Chapter 9: There Will Be
It's Labor Day. Ravenwood Academy has a time honored tradition of letting the students out on a wolf run.
We have freedom here in the mountains of Colorado as the school was built on a vast property far enough from the nearest town.
The run was supervised by the academy's security officers and the vast number of Alphas at its tip should be enough to scare anyone of going against us.
No matter how fierce you are or how good an army you have, no one can take on 60 Alpha wolves, at least not without a machine gun.
There were close to two hundred wolves in total, a sure bet to instill fear in any enemy. We were not afraid of anyone, not with our numbers.
No self respecting Alpha or Beta would ever attack someone else's kids, not even his enemy's. You see, there are rules of engagement even among feuding packs.
You don't hit someone else's partner and you especially don't harm somebody else's kids. In short, never go after your opponent's family. Anybody who values their life knows that.
If you go for other people's family, then all bets are off. And by that I mean your family will be fair game just as well. I am sure by now you see where I am going with this...
We live in a society where there are rules even for us. Especially involving werewolves. We wouldn't have survived this long in secrecy if we didn't have a strict code of conduct.
The last thing you need is for someone to lodge a complaint against you in the Alpha Council - a collegiate of the most powerful Alphas of the country. They are the ones responsible for building this school and for overseeing our society as a whole.
Any individual Alpha is responsible for their own pack, but the Council is responsible for the American werewolf society.
Have you ever watched Twilight? I couldn't get enough of those movies growing up. Think of the Alpha Council as the Vulturi of werewolves. People who don't align themselves get exterminated.
With all that being said, rogues are a different matter entirely.
They don't answer to Alphas, belong to a single pack, or obey society's rules. Unfortunately, there's no telling when we will meet one of them. They are unpredictable and untraceable.
Most of them live in wolf form, making it impossible to keep track. All we can do is deal with them when we face off.
Some rogues operate in small groups, others alone. But there are the occasional wolves that are led by a leader, not an Alpha. They serve an agenda in exchange for shelter and food, maybe even protection.
But what nobody could ever predict was that they would be bold enough to attack this close to Ravenwood. And I do mean close, like a few feet away.
They only waited for the Alphas to enter the gate, biding their time to launch a direct strike, trying to capture a few students.
Considering only Omegas were targeted, I cannot help but think that we were the intended target, the primary objective of their pursuit.
I tremble at the thought of what they could possibly want from us, from me. I have never felt fear in my life like I did when I was grabbed against my will and pulled away by their teeth, kicking and screaming.
Unfortunately, there is only one reason that I could think of for Omegas to be specifically targeted like that. One that causes a chill to run down my spine.
It gives me an overwhelming sensation of petrifying fear to imagine that those rogues wanted Omegas for breeding.
Yeah, I am using that word loosely here but what I really mean is to have sex with us against our will. I don't know why they were targeting us or more to the point why the hell would they try to kidnap Omegas from prestigious families like mine?
All the scenarios that I have conjured up in my head end up with the same result. A stranger sexually assaulting me for the purpose of producing a child with my family's blood.
Tears come to my eyes.
After I was seized by the rogue along with two other Omegas, I scrambled to get free but couldn't fight them off. All I did was injure myself further.
Meanwhile, the security officers that were backing us fought off the other rogues that came to our captures' defense.
It all happened so fast, the next thing I knew the Alphas came back to our aid and I nearly escaped death. I mean, I saw my short life flashing before my eyes and I was going to die a virgin.
After the six or seven rogues were dealt with, the three Omegas that were injured - including me - were brought directly to the infirmary for treatment.
We were badly bruised as we struggled to fight off the rogues. The pain was enough to almost make me pass out. Blood seeping out of my injuries, I could not stop crying.
Fortunately, the nurse here in Ravenwood is top notch. Not only was she able to patch us up, but she also gave us something for the pain. It would take a while for our wolf healing to kick in and with nasty multiple injuries, one could easily bleed out before the healing has any chance to work itself.
Half an hour later, a doctor showed up to check on us and perform additional exams. My poor brother was devastated by this attack, feeling guilty for having neglected me.
I mean, I do not think he did that, but he feels guilty nonetheless. He always took it upon himself to be my protector, sometimes overprotective, but I know the pressure he puts on himself. He thinks I was born with a disadvantage for being an Omega instead of an Alpha like him.
That is not how I see it. I do not think myself inferior to him in any way, except for brute force and height. That's just biology.
Skylar was worried sick about my health and seeing so much blood coming out of me did not help. He held my hand through all the pain and I felt better because he was there for me.
The other two Omegas did not have siblings to help them through or to ease their pain. We were united in our suffering, but bonded through our kinship.
I love my brother with all my heart but he will never understand what it feels like to be an Omega. They do.
Which is why I connected so instantly with Jake, he gets me. We may have come from different packs and upbringings, but we connect on a molecular level.
The nurse brought us some food after the doctor finished his examination. It was past lunchtime and we were all starving from the wolf run earlier. Skylar refused to leave my side to go to the cafeteria, so she brought him some food as well.
Sometime later, Jake and Jayden arrived in the medical ward together to visit me. Jake was right there by my side when I was taken by the rogue. It is a miracle he was not taken himself.
He wanted to hug me, but I was not in a situation where hugging was permitted. I was just glad to see him, that means a lot to me. I didn't think anybody would come here except for my family.
"I am better now, medicated. The doctor said he was going to observe us for a few hours and keep us here overnight. By tomorrow morning, if all checks out, I should be discharged." I told him after he asked me about how I was doing.
"I am so glad to hear this. I was terrified when they grabbed you, I am sorry there was nothing I could do at the time. I was petrified." He admitted, remorsefully.
"It's fine, I don't blame you. No one could have imagined that anyone would attack us this close to Ravenwood." I reassured him, not wanting him to feel bad about it.
Jake softly caressed my forehead, feeling so bad for me. It was nice to have this moment with him. My brother was gracious enough to not interject himself.
"I am going to miss my sleeping companion tonight." He spoke humorously.
"I am sure there are better options for you available." I replied suggestively, glancing at Jayden. He blushed.
"We are not there yet." Jake dismissed it, flustered. It's great to talk normally once again like we always do.
Then he took the time to talk to the other two Omegas who were injured and asked how were they feeling right now. It was sweet of him.
We had a great time before my parents arrived here and brought their heat to the Academy. By the time they arrived, Jake and Jayden were long gone.
"My poor baby!" Mom exclaimed, seeing the state I was in the hospital bed. Dad was beside her and Headmaster Lockwood was accompanying them.
"How did you let this happen, Lockwood? How could you allow them to attack this close to Ravenwood?" My father was beyond mad, glaring at the imposing man who shrunk in a rare vulnerable state.
"They explored a weakness, Alpha. I promise you this will never happen again." He reassured my worried father, who looked troubled as he took a look at my state.
Mom came to my bed and checked how I was doing and the extent of my injuries. She also greeted Skylar who was still sitting by my bed's side. He hasn't left my side so far, except for bathroom breaks.
"Honestly, I had to fight my first instinct to pull my sons from this academy." Dad told Alpha Lockwood, looking distraught.
"That would be a mistake, Alpha. Neither of them is near a match, despite your son's appetite for rich Gammas." Lockwood replied with a sharp sting directed to my brother, who felt that and blushed before our parents.
"I am familiar with my son's appetite, what I am confused about is why didn't he protect his brother." Dad glared at Skylar from beside Alpha Lockwood.
My parents are no strangers to seeing my brother running around with 'arm candy' by his side. Back in high school, Skylar was a major player. This does not upset or anger my father at all - unless there was a baby involved, of course, fortunately for my brother there never was - but failing to protect me is another matter entirely.
Not that I think he failed anything, but my father is a bit harder to convince.
"We were practically inside the academy, I didn't know he would still need protection!" Skylar protested, feeling guilty about the whole episode.
"Dad, it wasn't his fault! He couldn't have known they would attack us this close to the property!" I defended my brother, who already felt terrible to begin with. He doesn't need dad piling it on more.
"I would never have expected a seasoned Alpha like you to let this happen." Dad turned to Lockwood once again with his disapproving frown.
"Rest assured, Alpha. I have learned from my mistakes. Both your sons will be safe here, I give you my word. There will be no more running into the woods." He countered in a stern tone, angered by this 'flaw' in his stellar reputation.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Mom questioned me, worriedly. She touched my forehead in her nurturing way and looked concerned for me.
"I am doing better now, mom. Thanks for coming. I would have understood if you couldn't." I said, knowing how busy my parents are.
"There is no higher priority in my life than my sons. We came as soon as the headmaster called." She replied, looking at her children tenderly.
"Do you need anything from me to make this place any safer? Perhaps some donation to hire additional guards?" Dad asked Lockwood, still preoccupied with us.
"No, Alpha. We are good. This wasn't a matter of not enough guards, but thank you for taking an interest." The headmaster replied politely.
"I understand your grandson is attending the academy this year. I was expecting that he would be a good match for my Seth, but I am sure I don't need to tell you what my sons' safety means to me." Dad pondered, causing me to blush in the process.
"I have hoped he would be a good match for your son as well, Alpha, but I am afraid it isn't in the cards for now. He's infatuated with another boy, but I am hoping to dissuade him from a disadvantageous match." Lockwood breathed out a frustrated sigh. I see where they are going with this.
"Have there been any prospects so far?" My mom asked me with a soft smile and curious tone. I smiled awkwardly at her.
"There would have been if Skylar let anybody get close to me. He has already chased away half a dozen in a week." I replied, throwing my brother under the bus. Skylar was wide-eyed staring at me for the comment.
I love you brother, but that was not cool. Both my parents gasped in shock.
"There was an altercation with another student in the first week." Lockwood whispered to my father, who glared at Skylar reprehensibly.
"He wasn't good enough for Seth! None of them were!" Skylar protested, defending himself to our parents.
"Son, you need to allow your brother to make his own decisions from now on. If you intimidate all the students, he will never get a prospect." Mom cautioned him, warily. My brother huffed and puffed, annoyed at this.
"And what about your prospects?" Dad inquired, raising a curious eyebrow at my brother.
"I am on it, but she doesn't want to move to Texas." He replied, sounding annoyed by this fact. Both my parents laughed at this.
"Where does she come from?" Mom asked him, intrigued.
"California." He replied in a matter of fact tone.
"Never go for West Coast girls. They are a lost cause, son! Have I taught you nothing?" Dad said in a humorous tone, the first time I saw him relax since he arrived here with my mom.
There is a political aspect to what we do here in Ravenwood. Courtship is a dance. We are not looking for hookups, but partners. There is a reason it takes a year or this could all be done over a weekend.
First, you find a partner whose family position or wealth is advantageous to you. Then you start negotiating the partnership, the terms in which you find agreeable.
A lot of people get stuck in the negotiations and fail to move on with the partnership. It happens. And that's just preliminary negotiations, not the actual contract.
Then we take the prospective partner to meet the parents for scrutiny. If you survive both sets of trips, then you can move on with the relationship and get started on the contract.
The idea is that by April, you will have everything pre-negotiated for the claiming ceremony. That is just a formality for your friends and family, but like a graduation ceremony, it's just as important.
Then you will both sign the marital contract and start your lives. Considering our age, that may or may not include college. Depending on the negotiations.
We are making a political match, that is true. There are rules and traditions to be obeyed, especially for someone like me. But that is the only way for us to secure a match that will prosper.
My parents are contract partners who have been together for two decades. They might not love each other like before, but they respect the terms of their contract.
I know it sounds like the least romantic thing in the world and it is, but it sure beats being abandoned by someone you thought loved you and is now stuck with raising your child alone. Or children.
Goddess only knows what would have happened to me had my capturer succeeded in taking me away.
My parents stayed with us for a while. They talked to the doctor who was on call monitoring our situation and later would find a guest bed right here in the third tower to stay over. They are not catching a flight home until tomorrow.
Later at night, Jake found a way into the medical ward once again and visited me for a few more minutes. My brother stayed with me all day and night because he didn't want me to be alone.
He has always been there for me. Like my parents, everywhere I am there he is.
A|N: After writing about feuding twins in my previous novel, the only way forward for me was to shake things up. I love the concept of twins in which one is Alpha and the other an Omega.
Next is "Sexy Back".
By the way, were you NOT expecting Seth's POV in the book?
I know, right? It's twist after twist and you haven't seen the half of it yet!
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