miss hardbroom: fix what before who finds out? hm?
Mille: I- uh nothing miss hardbroom!
Miss hardbroom: mhm. Potions class, NOW
All the girls run to there class and sit down as miss hardbroom appears.
Miss hardbroom: Good morning girls.
Students: Good morning Miss hardbroom.
Time skip to 20 minutes later , when everyone goes silent when they hear scratching at the door.
Miss hardbroom: what is that?
Ethel do you mind getting the door?
Ethel: yes miss,
Ruby leans over: do you thinks it's the dog?
Maud: i hope not!
Ethel opens the door and a wolf dog comes running in and sits by Miss hardbroom.
(Like this, but you can picture whatever)
Miss hardbroom: What is a dog doing here?!
Millie: it looks more like a wolf dog miss...
Millie: well um...
Ruby: should we tell her?
Maud: we definitely will get in less trouble.
Maud raises her hand.
Miss hardbroom: yes Maud?
Maud: umm me, millie, Enid, and Ruby may or may not have something to do with it...
Miss hardbroom: what part of it?!
Maud: ...
Miss hardbroom: miss cackles office all of you!
Miss hardbroom followed them to miss cackles office with the dog swiftly following beside her.
Millie knocks on the door.
Miss cackle: come in.
Everyone goes in the room and the girls sit down, while miss hardbroom goes and stands beside miss cackle with the dog laying by her feet.
Miss Cackle: Miss hardbroom, why is there a wolf dog next to you?
Miss hardbroom: I don't know, ask the girls.
Miss cackle: well?
Millie turns to them: I will explain.
Ruby: no me, I had the idea.
Ruby: okay so, We wanted to do a prank on Ethel and so we were going to turn her cat and her friends cats into dogs. But Millie must have grabbed the wrong cat, miss hardbrooms cat to be more exact. And we turned her into a dog. We are sorry.
Miss hardbroom: so you mean to tell me this dog, is Morgana?
Ruby: correct...
Miss cackle: that's is not okay girls. Now please wait outside, I must talk with miss hardbroom about your punishment
Ruby, Maud, Enid, and Millie: yes miss.
The girls walk out and miss cackle talks with miss hardbroom for about 10 minutes, before miss hardbroom calls them back in.
Miss cackle: you punishment will be, you must turn both dogs back into cats again and 2 months detention and...
Miss hardbroom: and 900 lines.
Miss cackle: yes.
The girls: yes miss.
All the girls leave for the office.
Enid: oh course she would catch us.
Ruby: I mean she followed her to the room there was nothing we could do.
Maud: yea, I guess we should get started on turning them back.
1 hour later the girl go to miss hardbroom.
Miss hardbroom: well?
Maud: we can't turn them back. The book says it wears off in 2 days, we are truly sorry.
Miss hardbroom: well then. Since you have nothing better to do start on your lines.
Yes miss... they all said.
This will be the last chapter due to publishing issues, thank you soooo much for 200 readers!!!! <3! If I ever get a chance to post again I will, but thank you so much for reading <3...
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