Episode 26: The Battle of Cario (Part 1)
The Sunlight came too early for both Armie's as they prepared for the big day today, the British had finished their positioning late last night, but as for the Grand Army they were prepared as always.
Many of the British Troop's were drinking Gin, Ale, socializing, or just making joke's as they were ready for the day ahead, today.
Frame however was ready before the day even started, he woke up early because of his sickness and dressed himself, as he stepped into the dinning room he looked out of the Window before turning around to look at Brandon, Malcom, Neon, and three other Officer's....Julia was no where to be found still.
"Morning, Gentlemen." Frame said after he turned around, but he smiled as he watched them all return the same reply to him.
"Good Morning, Frame." They all replied as he made his way to the end of the room, where the food was sitting on the table....each was covered for the dish, but when Frame approached them he slightly opened each and closed them back.
"This one." Frame pointed down to the dish under the cover, yet when he did the cook slowly pulled it too him to prepare it for him, but before Frame sat down he grabbed a apple and turned around.
"What's the matter?" Frame looked at everyone as they continued to stand, most of them had confusion on their face's, the other's were just waiting.
"Are you Alright?" Malcom spoke as he waited for Frame to speak, who in return just lifted his hand in a little surrender.
"That was yesterday, Never felt better in my life....Come sit you all." Frame motioned for them all to sit down, and they did following him as he sat at one end of the table, while Brandon sat at the other head of it.
"I'm afraid this evening all of you will need Bigger napkins." Frame joked as he watched some officer's fashion their napkins on the front of their neck collar's, but none the less every last man infront of him laughed.
"We attack at Nine, what is the condition of the Army?" Frame said as he took a bite of the apple and noticed the plate being put infront of him.
"Our Artillery is slowly making progress, the Hill's and such are limiting them, we say at least one or two hour's until." Brandon said as he started to eat as well, but he sighed as he hoped Frame wouldn't take it too rashly.
"Well we fought in more dangerous Situation's before." Malcom said as he started to eat as well, but when they all noticed that Frame had leaned back and stared down at his food....everyone was concerned and looking at him.
Before they could react, Frame had already arose from his seat and stormed off from the room into the next, but as he left everyone, Brandon could not help but to sigh as he and everyone else started to rise as well.
When they followed Frame, they found him sitting, pressed right near the Window with his side hitting it.
Yet even before they could react, another Officer entered his hat held in his arm's as he looked first at the Marshal's, then at Frame, and back at them again.
"I'm not asleep Teruo." Frame spoke as he kept his eye's closed, but he knew the man was going to speak....he knew these men well.
"General....we need an hour, The Ground is too steep, I Cannot maneuver my Artillery." Teruo spoke as he only kept his eye's on Frame.
"If I waited an hour I would have lost the Siege of Boston." Frame said sternly as he kept his eye's closed refusing to open them.
"Nathan has more than an hour, not with those with him, Turk's, Arabian's, Syrian's and god knows what else." Malcom spoke as he watched the other's stare back at him, all but except Frame.
"General....I cannot answer for my Artillery." Teruo spoke as he continued to hold his hat in his arm, but he was still worried considering he knew how Frame would react.
"You are the Artillery, Teruo." Frame returned back as he just sat there listening to them with his eye's closed.
"If we could attack at Eleven it would be better." Teruo responded back as he continued to hold his ground despite Frame's constant attempt's of pressing their attack.
"Battle's are lost and won in the quarter of an hour." Frame responded again, but his persistence was high at the moment as no-one seemed to speak other than the two men.
"If, Nathan were on the move....I Would say go now, but he is just sitting General, with the Terrain in his favor." Duero finished as everyone seemed to just stare at Frame after, but finally he opened his eye's to first look at them, then out the window for a solid moment, and then back at them again.
"In his Favor?"
The Grand Army was on the march again, this time with Music and cheer's filling the air as the massive army split into two line's that split from the middle, where Frame and the other Marshall's waited for him to get ready.
Soldier's, Tanker's, Cavalrymen, all in the Grand Army followed suite behind the line's as they continued to cheer and converse as they marched past them one by one, the two line's were endless.
Though for Frame he felt like he would vomit like he did last Night, but he held his hand's together at both his temple and his forehead as he tried not to puke, pass out, or start to lose his sanity.
On the other side of the battlefield, Nathan was napping under a tree with a newspaper covering his face, but was soon interrupted by Jonas who called his name.
"Sir?" Jonas asked as he watched Nathan remove the Newspaper to the side, but acknowledged the fact he was there.
"As I am Second in Command, and in case anything happens to you, what are you're plan's?" Jonas asked as he watched Nathan look at him as if though he was the very stupid.
"To Beat....Frame." Nathan smiled as he replaced the newspaper over his face, but when Jonas turned to look at the Grand Army for the first time....fear ran over his body, their Army was massive, and covered most of the plain's infront of them, not to mention the music they were playing constantly.
Their Artillery was in position after the two hour's they spent trying to get them into position, their men were lined up in column's, their Tank's and Car's were waiting, and officer's ran around on their Horse's ordering their men around.
"Dramatic fellow's these folk's.....Music and Banner's.....Quite Beautiful." Nathan said as he watched the Grand Army continue to arrive in the hundred's, but after a few minutes they all heard several horn's....they had no idea what it meant until they laid their eye's on...him
The Grand Army was cheering rapidly as Frame rode past every last one of them on his horse, he was followed by Brandon, then Malcom, and Neon, and the other high Ranking Officer's. One by one they rode past their cheering Soldier's waving their hand's at them.
"You're Grace, over there on the road...the Grey Horse, the Monster." Nathan took his spyglass he had fashioned over the year's and looked where one of the officer's had pointed, but sure enough he laid his eye's for the first time on....Frame.
"So, there's the Great thief of Russia himself." Nathan responded as he took off his large coat and tossed it on the ground nearby, but was soon interrupted by one of the Artillery officer's.
"You're Grace, Frame has rode into range, do I have you're permission to try a shot?" The officer asked as he continuously held the rein's back on his horse.
"Certainly....Not." Nathan turned his head to look at the officer's, but his only response was a salute before he rode away.
"Commander's of Armies' have better thing's to do than to fire at each other." Nathan spoke to himself as he looked at Frame again, but when he heard his men cheering he turned to look.
"Shall I have them shut up, Sir?" Jonas spoke as he turned to look at their own men, but when Nathan turned to look at him he waited silently.
"No....No, Endure it, whatever waste's time this moment, Endure it." After he spoke the Grand Army seemed to cheer louder now as he put his spyglass away.
"I usually don't like cheering, but there's always time to cut card's with the Devil." Nathan said in finality as he rode away with Jonas to prepare their Army.
Frame and the other's finally stopped their horse's where the last of the Officer's were, at the back of their Army. One Sat down in a chair and was writing on the table they had prepped for them for the day.
"Their's more order's here than the siege of Berlin and the Battle of Waterloo." Frame laughed slightly as he put the battle order's down on the table, and then after walked over to where he could see the British Armies position's.
"It seems he has positioned himself on the right and the center the most, therefore that's where we will hound him. We will have a diversionary action, we'll hound him on the right side, then if he weakens he's center to support the right...then...then I will know the Caliber of this General." Frame said as he walked over to a nearby chair that someone had propped up for him, though when everyone....but Neon left to get ready, he sighed heavily.
"Neon..." Frame said quietly as he looked at the British Army, but knew the man had heard him.
"Yes, Frame?" Neon said as he turned from the table and approached him, but was silent as he waited.
"Do you have any children?" Frame asked, he knew it was a bizarre question, but he had to know either way.
"Yes...I Have one son, very young....no taller than you're boot." Frame shook his head at the thought, so an infant and recent it would seem...good for him.
"And if he were with you would you want him to be with you, Today?" Frame asked as he stared at the ground now, clearly in deep thought.
"Yes..." Neon returned as Frame stared at him, the answer had fazed him a little....a little.
"Yes?, Why?" Frame asked in such a tone that anyone could pick up meaning, he truly wanted to know why.
"So he could see you...." Frame chuckled at that thought as he turned his head to the British army again a grin on his face, but he knew why Neon wanted his son to see him some day....only because he was a national Hero to the Empire and A Military Genius.
"You know I have a daughter, and I would give anything in the world to see her right now, I'd give my heart I'd give my life.....but not here, I would not want her to witness this battle today." Frame shook his head at the thought of her watching this battle, he would not scar her anymore than what she had gone through during her life....he was probably the only other person who understood.
As the other's returned finally he had already began to make his preparation's, he looked at both Armies as silence broke out no-one spoke a word, but only Frame did.
"We will begin the attack their, at the West Village." Frame stated as he, the other's, the Army, and the British waited for the one fatal Shot.....the shot that would signal the start of the most brutal Battle in History.....the Battle of Cairo.
The shot came very soon, after several minute's the shot came from one lone Artillery piece that managed to kill a group of Soldier's.
"Well that open's the ball." Nathan stated as he looked at the Artillery that just fired, but soon after hundred's of Artillery from the other side opened fire, the Artillery from the Grand Army was countless as they kept firing, but not without resistance as the British returned fire.
Frame watched silently as the Artillery continued their little game of firing at each other, at least until he watched Neon and another officer ride off.
"Company, forward!!" The order's came over and over again, but in the haze of loud music....hundred's of men descended toward's to the West Village, the men that were approaching it was too massive to count.
As the men marched forward to the Village, many were cut down by either Artillery, Machine Gun's, Tank's, or just the Soldier's defending inside the Village....the Fight there was becoming brutal as the Grand Armies, Soldier's continued to try and try to get inside the Village.
"He's committed a lot of Troop's sir, he intends to turn us on the Right." Jonas responded as he, Nathan, and the other officer's watched as the Village came under heavy fire....the fight was brutal, and they couldn't send help...not in this state at the moment.
"We Could move the twenty fifth down, Sir!" Jonas said as he continued to watch the Enemy Soldier's try to breach the Wall's and defense's they had created in the Village.
"I do not intend to run around like a wet Hen, there will be plenty of time, Good sir." Nathan said as he returned his focus back to the battle at the West Village, it was bloody as Soldier's from the Grand Army tried to put ladder's up on the wall's, other's using those as chains to climb over the Wall's as well.
Frame watched the battle however with the large spyglass someone had fetched for him, but he sighed as he noticed Nathan had not moved at all.
"He hasn't moved, he's nailed himself to his ridge....this Man has two qualities I admire....Caution, and above all....Courage." Frame spoke to himself as he walked over to the other's who were all crowding around the table, awaiting for his order's.
"He hasn't moved, now is the time to move all the Heavy Artillery against General Hector, that means howitzers, and everything else." Frame stated as he pointed his finger on the battlefield's map, but he watched as several Artillery and their Crew's rushed past them in a hurry.
The Artillery opened fire soon after, but Nathan found himself in a mess as he and Jonas made there way over to Hector, who greeted them by tipping his Top hat.
"It seems he's moving he's way over to you, Hector." Nathan said as several Artillery round's hit near them, but none of them flinched at all.
"I've never seen gun's move so smoothly." Hector responded as he smoked on his cigar, while ignoring the nearby round's that hit near them.
"Move's his gun's like he would a pistol, I doubt the front Brigade will last." Nathan said with concern as the Artillery from the other side continued to fire...not letting up at all.
"Let them have a taste of it." Hector said, but both of them stood still for a moment....a attack was coming....up the middle this time.
Their only hope of stopping this next force was slim....but they hoped they had god on their side for this....the men could only hoped anyway that he would be very kind too them if they died.
Praise him if he did.
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