Chapter 100: Victoria
You have got to be kidding me!
What the hell is Shawn doing in Ravenwood on "Parents' Day"?
Have I been sleepwalking for four months and Mandy is going here?
Do I have a secret twin that I am not aware of?
Does he have an illegitimate child who is going here?
Because I have no idea what the fuck is this guy doing here!
I mean, he literally tried to block Skylar from prospecting me at one point. Though I understand Frederick's father put him in that position, a real man wouldn't do that to his son. But he was never a real man, at least not in the sense of what one would expect from a person who got them pregnant.
What the actual fuck is he doing here?
Did he seriously come just to play the part of a diligent father to the Strongholds?
I am pretty sure they don't care about what he did in his private life as long as he puts in the work. He is already their lead engineer, I am sure his career won't be harmed in the process. I wouldn't want his precious job to be jeopardized on my account.
By all means, he has mouths to feed and daughters to raise.
"What are you doing here, Shawn? Are you lost?" Mom asked him, baffled by his presence here, just like me.
"It's parents' day. I am a parent, so I came." He replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
Mom and I snorted at that response.
"You are a parent. To your daughters. Neither of them go here, last time I checked." She rebuked him, irritated.
"Come on, Whit. Can't I just enjoy a day with my son?" He pleaded with her as if she was keeping him away from me. As if!
"I'VE BEGGED YOU to come spend a day with your son for years! All he wanted for his birthday was for his dad to spend time with him. How many Father's Day cards have I sent you over the years that your son made for you, even when you weren't interested in coming to Colorado to see him? I even offered to send him to Texas! Now, suddenly you're interested in being with your son? Why? Because he will be your Luna one day? FUCK YOU, you're despicable!" She ranted, her eyes shining with pure rage.
My mom was in tears after that, so she stepped away. We were putting on a show for the other families, which was the last thing she wanted.
"Please, go away, sir. No one wants you here. I don't have a father. Don't ruin this experience for me." I begged him before I went after my mom, in shambles.
Mom and I comforted each other inside one of the bathrooms in the first tower. Both of us were weeping at the sight of that man, none more than me. I am dumbfounded as to what he was even doing here in the first place... unless, as I said, he wanted to play the part for the sake of the Alpha couple.
Speaking of which, they arrived with their warrior escort only to find both sons in shock, just as surprised by Shawn's presence here as the rest of us. They greeted the families present, hugged their sons, and...
"Broderick? What are you doing here?" Frederick was confused about his presence on Parents' Day. Dahlia was staring at him, equally puzzled.
"It's Parents' Day, so I came to see my son." He replied as if that made sense to anyone who knew my story.
"Where are Jake and his mother? Do they know he's here?" Dahlia whispered to Seth, who was closest to her.
"Oh, they know!" He replied emphatically and wide-eyed.
"You came to see the son you abandoned for 18 years?" Frederick asked him point-blank, juicing up the gossip for the other parents in the lounge - who weren't aware of my life story.
"Respectfully, Alpha, stay out of this. It's between my son and I." Shawn stood his ground. Apparently, he suddenly decided to grow a pair. *eye roll*
Frederick was not amused, but he was right. It's none of his business, strictly speaking. Alpha Lockwood was about to commence the tour when mom and I returned to the lounge. I had just enough time to introduce her to the Strongholds.
"This is my mom, Whitney Anderson. Mom, these are Frederick and Dahlia Stronghold."
"It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Anderson." Frederick spoke first, cordially.
"It's Doctor Anderson." Skylar corrected him, grunting in annoyance. "I've only told you that a thousand times!" He rolled his eyes at his father.
"Apologies, Dr. Anderson. It's nice to meet you." He corrected himself, a bit awkward, sideways glaring at his son.
"Nice to meet you too, Alpha. Luna. May I just say, you raised a wonderful son. I was very impressed by him when he showed up in Boulder." Mom spoke, looking directly at Dahlia as she said that, who smiled widely at her.
"You are too kind, Dr. Anderson. All your son has ever done is to impress me with each coming day. Especially for a boy who grew up without a father - she turned to Shawn as she said, then back at my mom - he never ceases to amaze me." Dahlia complimented me with her cordial smile and tender tone.
"Thank you, Luna. Thankfully, I have a wonderful father who helped a lot." She said joyfully, despite Shawn's presence not far from us.
"Welcome, everybody! I am Angela Lockwood, acting Headmaster of Ravenwood Academy, while my father is recuperating from an emergency heart surgery. I hope you are ready to spend an incredible parents' day here in Ravenwood and as a mother of a student who goes here, I wish you all the best of luck in your future negotiations. I know Frederick and I are going to arm wrestle later." She joked, but mostly only the parents laughed.
We followed her and our parents in a massive group of hundreds of people. Additional staff members helped guide the guests along the way.
"Why is she arm wrestling Stronghold later?" Mom whispered in my ear as we walked.
"Because Seth is prospected to her son." I answered, realizing now that I never told her they were together. However, in my defense, it has been an eventful couple of weeks.
For those who are not alumni, like my mom, it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to walk the castle halls, marvel at its refined decor, and take everything that this institution has to offer. Room by room, Lockwood took the time to explain to the parents what this academy offered their sons and daughters.
My mom was very impressed by all the facilities and classrooms. The computer lab was state-of-the-art, and there was an indoor gym—everything one would need to keep oneself busy in a place that is neither high school nor college.
As a mother and an alumnus, Angela offered her unique perspective on what parents can expect from this program and why it lasts for eight months instead of, say, a Summer program. Jayden was accompanying his father on the tour.
We visited the second tower, where the 'dorm houses' are located, just to give the audience a feel for where their children sleep. But they can return later to examine it more thoroughly. She concluded the tour in the third tower, where she showed them the 'well-equipped infirmary', and 'the ballroom' where they throw mixers for the students like last night. It was dazzling for everybody to see.
She concluded in the staff's cafeteria, where brunch was ready to be served to the parents. There wasn't anywhere big enough to accommodate students and parents at the same time, so they had to split the numbers and have the students eat where they normally eat, in the first tower.
Doing it this way, the parents can speak freely and trade stories, while the children decompress away from them. Unfortunately, that meant I had to leave my mother with the man who got her pregnant because I didn't have the authority to have him thrown off the premises. I really wish I could.
We ate brunch at our usual tables, where students talked about their first impressions with their parents. Most of all, those who did not have a prospect locked, are feeling the most pressure.
Roberto had to translate everything that Angela spoke to his mother, serving as her interpreter because she doesn't speak English, but he looked the happiest just to see her. Honestly, out of all the students here, that warmed my heart the most.
"I don't think I saw anyone happier to see their mom than Roberto, and I love my mom! She is my everything." I commented to Seth, while we ate at our usual table in the Omega section.
"I didn't understand a word they said to each other, but I loved their closeness." Seth agreed with me, moved by their bond.
"Though we are not the same, as a boy raised by a single mom, I can relate to him. I miss my mom constantly while I am here." I said, feeling emotional.
Meanwhile, at the Alpha section, the boys are ready for what comes next.
"I cannot believe you people are one step closer to being locked to a prospect and I have nobody to introduce to my parents." Kyle wined, reaping what he sowed.
"It's not too late. There are still Omegas unprospected. All you have to do is to get over your bias against scholarship students." Skylar told him, incisively. He grunted in annoyance in response.
"Have you decided which Omega you are going to introduce to your mom?" Jayden asked Roberto, curiously.
"I have, though if his parents will accept the contract is another matter." He responded, apprehensive. Roberto looked nervous about it, which is understandable.
"Well, if they don't want to ship their son away, maybe you can reach a compromise. You know, half in half. 6 months in the U.S. and 6 in Brazil." Jayden suggested.
"How am I supposed to lead a pack from miles away? There's no way the Pack Board would ever accept that." He shot down, jittery.
"Yeah... I wish you two the best of luck." Jayden muttered, feeling his frustration.
"Who are you going for?" Kyle turned to Roberto, curiously.
"Why do you want to know?" He frowned at him.
The two exchanged glares for a minute, before resuming eating.
"I am pretty sure you are the only one who is not apprehensive. Carl's dad has to negotiate with a United States Senator, but you are light as a breeze." Roberto told Jayden, who seemed unbothered. Carl is prospected to Victoria, whose mother was just reelected to the Senate.
"There are many things that can go wrong in life. Your contract. Sky's contract. Carl's contract. But there is no way in hell that Alpha Stronghold will pass up the chance to have his son as Luna of a top 20 pack." He boasted, referring to the fact that his pack offers the most strategic advantage to Frederick out of all the other possibilities here.
"I hate you." Roberto muttered, jealous of him.
I looked at Seth, who was surprised to hear about how confident Jayden actually is about their prospect. I guess some things are a no-brainer. I wouldn't pass up the chance either if I were a parent.
"Your contract will go smoothly. I know my dad is rough around the edges, but he always does what is best for his sons." Seth argued, trying to put me at ease. I am not going to lie, I am nervous about it.
Later that day, we were reunited with our parents after the delicious brunch we just had. We took this time to talk to them for a minute before the negotiations started. Shawn was looking like a kid in the candy store, dazzled for being in the mix of the most influential people in werewolf society.
"Is that Senator Patty, from Virginia?" He approached me as if we were best buds. Oh, Goddess... *facepalm*
"Dude, chill out! She is here as a parent!" I reprimanded him, angrily.
We were reunited in the first tower's lounge before small clicks started to walk away for a heart-to-heart. There are not enough places for everyone to talk privately here, so they are going to have to take turns using the dormitories — which are soundproof.
"Why are you still here? If you think you are going to sit in on my meeting with the Strongholds, I'll gut you right here, right now." Mom threatened him, not amused by his antics. Shawn looked at her, gobsmacked by the not-so-veiled threat.
"I would be a valuable asset to the negotiations, I have known Frederick for almost two decades!" He argued, looking into her eyes seriously.
"You do know the negotiation is to my son's benefit, right? I'm not going to be rich after our sit down." Mom told him, mistrustful of his intentions. It is very telling that he is here out of all days. I do not trust him at all.
"If you screw this up for me, I will murder you! It's bad enough you sent an email blocking Sky from being my prospect." I was seething in anger at his inconvenient presence here.
"I'm sensing a lot of hostility today. I think I'm going to go over there and congratulate the Senator on her re-election." Shawn spoke up, feeling threatened.
"She's not from Texas, you didn't vote for her!" Mom raised her tone.
Skylar approached us from behind and cordially spoke:
"You do realize they can hear you, right? We are all werewolves here." He spoke, blushing from the secondhand embarrassment. My parents have put on enough of a show for today.
Meanwhile, the Senator and her husband were talking to their daughter, trying their best to pretend they weren't listening to us, which is a blessing in disguise. At least, they were cordial enough to understand that this was not about them. Family drama. We all can relate to it one way or another.
"I think it's time we go to our sons' room and talk, Dr. Anderson. Is that okay?" Frederick approached us, also uncomfortable by that exchange.
"Yes, Alpha. And maybe it's time for the stowaway to leave the castle." Mom told him, incisively. Yes, we all understood what she meant by that. #awkward
"I'm not leaving without congratulating the Senator first." Shawn insisted, sending more waves of embarrassment that were irking me.
"It's fine. Constituent or not, I welcome the support." Senator Patty chimed in, from a distance, gracefully.
"Congratulations on your re-election, Senator. Not only that, but you have a beautiful family." Shawn told her, mesmerized that he was meeting a real-life politician.
"Thank you. Shawn, is it? I'm very proud of my family as I'm proud to serve in the US Senate." She spoke cordially.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm Shawn Broderick. And congratulations on your baby, how far along are you?" He turned his gaze to Victoria, her daughter, and we were... what?
"What baby?" She asked him, puzzled.
"Are you kidding me right now?! Dude, stop embarrassing me and leave already! She's not pregnant! She has been dating Carl for less than two months! It is impossible to detect a pregnancy this soon, even if she were. We learned that in health class!" I reprimanded him, impossibly mad.
I have never felt so embarrassed before in my entire life. This is a new low!
Embarrassing me in front of a United States Senator? What the fuck!
An incredibly awkward vibe ensued after that. Mom was just about to pounce on him, she was so uncomfortable by this.
"I'll take my leave now." He finally conceded, moving to walk out of the tower.
"I apologize on behalf of my pack member, Senator. He was clearly confused." Frederick told her, uncomfortable by this as the rest of us.
"It's too soon to tell if you were pregnant by me. But what about..." Carl interjected, looking puzzled. He stared at Victoria before inevitably glancing at the boy who she dated before him. None other than my prospect, Skylar Stronghold.
Did someone say GAME CHANGER?
A|N: Nothing will EVER be the same again after that.
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