Chapter 53: T.G.I.F.
I am not winning this battle.
I can feel Jake's resolve dwindling as Skylar makes his play for him. He is relentless. I never considered myself a bad guy or unromantic in any way, but Skylar takes it up to a whole new level.
He is not using his money to lavish Jake with expensive gifts, no, that would be too predictable for a guy like him. Instead, he's buying Jake a box of chocolates, flowers, and a goddamn cell phone cover. Who even thinks of that?
A new cell phone I would've understood, but a cover? Wow. That is out of the box thinking, if you ask me. I know it is a small gesture for a guy like him, but it is in the small things that we learn who truly love us. Or at least, so I have heard.
It's not like I am not a romantic guy, I am. I took Jake to spend a whole day together in town last Saturday. It wasn't anything fancy, but it did its job. We had a great time.
Now that Skylar's father approved of Jake by some miracle, he is going on and on about how MY prospecting partner is the love of his life. It's so damn annoying! *grunts*
As far as I know, Jake is committed to me and making our partnership come true, I can see that he is not immune to Skylar's charm. Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't think anybody is immune to Skylar Stronghold. Who would even buy flowers for a guy you are not even dating? It's bonkers if you think about it.
Skylar goes above and beyond. It is not a posture, he does it even when he has nothing to gain from the situation - which is mind-boggling for a guy like him who could be so self-centered. I am sure he was until now. Until he suddenly realized that my Jake was the boy for him.
Ironically, I wouldn't even peg him for being pansexual, but that is less important now. Of course, he is the guy who would, in his brother's own words, 'screw anything that moves'.
It's Friday here in Colorado. After a busy week of studies, students are getting ready to return home for the weekend since we didn't get to go home last weekend on account of the 'Loser Ball'. Thank Goddess, I didn't have to dance with a bunch of people last Friday night.
I just had front row seats to Skylar once again trying to romance Jake with a dance that according to him was tailored for the two of them with their own theme song. Fuck my life... *grunts in annoyance*
No, you may not Rewrite the Stars, Skylar. Jake is mine. Back off!
"Can you believe next time we see each other, you and Jake could be the first approved couple in Ravenwood?" Kyle pondered, sounding excited for me. We were in line for breakfast inside the cafeteria as we do every morning.
"I know, right? It seems like a dream." I breathed out a hopeful sigh while my roommate was giving me a worried look. Not for me, for him. If I am successful, nothing will stop us.
Later today I am going with Jake back to Boulder where his mother will be expecting us for a heart to heart. Am I a tad scared to face her? Just a little. Am I just as excited to get through this hurdle with Jake, so that our lives can start afterwards? You bet I am!
"Yeah, I am not crazy excited that you're going to break my brother's heart." Seth sulked next to Jake in another food line. Jake turned to him surprised by that declaration. As one could, considering he is defending his twin brother.
"Your brother always knew that I was in love with Jayden from the beginning. I never deceived anyone, much less him." Jake argued, rather peeved with his roommate.
"Yeah, I know that. But he is my brother. I have to be on his side." Seth muttered, sounding like a spoiled brat in my opinion.
"Plus, you want Jay for yourself." He accused him and I gasped in shock at that.
Seth stared at Jake wide-eyed at his statement.
"I see the way you look at him, Seth. I am not blind." He declared in a matter of fact tone.
"I am gay and he is hot. I fail to see the merit in this conversation." He glared at Jake for calling him out like that.
"He is not the only hot guy in Ravenwood. In fact, this academy has plenty of hot boys. I mean, have you seen Kyle shirtless? You could wash clothes on those abs, he is so ripped!" Jake argued, salaciously.
Instantly, I turned to Kyle with a death glare in his direction.
"When did Jake ever see you shirtless?" I questioned him in an accusatory tone. Kyle went ghost white for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that.
"Did you forget that most of the Alphas shifted into wolves outside on the patio on Labor Day? They were wearing just underpants when that happened." Jake said, reminding me of that wretched day. Kyle was already sweating under my threatening gaze.
"I thought you weren't on the patio when that happened!" I noted, intrigued.
"I wasn't, but my room has a window with a clear view of the patio. I saw it from a distance, but it was enough to be memorable." He said, humorously.
"Wow. I totally had forgotten we did that." Skylar commented, reminiscing on that day.
"Did you catch me in underwear too?" He asked Jake with a naughty grin.
"Yes, I was not impressed." He rolled his eyes.
"You are a terrible liar." Skylar teased him, playfully. He is a terrible liar, indeed.
Can we get a move on this day already? Thank Goddess it's Friday.
Moments later, we were all sat by our respective sections having the most important meal of the day.
"When do you leave for Boulder?" Seth asked Jake at their section.
"Right after the final class of the day, I am hoping to get the Three O'Clock bus with Jayden." He replied, sounding anxious. I was too, of course.
"Do you think your mom will approve of him?" He asked Jake, intrigued.
"Knowing my mom, she will probably defer the decision to me. Especially since I have been approved by two distinct Alphas." He replied, as honestly as I come to expect of him. It is refreshing how he always carries himself with dignity and honor. Qualities that would make him a great Luna for my pack.
"Isn't there any part of you who thinks you should give my brother a chance?" Seth asked him, insistently.
"Isn't there any part of you that thinks you should move on from Sean and pick another Alpha to be your prospect?" He questioned him in an annoyed tone.
The two roommates glared daggers at each other and ate the rest of their food in silence.
"I don't think they are going to remain friends until the end of the year. You should talk to your brother." Kyle told Skylar, sounding worried about their friendship.
"What makes you think I haven't already? It's not my fault if my brother loves me and doesn't want to see me getting hurt!" Skylar responded, irritated at the question.
"You are getting hurt one way or another, but you don't need to drag Seth alongside you!" Kyle insisted, furrowing his eyebrows at Skylar.
"Your concern for my brother is touching. He still won't be yours, despite what Jake said about your rock-hard abs." Skylar provoked him with a sarcastic laugh.
"Thank you for the clarification. You wonder why you don't have any friends..." Kyle rolled his eyes, annoyed.
Oh boy. I could be bothered that Jake said that, but I choose to believe that he only pointed that out for Seth's sake. Plus, I already have one Alpha to worry about. Any more than that, I cannot handle.
Later that day, the two of us were finally on a bus away from everyone at Ravenwood.
I am not going to lie, for once since I started going here, I was relieved to be away from all the drama and focus myself on my prospect. I need to secure his mother's approval, so this weekend is all about the Andersons. Goddess, please help me secure her approval. *pray*
Hours later, we were greeted by his mother in their condo in downtown Boulder. I like the location of the apartment, very close to all the action the town has to offer. We put our luggage down, then mother and son got reacquainted properly as two people who hadn't seen each other for two weeks would.
Being raised by a single mom, I get why Jake is so close to her. I used to be close to my mom as well, but truth be told I feel much more connected to my dad than her. It must be the father and son bond that we share.
"So, you're the boy who broke my son's heart and then proposed marriage to him inside a locker room when he wasn't even dressed yet?" She called me out just like I knew she would. From what Jake has told me about her, she is a no holds barred type of lady.
"In my defense, I never wanted to break up with your son in the first place, ma'am." I defended myself, though I realize that was a bleak response.
"I am sorry for going about it the wrong way, but I love your son. I have since the moment I saw him in that very same locker room. So, I thought it was only fitting that I would propose to him there, though I obviously never imagined that we would have been filmed and for it to have gone viral as it did." I continued, elaborating on my response.
"Okay, that's fair. But why did you take a whole month to propose? Why did you only act after Skylar started to show interest in my son? Is this a competition between the two of you? Two rich Alphas competing to say who can claim the scholarship student?" She asked me in an accusatory tone.
I was wide-eyed in shock at that question.
"No, ma'am. I am not doing this to compete with anybody or show off to anyone. I love Jake, we were in a relationship way before Skylar was in the picture. I don't know what he wants with your son, but I know what I want. I'd like for him to be my partner, with your approval." I replied, trying to be as considerate as possible but clear on the matter.
"I know what Skylar wants with my son, Jayden. He has been very vocal about it from the moment I met him. What I don't know is why an Alpha of your caliber would wait a whole month before starting to fight for my son. Skylar did not even share a kiss with him and he flew back to his pack in the middle of the week just to ask his parents for approval of Jake. Where was your love all this time? Do you really love my son or you just don't want Skylar to win?" She demanded to know, raising an eyebrow in an accusatory stance.
Oh. My. Goddess. I knew this would be hard, but I didn't expect it would be THIS hard. She is very well informed about the recent developments regarding her son. I am glad that they talk often, but now I am in hot water.
Did she really ask me that? Was that a valid question? I loved Jake first. Why am I under attack right now? This is going to be much more difficult than I could ever expect it to be. *sweats under her gaze*
Your move, my dear Jay. In this house, we do not avoid the tough questions.
As usual, I emulate my characters' mothers based on my own mom. She is the kind of person who never shies away from the tough questions. Love you, mom.
OFF: Before my partner met my mother, he was TERRIFIED of her. He went into the meeting sweating buckets. Now everyone in my family absolutely loves him. <3
Next is "Just the Two of Us".
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