Episode 14: Battle of Minsk
Russia was a inch closer to being in the hand's of the Empire, but now came a much larger threat as they got closer to Europe and that was the actual Coalition itself. The News in America was grave and disappointing to everyone in the Empire's military, but even worse for the Grand Army when they heard that Frame was at New York when the Evacuation order was given.....now all they could do was wait and hope with Marshall Brandon in command at Minsk.
Thing's were quiet in Minsk as the Soldiers and local militia were having their morning breakfast, but even they knew that Minsk would be a primary target for the European allies any day now. Although here they stood waiting at a city helplessly waiting for the Reinforcement's Marshall Brandon had asked for a day or so ago, but with the King's constant refusal to send the entire Grand Army to assist he was stuck with only a small portion and the local Militia who with some barley knew how to hold a rifle.
"We're badly out matched....possibly won't be able to survive the upcoming battle, but by god I wish Frame was here he's the only one who could get us our reinforcement's." Brandon spoke to Malcom as they stared off at the small town to the west of the City, but from this hill it looked beautiful, yet even he knew that after the next battle it would be nothing but another town in ruin's.
"Yes, but we are the best in the Army....well almost to Frame and the other General's." Malcom stood next to Brandon and stared at the town as well, but this town was different than most as it had a river channel running through it and at one part a few houses were built up in a small hill to the south of the Town hall.
"Yes....though being the best does when a battle, I'm sure number's help a little." Brandon spoke again as he continued to stare at the town, but a few minute's later he decided to sit down at the table a few soldier's had placed for them several minute's ago.
"It's times like these I wish this war never began." Malcom spoke again and this time he stayed looking at the town as he continued the conversation.
"Yes....yet if it didn't we wouldn't be here as Marshall's and General's in the Empire." Brandon looked at the cup's and plate's infront of him on the table as he spoke.
"True enough....remember back when we we're first enlisted in the Army, young, eager, and full of hope." Malcom spoke again though this time he decided to go sit with Brandon, but only by sitting across from him to stare at him face to face.
"Yeah....I remember....it was back when we first met each other....really it's how we all met." Brandon spoke again taking a cup of water in front of him and drinking it, but before he could speak of this place before hand Malcom finished it for him.
"New York..." Malcom looked at Brandon who only returned the look, but even speaking that cities name brought back so much of a chill that none of them, not even Frame would ever speak of it....that said a lot.
"That city.....its like the spot for even the devil himself." Brandon spoke again and looked away leaning his head so that he was looking at the ground as he was in deep thought, but even Malcom knew that he was thinking of what happened in New York....and what made them what they were today.
Two Year's Ago.
Two Years before the battle of New York, Brandon was nothing more than a young man looking for a more solid life in the waking of the Revolution against their corrupt government. Thing's were hard back then with the Revolutionist's attacking all Military controlled land's at all time's, but at first during the waking year of the Revolution Brandon never thought of joining it's cause....not until he witnessed the Military gun down a entire group of his Friend's and several people with them, not to mention most of the Population in his home town.
After that day the spark of Vengeance and his spark to join the Revolution was clear, and that's when his life changed when he was enlisted into a local boot camp in Pennsylvania. The Training there was not what he expected unlike most other Revolution's, but this one would do because it seemed like for a boot camp this place really wanted them out to fight already.
And it did happen he wasn't there long with the other's before they were sent out to fight in the fire's of a now Revolting U.S. which was in turmoil. His first assignment was when he and his battalion were deployed to Washington D.C. which would soon turn out to be a blood bath, but seemingly he and his Battalion managed to survive the battle....which was then why they were sent to the bloody battle of New York.
The twelve day siege of New York was in it's eighth day of the Attack and the battle was getting worse there, but even though he could hear the Artillery firing for miles it would also be the one place that Brandon would meet his Friend's and Allies.
The first he met when he arrived was his oldest Friend...Frame the man was young and the same age as him, but also eager and ambitious for the Revolution.
The Second they met was a young man named Malcom who had grown up in Virginia, and had witnessed something close to what Brandon had seen, but they had learned the day they arrived that Malcom had known two other's and he had four robotic limb's which he had shown them how he lose his original limb's and how he got his robotic one's were a mystery to both of them.
The Third was a curious young man named 'Neon' yet his real name was Brayden, but chose to go with the name Neon for apparent reason's they knew nothing about other than he had some issue's going on at time's.
The Last one was a Young Woman named Julia who was the same age as all of them except for Neon, but the fact that she was here was quite....rare. Though not strange considering Malcom was the one to get her here to begin with, though the three had noticed something when Frame had first looked at Julia almost like he was lost in thought and somewhat amazement, but they never payed attention as there was a battle going on.
Frame's battalion was to be stationed at the Former Statue of Liberty, but later on in the Day the battle there was horrific as Frame was the only survive out of his entire Battalion of a Hundred men.
As for the other's they were all stationed in the same area which would also be hit as hard, but not as much and as the day went by the battle continued and the worse it got the more the four changed as they watched their Allies, and even Friend's die around them to much older men who seemed to enjoy ending their lives.
It would forever go down as one of the Worst battle's in the Revolution's history.....and it still haunted them all to this day.
Present Day.
"Hm.....that day will always haunt us wont it?" Malcom spoke again after a few minute's of sitting in silence, but it seemed that him speaking had snapped Brandon out of his trance.
"Yes.....it will." Brandon spoke silently as he noticed someone had approached them, but was only a soldier who seemed to be reporting in the for the daily movement of the enemy Army.
"Sir....I have the daily report ready.." The Soldier saluted to the two men before him showing great respect, but only Brandon looked at him as Malcom's attention was pointed to the town.
"Inform us then." Brandon motioned his hand in a way for the Soldier to know that he wanted him to proceed with his briefing, which he did but by talking slow.
"We have learned, that it isn't just the German's Sir....the French have combined their might with their German allies." The Soldier spoke while putting his arms behind him, but clearly by the look of Brandon and then Malcom's face this was sudden and a surprise.
"The French?....Damn them." Brandon spoke low and slowly as he rubbed his chin while looking down at the ground, but clearly he was in deep thought....this was his first time commanding a true army such as this....considering the heavy weight almost always went to Frame to take the lead.
"And the Ceremony is in a week or so..." Brandon continued to speak, but clearly he had confused not only the soldier but also Malcom as they both looked at him.
"What Ceremony?" Malcom asked slowly as he stared at Brandon while putting his hand's infront of his face.
"The King is calling it....Victory Day....it's to be a cemorated day for us taking Moscow....all high ranking Military personal will be there....even him." Brandon motioned his hand for the Soldier to leave which he did swiftly and quickly, but now he just left Brandon and Malcom sitting there.
"So.....what will this Victory day be exactly?" Malcom asked Brandon without a moment's hesitation after the Soldier had left clearly wanting to really know.
"It's supposedly a Military Parade of some kind....the highest Ranking official's will be observing the Parade together on a platform....along with any Leader's of Allied Nation's, as for the actual Military Personal the one's chosen will march in the parade.." Brandon spoke as he took a hold of the cup infront of him, but while he spoke he drank it before putting it down at the end.
"Interesting.....you think we might be in it?" Malcom asked Brandon almost immediately after he had finished speaking.
"I don't know....remember we have to be chosen for it." Malcom nodded after Brandon had spoken, but their little talk was abruptly ended by the Soldier from before who had come back running.
"Sir's you may want to take a look at this." He quickly ran past them to where they were standing minutes ago and took out his binoculars holding them for the two to know where he was talking about.
Brandon had taken the time by getting up and taking the binoculars from the Soldier, but when he saw what the commotion was about he shocked and very surprised....the French and German Army was already here, and was in force.
"I thought you said you had sent someone out to slow them down, Malcom." Brandon continued to look through the binocular's still as he spoke, but he had heard Malcom approach and then stand next to him.
"I did....a stranger at best....but very deadly, said that his name was Rez.....he's a mute and is also a trained arsonist, assassin, and skirmisher." Malcom spoke as if though he knew this Rex personally, but even Brandon could give the look that he didn't care at the moment as the odd's were not In their favor.
"He must have done some damage to them....I see that their army must have been marching for day's, non-stop considering most of their men are wavering and shaking." Brandon looked at the Army infront of him as he spoke, but no one even had to look to tell that their army was badly shaken up by something to have made them march constantly without a break.
"We still don't stand a chance, the reinforcement's wont be here for hour's and all we have is militia as a Army." Brandon sighed as he put the binocular's away, but only to return to the table he and Malcom had been at before.
"Where is Frame when I need him the most?" Brandon slightly cursed himself after what he had said, but it was silent for both considering Malcom and the Soldier didn't hear him.
"Look's like your going to have to lead this one Brandon.....after all you are the Second in Command." Malcom spoke out loud as he stared at the enemy army, but from what he saw they were now only recovering from their long journey it would seem.....yet they would begin an attack soon no matter what.
"It always does come down to me......or him." Brandon spoke out loud this time and ordered the soldier before to bring them a map, and to clear the table which he and a few others did.
"There are three place's that we need to defend....considering the river is surprisingly not as shallow as we thought." Brandon spoke to Malcom as they both looked at the map, but as Brandon spoke he had pointed to a spot that went to the far left of the town.
"There.....that shallow part where the enemy could easily walk over to us....we need to hold it." Malcom noticed where he pointed and nodded knowingly, but was curious either way.....this battlefield was......interesting.
"We also need to hold the town obviously.....I don't care about the town hall, but all we need is the Bridge's....here....and here." Brandon pointed to each bridge which were very small one's, but could also be very good ambush point's for the Attacking French and German Force's.
"And finally another shallow part of the river over here.....yet it could be the least likely to be hit....considering we could have too many troop's there to hold it." Brandon pointed to the last spot on the map and stared at the place as well from where they stood.
"That should do it right?" Malcom asked curiously as he stared at the town, but later he noticed the enemy was beginning to make their preparation's for their attack.
"It will have to do....considering we at impossible odd's." Brandon spoke silently as the nearby group of Soldier's had ran past them clearly to get to their weapons, or position's.
"When has the Impossible ever stopped us?" Malcom spoke jokingly as Brandon had stared back, but after a few minute's of silence Brandon finally smiled.
"You make a good Damn point.....come on." Brandon motioned for Malcom to follow him as he walked away from the table and map, but it didn't even take a blind man to know that they were going to oversee the men to get into their positions.....this battle would truly put Brandon to his limit's.....exactly why he always left it to Frame.
Several minute's after the militia were positioned at the three positions the battle had begun with the sound's of hundreds of men charging forward at them.
The first attack would come from the middle and would be the most deadliest considering it was the town itself with the Bridge's, but the other two position's would be easy to defend....hopefully.
As for the Commander's themselves, Brandon was positioned to defend the middle while also taking command of the middle force's, Malcom was in command of the Cavalry of their army like always.....which was also the one way he got the name The "Veteran Horseman", and finally two lone commander's were in charge of the other two positions and would fight to the death to defend them.
The battle was now raging on as the Enemy had focused their main strength in the middle, but by the time the first wave had reached the front of the bridge's they were met by a storm of bullet's and Tank Fire, which to no doubt killed many of the Soldier's infront of the Line's.
Brandon watched the battle closely though was worried slightly as he watched the wave's of Enemy troop's being cut down before their men at the bridge. The Enemy might have been tired and might be wavering a bit earlier than expected, but it still would be a equal battle considering most of their Army were local Militia from Minsk who willingly joined their cause.
He knew and trusted Malcom to the Cavalry who had stayed back behind the main defense line in the middle of town, but were ready to charge when given the order....if there was one man who could ever win a battle with any Cavalry it was Malcom.
Though as for the actual battle, Brandon would have a challenge even though he was known for winning a lot of battles, but then again they all had Frame their to take the lead considering he was a legendary Foot soldier and respected among the rank's of thousand's in their military.
Which was why he, Malcom, the others, and the entire Grand Army were so loyal to him he could simply turn the tide by speaking only a few word's, but some said that to their eye's Frame would make a better king than Steven.....hopefully the King wouldn't get the wrong idea about it....they all knew he hated those getting as much follower's, and power as he had.
And Frame had about the same as the King already.....
Though he came back to reality when a lone Soldier ran past him before being hit by a Artillery, but when he did many soldier's around them were gaging and puking as the round had blown off his left leg and his right arm.
"Damn....." Brandon whispered to himself the word as he went back to staring at the battle, but it was hard to block out the screaming soldier as he was carried away.
The Enemy for once was being careful as they sent their men forward into their continuous attack, but both sides were suffering loses considering the men at the bridge's were being fired back on by Enemy Soldier's.
As for the side's they were holding against the attack, but not as much as the middle was and not as effectively. However after several minute's a gap in the left formation had been broken open and soon the unthinkable happened.
Without order's or a command from Brandon, Malcom had sent every single Cavalry in their Possession to the left formation to defend it.....Though Brandon could not hold back cursing himself when he saw this move.
Malcom had always been reckless even from the start and when they met him, but his recklessness always turned to be a turning point in every battle despite the losses. Though this is why they had Frame he usually would be able to control his Men and Soldier's no matter who they were, but one look from Frame and it wouldn't be long before you found yourself in a lot of Trouble.
And for Malcom's recklessness the first time they were in a battle was a understatement at best after what happened when Frame had pulled him back, but after his little chat Malcom came out having a look of defeat and utter forgiveness....whatever happened inside no-one would ever know.
In this case Brandon was not Frame and could not have the same "Special" affect Frame had to inspire his troop's, much less control them in the heat of battle.....though he couldn't blame Malcom for this battle to be reckless.....this battle called for reckless.
He watched as Malcom and the cavalry approached the Enemy had full speed on their horse's before several were shot along with their horse's by said Enemy, but not Malcom yet he continued as his horse along with other's knocked the Enemy troop's down along with killing them with one swipe of their sword.
Brandon returned his focus to the battle in the middle since the battle on the right was going in their favor....thankfully.
The battle in the middle was the fiercest as the Militia continued to fire on the Enemy soldier's infront of them, but every time they shot and killed one soldier another would show up to take his place.....a bloodbath indeed.
Brandon looked at the battle still before hearing the sound of an Artillery round, but rather than it hitting somewhere near him it landed right next to him which made him fall off his horse which had died when the Round hit near them.
"Sir!!" Several men screamed out as they rushed to him, picking him up as they checked to see if he was alright.
He was alright though, but however he was completely dirty and his former red and black uniform was now covered in mud, dirt, and blood.....the Impact was so close that the blood from the horse had dripped on his uniform when he fell.
"I'm Alright, I'm Alright." Brandon put his hand on the shoulder of a soldier who had picked him up, but was grateful when he pulled out a chair for the man to sit in clearly seeing his stress as he almost had a near death experience.
The Battle continued infront of them as the Militia held their ground in the Town and the Bridge's, but soon after the Enemy had finally broken through and a large battle ensued in the town with hundred's of Soldier's fighting each other at point blank with guns, and stabbing each other with Sword's and Bayonet's.
"Why is it that we never have Tank's!!" Brandon hit his hand on the chair's arm rest clearly out of anger of how this battle was turning out, but he alone was getting tired of the King's terrible promises.
And now he knew why Frame called him a idiotic Child from the start.....Idiotic Child indeed.
Soon enough the fight in the Town continued to be a blood bath even when more of the Enemy Soldier's had poured into the small and tiny town, but their intention was clear to wipe all of the Militia out for their "Treason".
Though they would be saved soon as the first glace of Malcom and his regrouping Cavalry where in the horizon, yet clearly it looked like they had taken care of the threat on the Left and now it was just the middle to worry about....and it looked like a last desperate move from their Enemy to push the center with everything they have.
"Soldier's....Today we live, Today we Die, but by god let's hope we live a little longer to show the world we are not Coward's!!" Malcom shouted out to his fellow Cavalry men and took out his sword once more, but was followed suite by the other's who took out their weapons such as Sword's, and Gun's.
"Charge!!" Malcom shouted the order's out loud and soon his horse charged forward, but he wasn't left alone soon over a hundred men followed him in his charge, however when they got closer to the Enemy two lone Regiment's had noticed them and had fired upon them.
The Outcome was devastating for the Cavalry as they had continued to charge, but as for the Two Regiment's they were easily disposed of and the Cavalry continued only to outflank the enemy at the Bridge's.
"I Believe we have them beat sir....I can't be too sure, but with Marshall Malcom combined force's and our force's on the right now flanking the enemy force's in the middle....I believe we have won." One of the Soldier's spoke to Brandon as he was recovering in the Chair.
"Yes.....though we need those Reinforcement's.....and more importantly we need Frame....get him here if he does escape America." Brandon ordered the Soldier in a way that made the Soldier worry and to back up and run away to give the news out or to find a way to get to the Reinforcement's.
Brandon had to give the Combined French and German Army one thing they were tough bastard's, but this was only the first wave he knew....now they had to wait for the next....
And pray they would survive long enough for either Frame to return.....or their Reinforcement's to come.
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