Chapter 28: All I Ask Of You
Am I dreaming?
Have I ingested hallucinogens?
There must be something in the water here in Ravenwood because I am truly shocked about what just happened.
It's Halloween. Students are excited about not having classes tomorrow, Friday, because this is the weekend when most of them will fly out with their prospecting partners to be introduced to their parents.
Since it's Halloween, the Alphas decided to throw a costume party to celebrate the occasion and the extended weekend. For those of us who do not have a prospect to show for, it's a good opportunity to dress in your best slutty costume, drink, and flirt your way into making a new connection.
I understand the appeal of the party. I have been lonely since the break up with Jayden, though I don't expect anybody to suddenly pay attention to me here, at least it is an opportunity to unwind before the extended weekend.
As soon as Seth and I stepped onto the rooftop where the party was happening, we went to the table where the (cold) beverages were available and found Sean, my roommate's elected prospect. The two of them saw each other and started making out. I knew I had to find my own crowd tonight. I was not born to be a third wheel.
At first, I stumbled upon Jayden looking like a god in a Zeus costume. It was as awkward as you can imagine for two people who haven't spoken to each other since the break up almost a month ago.
Now I needed hard liquor to forget he even existed - and the fact that he still was unapproachable to me.
That's when I met another Greek God. What are the odds that the two roommates were dressed in the same type of costume? Did they order them together or something?
Skylar was more than happy to lead me to his secret stash of vodka of all sorts of flavors. I was pleased to be offered a drink, but what I would hear from him was the most shocking thing ever. I even gulped down another mini bottle of flavored vodka because I thought I was hallucinating. I am not even drunk yet... O.o
Skylar told me that he broke up with Victoria because she - who is not only pretty, comes from a great family and a powerful pack, and is pretty much perfect for him - was not what he wanted. Then he said he wanted me. I was like... what?
I told him I would never get approved by his father, but he didn't seem to care about that. He said he would not take 'no' for an answer. Again, what the hell is happening? I thought I was the boy he would never go for. I thought he was straight, but that is beside the point right now. It turns out that he is pansexual [attracted to people regardless of gender].
I am so gobsmacked by this information that I got winded for a minute.
"You told Seth that you broke up with Victoria because you wanted true love. But I don't love you. What do you want from me?" I asked him, the both of us were still hidden behind a wall next to the fire escape where he had stashed his beverages in a red cooler with lots of ice. There was music playing and hordes of people talking at the same time.
"I want you to give me the chance to earn your love. I know you are a person who wants a partner for who they are and not what they can do for you. All I ask is for the chance to prove to you that I could be that partner for you." He told me, sincerely.
It's difficult for me to comprehend that the guy who up until recently called me a charity case is now courting me as a prospecting partner.
"Are you okay? Did you consume any drugs because you're not making much sense... Up until the other day you used to call me 'charity case' and laughed when Kyle accused you of having a [secret] crush on me. Now you want to be my partner? I am not following. Is this a prank? Because if it is a joke, it's not very funny. Are you trying to get revenge on me for talking to your parents?" I mumbled, confused by his approach.
Skylar widened his eyes at my questions, then took a big breath as we were out in the open. This Autumn night was not as cold as Winter is here in Colorado. I wasn't even wearing a sweater, just my Ben Franklin costume. And yeah, I know that is not sexy at all. Not unless you have a thing for fake gray beards.
"No, I am not on drugs. I am not drunk either. Yet." He paused between the last two words with a smirk.
"I am okay, my mind has never been clearer about what I want. I am sorry for calling you a charity case before. I laughed at Kyle's suggestion because at the time it seemed preposterous to me to have a crush on you." He explained calmly, looking deep into my eyes.
"It is preposterous, I agree with you!" I interrupted his train of thought, perplexed by this line of conversation.
"This is not a prank, much less revenge. I told you, you were right to speak out. It was then that I first started seeing you in a different light. I knew how you interacted with my brother, but seeing you talking to my parents and how much fun we had that Saturday night despite your shock of finding your father and stint at the hospital, it was a new light." He clarified, sounding honest.
"But you spent this whole time telling me I could never be with someone like Jayden. Your father is even more demanding than his grandfather. How the hell do you think this could ever work? Are you planning on going rogue?" I questioned him, confused by all this.
I know what he is saying, but I am having a tough time believing in it. Skylar laughed at my last question.
"No, I am not going rogue. I plan on convincing my father that you are the better choice for me than any other girl or Omegas." He replied with a confident smile.
"Yeah, I don't think your father will take kindly to you ditching an heiress like Victoria to be with a loser like me. Especially after that scandal with Shawn." I argued, fearfully. It's not that I don't want to believe in him, I just have watched this movie before. I know how it ends.
"You are not a loser, Jake! You are special! Stop selling yourself short, you are a great catch!" He tried to convince me, but I was having a hard time believing it.
"No, Skylar. You are the biggest catch in this whole place! If I couldn't be with Jayden who is not even a tenth as rich as you, what hope could I possibly have of being with someone like you? Are you out of your mind?" I countered, getting pissed off at this conversation.
"I've never been more sound of mind. Please, all I ask is for a chance to prove it to you." He pleaded with me, but I had enough of this.
"Thank you for the drinks, I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me." I told him before I bolted out of there, tired of this insane conversation that someone like me could ever be with someone like him - even if I wanted to, which I don't. At all.
Skylar pursued me through the crowd dancing, talking, or kissing. I moved along the way towards the exit. This party is no longer making me feel good about myself. In fact, now I am doing worse than before.
I rushed past the stairs, trying to escape the Alpha behind me who called my name in hopes that I would stop, but I didn't. Unfortunately, he walked past me down the Alpha House, effectively cornering me into facing him.
"Can you leave me alone, please? I want to go back to my dorm room!" I demanded, irritated at being chased by him like a lost puppy.
"Please, all I ask of you is to give me a chance to prove to you that we are possible." He pleaded with me, humbly.
"I am not interested in you that way, Skylar! I never have been!" I denied him, aggravated. Fortunately, we were alone in the corridor at this time because someone might interpret this the wrong way.
"I know that. I am not asking you to spend the night with me..." He snickered and I glared daggers at him for even joking about that.
"All I am asking is for a chance to prove myself to you. I want you to stay back here at Ravenwood this weekend. I would like to take you out for you to get to know the real me." He proposed and I gasped in shock.
"What? There is no way in hell that I am spending the weekend here in Ravenwood! Are you kidding me? Every single student is leaving tomorrow! Plus, I have already promised my mother I would be back for my grandmother's birthday." I told him, annoyed at being pushed like that. Not literally.
"Fine. Can I go with you then?" He suggested and I stared at him wide-eyed.
"You want to go with me to Boulder?" I double-checked, baffled by his suggestion.
"Well, you already went to my house, so it is only fair that I go to yours now." He smiled at me and I found it hard to argue with him.
"I was saving that trip for Seth to come with me, but sure... if you want to come, I am not going to deny you room and board. But I don't have any guest rooms, you are gonna have to bunk with me." I cautioned him, who is used to fancy establishments.
"Fine by me." He smirked, grinning widely at me.
"On second thought, maybe you could stay in a hotel." I did not like the way he was looking at me right now. There was mischief in his eyes.
"Are you saying you can handle yourself being in the same room with me? Am I irresistible?" He provoked me, knowing full well I'd fall for it. My eyes shone in anger at the moment.
"Fine, you can stay in my room. But no messing around. It's just to sleep, nothing else. I have a reputation to uphold. Not that it will do me any good in this place..." I ranted, irritated at my circumstances. Nobody cares about me here to even worry about my reputation, but that changes nothing for me in practical terms.
"I would never cause you to lose your reputation. I am not after sex, Jake. If I was, I would be at the party not talking to you." He said with a boastful smile.
"You still can return to the party after I am gone." I rolled my eyes at his hubris.
"I could, but I don't want to. What I do want is for you to trust me." He pondered, convincingly.
"There is a long road until that happens." I widened my eyes at his conviction.
"And so my watch begins." He winked at me, quoting 'Game of Thrones'.
Yeah, I think I will be like Sansa who escaped her first wedding while still a virgin. Just saying... That is a huge ask and a tall order.
Let's go to Boulder. Shall we?
This being my first book that is set outside of Texas, I don't know what to expect.
But my next novel (after this one) won't even be set in America. ;-)
I trust you all have seen the teaser I left here already. It'll be a werewolf story but from a human's perspective. Something I haven't done since "The Twins" trilogy. Except this time the human knows about werewolves because they have taken over the world. And it's set in the 19th Century. *gasp*
PS: This is not the song I wanted for this chapter. I know I sound like a broken record but it is true. But I do love this song. As a matter of fact, I long wanted to include this song in one of my books, so win for me.
Dedicated to my dear @PinkCookieLove who is now back at her home. I love you. <3
This entire book was written in her honor, not that she knows that. *wink wink*
Next is "Straight From The Heart".
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