Chapter 51: What I Was Made For?
This day started so much differently than how it ended.
I prevented a fight from breaking out between Jayden and Kyle earlier, shot my mouth about Shawn - Jake's father - and ended up going into town to buy the object of my affection, a bouquet of red roses. If you had asked me before meeting Jake that I would ever spend an hour inside a van just to buy flowers for a boy, I'd ask what you're smoking.
But here I am, doing all this for a boy that I could not have.
I cannot exactly point my finger at when the switch was flipped inside my brain, all I know is that it gave me pleasure to see Jake's reaction to the flowers I gave him. He melted into a puddle before me, if I had that kind of courage - and most important privacy - I could have kissed him.
But no, I would never disrespect him like that. And most importantly, I wouldn't want to be the reason that he'd leave this place without a single prospect. It didn't make sense to interject myself in his relationship with Jayden. Why create havoc if I was not allowed to be with him in the sense that Jayden could?
I am not that selfish, to be quite frank with you. Even if I were, I would never jeopardize Jake's happiness. If he is happy, then I am happy for him. That is what is most important to me. But that was then, this is now.
A new day was born. My father emailed Headmaster Lockwood his approval of Jake as my prospect. Something nobody believed was possible, not for the lack of trying. I bet it was my mother's work. I called her last night in tears of heartbreak for not being able to be with Jake. I was devastated.
Yeah, maybe I am a mamma's boy. He who does not love his mother can cast the first stone. *stares at the crowd*
It's Monday. November 11. Last night, Jay stayed up until eleven with Jake in his dorm room - Seth left to give them privacy. He returned giddy with excitement. I was jealous, but I was not surprised that Jake stuck with him. I did not expect him to throw himself into my arms, but I would have loved it if that happened.
Regardless, I am the least bit discouraged from fighting for Jake. All I needed was a chance, so now it is up to me to make that happen. And I will not stop until Jake is comfortably resting his pretty little head on my chest once again.
"You look happy for someone whose prospect is happy in the arms of another man." Kyle teased me as we reached the cafeteria for breakfast.
"I am happy, thank you for noticing it. I'll be even happier when Jake realizes he was made for me." I declared, confidently. Jake and Seth are in the line for food and heard me well. Jayden did too, but I am not worried about him.
"Wow. I wish I had your confidence. Because if the guy I liked was about to introduce his prospect to his mother next weekend, I'd be worried." He stated, referring to the fact that Jayden is scheduled to go to Boulder this Friday.
"Yeah... I am sure Dr. Anderson is Team Skylar. By the time she is done calling him out on that viral proposal and the fact that Jay broke her son's heart, maybe she'll withhold her approval." I clapped back, taking a jab at my roommate in the process. Jayden glared daggers at me for that comment.
"I like your confidence, but I fail to see who wouldn't approve of Jayden. He's a great guy." Kyle spoke, sounding unsure.
"Aren't you my friend? Why are you trying to undermine my confidence?" I glared at him, mad.
"I am his friend too. I am friends with everybody. It's not my fault if you like the only Omega here who wouldn't throw themselves in your arms!" He exclaimed, defensively.
"I am pretty sure he is not the only one..." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at this.
"The fact that he didn't throw himself in my arms is exactly why he is the one for me." I declared, boldly.
"Why? Because he is immune to your charms?" Kyle teased me with a wicked smile.
"NO ONE is immune to my charms. But I meant in the sense that he is a loyal person. He's not going to say yes to me just because my father approved of him. I still need to put in the work. And I plan to. There is a lot that could happen between today and Friday." I said with a mischievous grin.
"Good luck, my friend. You're gonna need it. Because Jayden has it all. He is attractive, comes from a good family, is heir to a powerful pack and loves Jake." Kyle propped him up.
"I am all those things too, you know? And if he gets with me, we could go to the same college together." I boasted, irritated at him for being on Jayden's side apparently.
"I didn't know you had applied to C.U.!" Jake gasped in shock at that revelation. I figured since his mother works there, he would have most likely applied there to attend college for free because he is the son of an employee.
"I didn't. But I could apply for a transfer. Or better yet, apply now so I can maybe get approved for next Fall." I responded, sounding excited.
"Do you really think your father is going to allow you to go to college here in Colorado? Didn't he go to Rice?" Kyle questioned me, doubtful.
"Stop shooting me down!" I shouted at him, irritated. The uncomfortable vibe took over the cafeteria as Kyle took some distance from me in the line, awkwardly.
"I am sorry for yelling at you, Ky. I am just trying to keep a positive attitude about the fact that the boy I am falling in love with is going to end up with another man." I apologized to him, mortified to have called so much attention to myself in this busy cafeteria.
"How can you even fall in love with a boy after spending one weekend with him? You have not even kissed him yet!" Jayden asked me, irritated at my declaration.
"I wish I could tell you, roomie. But there is something about Jake that I find so irresistible." I replied, looking at Jake in another line. The Omega blushed at my piercing gaze.
"You are such a freak! There's literally a hundred people who would die to get your attention and you keep wasting it on the boy that I LOVE." He raised his tone to emphasize the point.
"I know, right? This would be much easier if he just surrendered to my arms." I swooned, looking at him who is now serving himself some breakfast next to my brother.
"Not the point I was trying to make." Jayden rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"What can I say? I just can't stop loving him." I insisted, completely smitten by Jake.
Later on, classes begin another week with a bang. Students gossiped about their future prospects and those who did not have any are now on focus mode to get some before the Thanksgiving break.
We only have two weeks to lock a candidate before we spend a week away from Ravenwood. It might sound like we still have a ton of time until April, but we don't. Time flies around here and Ravenwood breaks for Winter before any other school.
Basically, we only have two weeks in November and two in December to make it work. If not, only when the school returns in January. That is a long time to be prospectless. By January, you should be already in contract negotiations.
I am not saying that everybody locks a prospect by January, but the students we have here today are the same people until April. It's not like a new batch arrives next year. So, if you don't run, you might get left behind. Just ask Kyle, who is still carrying a torch for my brother. Even after he was dismissed by him last month.
"What about you? Aren't you going to get a move on with your prospect? You can't keep waiting for my brother if it's never going to happen." I asked Kyle during lunch break. He stared at me wide-eyed at the question he was not expecting.
"I know. I am just in my head about it. But I will make a play for a prospect soon." He replied, awkwardly.
"Speaking of your brother, who do you think he is going to choose next?" He couldn't help himself. I should have known this was coming.
"I have no idea! I can't even begin to imagine that the two of us could leave this place prospectless. My father will sooner travel here and choose a prospect himself than let that happen. Especially for my brother." I replied, worried about that eventuality.
My father is not big on wasting money or time. So, if he sent his sons here, then he wants his money's worth in prospects. That is what this academy was built for, people like us.
"Why especially for your brother?" He asked me, quizzically.
"Because he wants my brother to be taken care of. He wants a strong Alpha who can handle his business. He is not going to let his precious Omega wander aimless. He needs to know that Seth is secure and partnered up, preferably with an Alpha that is advantageous to him and our pack." I stated, catching my brother's attention at the Omega section.
"Like an Alpha whose pack is in a key state, maybe?" Kyle tried to be funny.
"Exactly. Like Georgia." I shot him down, who expected me to say New Mexico, where he is from. Jayden is not a fan of that hypothesis.
"I think you should give up on the idea that your brother would ever be prospected by Jayden. If anything, it would be weird for him to go after his best friend's boyfriend." Kyle grunted, irritated at me.
"You never know, maybe they could break the curse together." I said, humorously.
"Yeah... sure. That makes a lot of sense. I am sure the Goddess thought to Herself: Let me pair an incredibly rich Omega with a wealthy Alpha from another state. That totally makes sense." He rolled his eyes, being sarcastic.
"They would be perfect for each other. Just saying." I insisted, much to Jayden and Kyle's glare at me.
"You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to pawn your brother off to clear the path for Jake to choose you. That's never going to happen!" He growled at me, livid.
"I am not. I am just saying, Jay is a great guy." I insisted, feeling a wave of rage irradiating towards me.
"He is, that's why Jake chose him." He said in a snarky tone.
"Touché." I surrendered, or this conversation would never end. O.o
Considering the gossip going around the school, in today's combat practice the teacher did not pair Jayden and I together because he feared we would hurt each other for real. That is not the point of the class, we are taught how to attack enemies and defend ourselves. But hurting another student should never be the goal, which I understand completely.
Needless to say, Jayden is fuming at me for my declarations earlier. Even my brother was not a fan of me today. Overall, this was an off day for me. But I do feel the pressure of Jayden and Jake to be approved for each other, then all will be lost for me.
Later that evening, I knocked at Jake and Seth's dorm room door.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I told Jake, who answered the door.
"Sure. We can go to the common area." He suggested, to which I promptly agreed.
Jake and I walked to the lounge at the end of the Gamma House corridor, it was public so we wouldn't raise suspicions but private enough that we could talk freely. I mean, it depends on the conversation, but for now it'll do.
I took the time to apologize for coming on too strong earlier today. I did not want him to think I take any of this for granted and if I made that comment about Seth and Jayden, it was what I always felt in my heart, I was not pawning off my brother just so Jay could stay out of my way. You can check the tapes, I said that before.
I also told him that though I respect his decision of staying with Jayden, I will not give up on us. I feel like I was made for him to love as he was made for me. I am not so sure where I get that feeling or why, but I am speaking from the heart.
Never would I be just making a play for his heart with no consequence. I am in it for the long haul, this isn't a conquest for me. I wouldn't have worked that hard for anyone, so what is in my heart is what I give to him.
Jake told me he appreciated my honesty, but maybe I should steer clear of any Seth talk in regards to Jayden because it is disrespectful to the two of them. I nodded along and agreed with him. This is not how this game will be played. I have to win him over on my own merits, not because my brother might have a crush on Jay - of course, I did not use those words. But he totally does.
We talked for a while about how wild it was for him to get my father's approval and how he never thought it was possible. Me neither, to be honest.
"I wish I could say I developed some clever way of convincing my father with my arguments, but the truth is I cried. I cried a lot to my mom and she made it work. My father may not love her, but he respects her judgment call. And when she talks, he listens to her." I told him the reason why he must have changed his mind.
"I don't want you to ever feel like I am not being genuine. I know in my heart that you were the one I was supposed to find here in Ravenwood. You are the one who I was supposed to love. I am sorry if I don't beat around the bush, but it's what I believe wholeheartedly." I declared, wearing my sentiments on my sleeve.
"Thank you for saying that, I appreciate your honesty. As long as you respect my relationship with Jayden, I don't see a problem with that." He pointed out, firmly.
"Of course I do. I am about making you believe I am the one for you. But I don't need to invalidate Jayden or your feelings for him to do that. I would just like the chance to prove to you that I am the real deal. You have my heart, Jake. I don't know what else to say. It's the way I feel." I poured myself into that statement, gazing upon his beautiful blue eyes that I always thought they were green.
Jake blushed at my statement and I found that to be so adorable. We talked until it was time for dinner and he had to return to his dorm room to prepare for it. I swooned the whole time I was with him, enchanted by his presence.
What can I say? He is the one for me. If I am wrong, then I don't know who I was made for. Because in my heart of hearts, he is the one who I was put on this Earth to love. And I am not going to stop until he sees it. *swoon*
A|N: Okay then, good to know.
Fasten your seatbelts, babies. It's going to be a bumpy ride!
OFF: This song totally deserved the Oscar. It's masterfully beautiful.
Next is "Little Things".
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