Chapter 76: No More Drama
I am smiling from ear to ear.
As soon as I heard Headmaster Lockwood announce that Jake and I were cleared for contract negotiations, I was ecstatically happy. I was elated to finally have my deserved happiness with my beloved Jacob. I cannot believe what a tough journey we had so far.
But do you want to know what was really tough?
I mean, painfully rough. Gut wrenching, indeed.
It was remarkably difficult to be reunited with my roommate last night.
Not only did he look rugged after the last couple of weeks away from Ravenwood, but he looked anguished about his impending breakup with Jake. It's like he knew their relationship was already over and all that was left was to make it official.
Let me tell you, it was not fun for me to see him in that state. He may not be my friend, but I am no psychopath. I do not want him to be depressed or sad. I think he is an amazing guy, but we never hit it off for some reason. We should be best friends like Seth and Jake, but we are not. However, that doesn't mean I want to see him miserable.
On the contrary, I wish for nothing more than his happiness. Just not with my Omega. My Omega! *sigh*
Oh, right. As I was saying...
I do not want him saddened. I don't want him to be devastated by the loss of his relationship with Jake. I want him to be as happy as I am feeling right now. I didn't mean to go after Jake initially, but that ship has sailed now. It is what it is. If there was anybody else in this school who would love me for who I am inside, I was not aware of that. Neither male nor female.
Anyway, the point is that I am not happy about this outcome. I am thrilled to be with Jake and to be approved by our respective parents, but I do not relish in Jayden's defeat. I do not take comfort in his sorrow. By all means, I want him to be happy. I honestly do.
Last night, I heard him crying in his bed for the longest time. I felt guilty for acting the way I did, going after his boyfriend, but in my defense, Jake was no longer his boyfriend when I started taking interest in him. They were broken up at the time, so there is that.
With all that being said, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life! To be approved by our parents to start contract negotiations? This is what I came here for, to find someone like him, who loves me for who I truly am and not what I can bring to his life.
Speaking of parents, you should probably sit down before I start telling you what I am about to say.
My father drove to Shawn's residence last Sunday and talked to him personally about my rejection. He already suspected it was his father's doing and Shawn only confirmed that suspicion. Initially, he would have fired him on the spot for doing something like that, but my mother convinced him that was not the best course of action. #MomsRule
He demanded that Shawn issue a recantation of his decision if he still wanted a position in his company and that he remain out of their children's relationship. If he wants to be in his son's life, that is none of my father's business, but if he interferes in our relationship again, my father will not be so nice the next time. Yes, he was threatening him when he said that. *evil cackle*
He also marched right up to his parents' home and had a field day arguing with his father.
He was furious that my grandfather would have the gull to interfere in his son's happiness the way he did. The two of them battled it out for a long while, but my father would not back down. It took my grandmother to run interference before father and son killed each other. It was really bad.
My grandfather threatened to cut him and me out of the will - he still holds the larger shares of the company and is active as the chairman of the board of Stronghold Oil - to which my father responded that he could do whatever he wanted in life, as long as he stayed out of his children's decisions in their lives. He was the one who should decide on his sons' prospects and no one else.
My grandmother, who is a sweet and caring woman, assured her eldest son that her mate would not cut us out of his will and that she would talk to her partner of four decades. This isn't normal behavior, especially not from our species. Who cares that my prospect is a male anyway? We are werewolves. Bidziil would be ashamed of him.
I am not going to lie, even if I were a pauper starting tomorrow, I would still not renege on Jake. Even if I was cut off from the will, prohibited from ascending as the next Alpha of my pack, I would still never deny my love for him. I can never prefer any worldly possession over Jake, as I am sure he would take me as I am. For richer or for poorer, till death do us part. This is how I feel about him and I will die before I give him up.
It's Tuesday morning here in Colorado, the third day of December.
After a late night, the alarm clock wakes me up as I lazily yawn at the dawn of a new day. I see that my roommate has woken up as well, he looks destroyed after a night of crying and heartbreak. I keep silent and focus on myself. There is no use trying to be his friend now if we weren't before. Our relationship is already doomed.
Later that morning, most of my housemates and I arrived at the cafeteria to find it decorated for Christmas. It's a human holiday that we werewolves adhere to, to pass as them in society. We are safe here in Ravenwood with only other werewolves, but apparently, everyone got bitten by the holiday bug. I don't mind it really, I like getting presents just like the next kid.
I see Jake in another food line and smiled at him from a distance. I would like to try to tone down our public display of affection in front of his ex-boyfriend, but I am not sure just how much and how often. For now, I am happy that he knows I love him.
Most of the students do not know how to behave around Jay. The Alphas cheered that he was back, but all of them were awkward around me and the subject of Jake and I being approved for each other. They don't know how much he is in the loop about that.
"You can stop with the kid gloves, guys. I know about Sky and Jake being approved for contract negotiations, okay? You can stop treating me like I am delicate, or like I am going to fall apart any second when I find out. Jake already told me last night when I went to talk to him." Jayden clarified for the Alphas who were not aware of how to behave around him.
"Wow. I am so sorry about that, my friend. I did not think you would ever lose to Sky." One of the Alphas opined, feeling bad for him.
"I didn't. That's a misconception, actually. I did not lose anything to Skylar, I lost to myself. I lost sight of my own worth as a partner. Somehow, I got mixed up in trying to compare myself to other people and that should never have happened. I psyched myself out by pitting myself against him when I never should have. No one should ever compare themselves to anyone, especially someone who they can never be. I forgot myself and my worth as a partner, that's the truth. So, no. I did not lose to Skylar, I lost to myself. I let my insecurities speak louder than my love for Jake and that was my worst mistake." He ranted, sounding pissed off.
"Well, I am happy that you are here again." Kyle chimed in with an arm on his shoulder in the food line.
"Thank you, Kyle. What is this I hear that you have a secret boyfriend?" Jayden asked him point blank and the Alpha from New Mexico gasped in shock.
"How could you possibly know about that if you just arrived last night?" Kyle was gobsmacked to hear him talking about it. Speaking of which, he still did not tell me who it was that he was making out the other day. I would ask my brother, but it wouldn't be fair to put him in that position.
"There's this thing now called the internet. Maybe you heard about it." He smirked and I snorted, legitimately. I wasn't alone either.
"I don't have a secret boyfriend." He denied, annoyed at the subject being brought up again.
"Hey, if you're happy, then I am happy for you. Is it Seth?" Jayden questioned him and my brother had a whiplash at his name being mentioned in the conversation. He was with Jake in another line inside the cafeteria.
"Why would I make any secret to hooking up with Seth? I would celebrate around all four corners of the Earth if he looked at me the same way he looks at you." Kyle argued, slightly envious. Jayden was uncomfortable at this fact being pointed out like that, but that is not news to anyone, much less me. I know my brother liked Jayden since the moment they met in the Gamma locker room.
"I am sure that if you proved to him that you don't want him just because he is a Stronghold, he would be yours." Jayden argued, staring at Kyle with empathy.
"How would I go about to prove that at this point?" Kyle wondered, not seeing how that would even be possible.
"I don't know, my friend, but if Skylar managed to convince my boyfriend that he is the one for him instead of me, I am sure that you can convince his brother that you are the one for him." He gave Kyle an encouraging smile, despite the awkward subject.
"He wasn't your boyfriend when I tried to convince him of that fact." I rolled my eyes, now serving myself some breakfast out of the food station.
"Not of my own decision." Jay snapped back at me, by my side.
"That was your first mistake." I countered, annoyed at him.
Jayden growled at me ferociously, but I continued doing what I came here to do.
"Agreed." He conceded, irritated at me.
The day hasn't even started yet. This is just the beginning of an auspicious day.
My brother was not a fan of Jayden trying to encourage Kyle to ask him out. I am pretty sure that ship has sailed and he doesn't stand a chance. On the other hand, Seth has to make a decision before our dad comes here and handpicks someone for him. He told us he would never let us graduate without marital contracts.
I would still prefer Jayden for him despite all that happened between us. Unfortunately, he is still the best choice for Seth out of all the Alphas that are left here - who are queer and still available. Of course, it's not my decision and I will never meddle into that wasp's nest.
We sit down to have breakfast in the Alpha section of the cafeteria and as we begin to get comfortable with the chewing noises and gossipy students, another bomb is about to be dropped. Never a dull moment here in the Ravenwood Academy.
"Good morning, students. As you all know, next week is the Christmas Ball. The last chance for those of you who are still single to do something about it before the Winter break. And on the next day, we will have our annual Parents' Day. A special occasion where your parents can come here to Ravenwood and see what we do here. They can also take this opportunity to discuss your contracts, for those of you who were already approved for it. Have a good day." Headmaster Lockwood announced via the intercom system.
"Oh, my Goddess!" I gasped in shock at this news. I had totally forgotten about parents' weekend, though it was in the brochure when I first applied for Ravenwood back in High School.
"Wow. My parents and your mom will be in the same place next week. Do you think your contract will be decided then?" Seth asked Jake at the Omega section where they were eating breakfast.
"That's a possibility for sure. Could I really be locked to Sky before the year is over? Isn't that crazy?!" Jake was beside himself happy about the prospect.
"It is crazy, indeed. Can you imagine being locked as a partner four months before graduation? You are so lucky, Jake." Seth told him, feeling a bit sad for not being anywhere near that position.
"I am sure you will find your prince charming, Seth. He is out there, you just have to look closely. Maybe the next ball will give you a chance to see it. Look beyond what your parents want for you, find the one diamond in the rough, find your special person. You deserve to have love in your life." Jake encouraged his best friend and it was making me emotional because I also want him to succeed. And if he can't be with my roommate, then he should go out and make his own fortune with whoever he chooses - that chooses him back.
Seth smiled at Jake for his words as I got emotional at the prospect of being locked to Jake before the year was over. Could this be it? Can I really sail off into the sunset with the hottest Omega in Ravenwood? I am a bit weary to even think of that possibility.
"Wow. They are such good friends. How come you two weren't?" Kyle commented, glancing at Jay and me. We exchanged an awkward stare that made me feel uncomfortable in light of what Lockwood had just announced.
"I have no idea, my friend. But I will say this from the bottom of my heart, there is a zero chance of you convincing my brother of your feelings for him being genuine if he just saw you making out with somebody else. Your best bet is to take your chances with the mystery boy. Speaking to you as a friend. Seth is not the side hustle kind of guy. He despises cheating and he would sooner be single forever than to be with a player." I cautioned him, deflecting from my personal situation with Jayden.
Kyle glared daggers at me.
"Never mind, I know why you don't have any friends." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"I am being your friend. That ship has already sailed. Go after whoever you want before it's too late. Take it from me, I did it even when there was no chance in hell I could ever be happy with my Omega." I told him, dead seriously.
"And now you could be the first student of the entire academy to be locked to a prospect. Bastard!" He sulked.
"From your lips to the Goddess' ears. Maybe when Jake and I break the curse, you can be mated to my brother. Who knows?" I winked at him, playfully.
"Do you really think so?" He widened his eyes at me, a twinkle in his eyes shining bright.
"Don't listen to him, Kyle! They are not going to break the curse, come on!" Jayden interjected, pissed off at this rhetoric.
"Do yourself a favor and find a prospect now before it's too late. If you follow this fool's errand of his, you'll leave this place a single Alpha!" He exclaimed, irritated at my theory.
Can we get a move on already? Honestly, as soon as I am locked and loaded with Jake, I will be glad to not care about this private school drama anymore. I will be happy with the man that I love and the only drama I will want to discuss is just how much sex can an Omega withstand in one single night... *naughty grin*
I am over this drama with my roommate. I am over being punished for going after who I want. I gave it my best shot and I highly recommend it. Now we could be the first couple locked by a marital contract by the end of the year. Can you imagine that?
Could I live in a world where Jake and I live happily ever after?
I certainly hope so. Goddess knows I don't want any more drama in my life...
A|N: BOOM! *insert explosion noises*
The parents are coming together?
What's the worst that could happen?
Heck if I know, there is so much water to go under the bridge until then...
You can hardly wait!
Do you want to know what happens next?
Are you dying to discover the brand new twist?
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Next is "My Boo".
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