Episode 18: Full Evacuation
The Sound of constant Chatter and men running, had almost affected Frame as he stared at the ground, but soon he heard the different kind's of Medic's, Doctor's, and Soldier's run past him in different directions.
Fort George was completely in Ruin's and the defenses along with it's defender's were shaking, but almost to the point were they were going to collapse at any given time.
Captain Monroe.....this name when through his head however as he continued to think of who he was, but only one though came to mind when he Remembered a General Monroe during the Revolt.
General Monroe of the Revolt was a seasoned Veteran who was enlisted and given the Rank of General when the Revolt against the Corrupt United State's government was still in place. Monroe at the time could have destroyed the entire Revolt, though it never happened because of the interference of the Battle of New York, where his plan's and troop's were destroyed.
Ever since then no-one had heard from the "Great" General Monroe since to this day, but none the less to the people it was a good thing, with him alive it would mean they would be harboring a Corrupt Military General.
His thought's were interrupted however when Captain Monroe slowly sat down next to him, the man had blood and sweat all over him. The Blood covered most of his uniform and his glove's, not to mention his face which had small amount's of blood and sweat on it.
"Let me guess, Very Bad?" Frame asked as he looked over at the Captain who at the moment seemed very exhausted.
"Yes, a minute or two ago we had to put a lad out of his misery, he lost his leg during the last battle and he wouldn't stop screaming." Monroe shook his head as he slowly took his glove's off only to throw them away on the ground.
"Question Captain, Are you related to a James Monroe?" Frame looked at the Captain as he had finally thrown the glove's away, but when he asked it the man froze slightly before straitening himself out.
"Yes....he was my Father, Good man, but worked for a Corrupt Government I signed on to the Revolt to save lives, yet now I see more lives suffering and dying all around us." Monroe said with sadness as he looked around at the men who were suffering and dying as he had said, but many were going to survive other's....only they could pray they would live this hell.
"And now the Enemy will be here in minute's, and we are low on Ammo, Medicine, food, and Water." Frame looked at Monroe as he continued to speak, yet it was true the Fort was in a bad shape, their men in worse condition, and with the lack of supplies they would barley be able to hold out for one more attack.
"This is Suicide." Frame rubbed his jaw after he spoke leaning forward as he did, but the situation none the less would be good.
"The last supply run barley brought us enough Med's and Food, the Water we consumed greatly." Monroe spoke as he had grabbed a canteen while trying to drink from it, but as he said no Water or anything came out of it.
"We also consumed the Alcohol as a back up." Monroe pointed to a young man who seemed to be holding a bottle to his mouth, but threw it away after not getting anything from it.
Frame sighed as he held his thumb's to both of his eye's as he sat there in thought, yet once again they were cut short when a explosion was heard behind them.
"Do they ever give Up!?" Monroe shouted as he and several other's quickly got up and ran to their position's. Though Frame had stayed seated where he was, yet he watched the different kind's of men rush to the gate or the Wall's above, but he noticed that some were wounded, he guessed the any man who could walk rule was in effect right now.
Frame however finally got up and walked to where Monroe was, which was at the wall's above the Gate.
"Get those men in position, use whatever we have left to kill them!" Monroe continued to shout out order's as Frame stared over the wall's in surprise. The Enemy were storming the fort in hundred's maybe to a thousand or more, but the men on the Wall's were determined to hold off the Enemy at all cost no matter what condition they were in.
"General, pray we survive this battle, Aye?" Monroe looked at Frame as he picked up a nearby rifle from a wounded Soldier, but was met only be Frame drawing his gun out.
"I plan to live this battle." Frame spoke as he looked over the wall and at the hundred's of men charging at them.
"So do I, So do I." Monroe spoke with uncertainty as he aimed his rifle over the edge of the wall and began firing on the enemy.
Kaleb stood silently as he watched General Hector at work clearly the man was stressed enough with the Fleet outside still being loaded up and most of the people becoming restless, but it had been at least a hour since Frame was last seen here and was most likely in the hell known as Fort George.
The Silence was ended however when two Soldier's came in, saluting the General, and then stood at attention at the map before him.
"Sir, Fort George is once more under attack, but the Troop's have reported they are low on Ammunition, Food, Water, and all other Supplies." One of the Soldier's spoke in a clam fashion as he continued to keep his posture, but the look the General was giving them was making them shake slightly.
"Were the Supplies we sent with General Frame what they asked for or not?" Hector looked at them both as they turned their head's to each other, but Kaleb only raised a eyebrow when he looked at the two.
"No Sir, there was a mishap with the Supplies, the Ammunition was late along with the Medicine, The only Supplies that was delivered there was the Water, and Some Food." The Second Soldier spoke next as he continued to hold his posture, but the long sigh of anger from the General was affecting him as well.
"Well, you tell those Damn Idiot's to get those Supplies ready....ALL OF THEM!!" The General slammed his fist down on the table as hard as he could, but when he did the paper's and map's moved, not to mention the two idiot's running outside as soon as he did.
Kaleb couldn't help but to let out a small chuckle when he saw the two Soldier's run out of the building in a hurry, but he couldn't blame them considering Hector was having enough bad news to deal with....he was almost like Frame.
"Marshall Kaleb I need you to go out there and keep them in line, Both the Troop's and Civilians." Hector lowly spoke to the man behind him as he stared at the map's on the table, but was met by silence. At least until the man nodded and walked to the door and left, yet when he left the Building he was met by the loud chatter and constant noise outside of the quiet and still Building to the hell outside of it.
He shook when he saw Several Group's of men run onto a nearby ship clearly the note of "No Soldier will board a ship until all Civilian's were aboard." Was being taken lightly at the moment.
Though when he turned his head again he noticed several, Soldier's, and Medic's were carrying Civilian's, and Wounded Troop's to the nearby ship's as well. Their Scream's as they were being brought onto the ship's were enough to leave a horrifying mark on anyone who was around.
"Marshal! Come lend us a hand." A Lone Soldier yelled for Kaleb as he held the injury on a Young man's leg, but by this time the boy's leg would cause him to bleed out if he didn't get proper attention soon.
"What can I do?" Kaleb asked as he ran over to the two Soldier's, who by this point were holding the boy down.
"Hand me that, the Syringe." The Soldier pointed to a Syringe on the nearby table, but it was unusual that a Soldier was trying to give medical care to the other Soldier's. Though it wasn't strange at this moment of time however.
"Marshal Kaleb!....Marshal Kaleb!" He heard the officer shout his name amongst the confusion, but when the officer approached him he had blood and sweat covering his face, and clothes.
"The Fort need's reinforcement's....many men are falling as we speak....they need help...you have the General's Order's to go with the next wave to reinforce them." The officer spoke to Kaleb as Men, woman, and children ran past them, doctor's and surgen's were pushing pacient's or wounded past them as well to help them.
"I'll go..." Kaleb patted the officer's shoulder before running off to join the other wave in going to the fort, but when he looked up at it in the hill's he noticed that a tower from it had just collapsed....and more explosion's could be seen around it.
"The Fifth will advance to the fort!" The Commander shouted out, but when Kaleb approached them the Fifth Regiment was already charging up the hill.
When they reached up the hill however, they were met by Machine gun fire and volley fire, from the men who were their to stop their advance.
Kaleb knew they would be massacred here so he did what he could, he picked up a rifle from a dead soldier and took an alternate route.
By the time he reached the main gate of the fort, he was a bit too late....the Enemy Troop's were stationed outside, and probably inside....yet he had to have hope they were still alive.
He looked at the men stationed outside, one man in a tower....and the rest stationed outside in the small building's around it.
He took the rifle and jumped down from the building he was sitting in, but when he approached two Soldier's who were clearly on break....he approached them and first stabbed one, and then stabbed the other who was a bit too slow at first.
When he looked at the group that was approaching him, he had to think and di what he could fast enough he propped the bodie's up and used their gun's to hold them....hopefully they were stupid enough to fall for it.
And they did....the men just walked by as if though it was an average day, at least he knew they were very stupid.....extremley stupid though.
When they had past though he ran past the bodie's and made his way closer to the tower. He looked up and saw the sniper up top, but he saw a ladder inside which he knew he had to climb up.
He climbed up soon after and was thankfull enough that the sniper was facing away from him, but when he approached him he stabbed him in the back and put his hand on the man's mouth...as to were he would not scream.
When he was finished and made his way to the gate, he was thankful still that their was no men guarding it, though it did surprise him a little.
Though as he approached the gate he noticed that it wasn't a gate at all, but two metal door's locked together....yet it was unlocked for some reason.
He pushed it open quickly and aimed his rifle at the first person he saw, but lowered it when he saw Frame.
"Trigger happy much, Kaleb?" Frame asked sarcastically as he stood up slowly, but when Kaleb got a good look he noticed that there was only a small group of them left....many wounded too.
"What the hell, Happened?" Kaleb asked as he watched as several men were collapsing as they tried to get up.
"An Attack, what else does it look like? They came at us at full force, You're 'Perfect' little General down there, has been sending us garbage for the past hour or so....and even day's for these men." Frame spoke as he looked at the men who were still struggling to get up or move.
"What do you need me to do?" Kaleb asked as he looked past them, but when he heard the sound's of battle behind them he went silent.
"We need to get the wounded out of here, my arm is bleeding as well....out of control as well, so is the Captain's, but his leg has an injury, it's important that we get the wounded out first, we also left several volunteers to stay and hold off the enemy until we were at the ship's....then we would come back and get them." Kaleb nodded as he listened to Frame speak, but he did notice the large amount of blood coming from his right arm...a few stab wound's were seen on his arm to prove the point as well.
"I'll go up there and help them....if you need me too." Kaleb held his rifle tightly as he finished speaking in finality, but he got no disagreement from Frame.
"Fine...meet with the other's and hold them off until we set off a flare....when we set it off, get the hell out of here." Frame held the flare gun in his hand as he watched Kaleb nod in Agreement, at least until he picked up another solider with his bleeding Arm...at least he wasn't in pain with it considering the other's.
"Come on Lad's....Monroe....You're on Guard duty." Frame spoke to the Captain and tossed his handgun to the man, who catched it and walked behind the limping group of Soldier's....one by one they exited the Gate, with only Monroe being the last one out.
"Bloody Hell...better hope the other's aren't dead.." Kaleb said to himself sarcastically as he walked up to the courtyard, bodies'...weapon's, crate's, and fire and ashes covered the ground.
He listened closely as he heard the sound's of battle, but he wasn't near...it was further in the fort....maybe the main complex itself maybe? He couldn't tell.
He continued on for several minute's and assisted soldier's throughout the diversion, going through the courtyard...the Barrack's, hallway's, and such until they were finally in the main chart room of the Complex.
They approached a door and opened it, but only to see a group of Soldier's standing on the other side. They had little time to react as two Young Soldier's were quickly killed, and Kaleb had been shot in the hip and stabbed in the lower abdomen.
He looked around in a daze as he killed the soldier who stabbed him, but soon he fell down on to the stone wall behind him. He breathed heavily as he looked out the window next to him, he looked at the hundred's of ship's leaving, but before he could see the flare go off two more Soldier's stabbed him with their Bayonet's....Mercy was never considered to the men of the Confederacy.
And as he took his final Breath....the Flare went off. The other's had made it to saftey....he and the other's however....it was no doubt they wouldn't make it out alive.
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