Chapter 21: Stay close to your enemies
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
November 11th
10:48 pm
I looked out of the window, as Connor and I sat in a self-driving cab, on our way to CyberLife. Wearing our normal clothes again almost felt weird. We currently crossed a long bridge, making me realize how we had almost reached our destination.
"I guess this is it, huh?" I whispered, my gaze wandering across the snowy landscape on the other side of the glass. When I felt a hand around my own, I turned around with a smile and leaned my head on Connor's shoulder.
"We will be fine." He assured, causing me to slightly chuckle. I didn't expect us to have too many issues anyway. It was quite funny how I originally had been afraid to return here but now, with my partner by my side, I felt confidence welling up inside me.
The car slowed down, hence Connor quickly let go of my hand and I straightened my posture. I witnessed a soldier moving around the cab, over to the side where Connor was seated. His gun in his hands, he waited until the window had fully opened. The android next to me looked at the man outside, stating, "Connor Model #313 248 317. I brought detective (L/N). I'm expected."
Moving his head to the front, Connor enabled the man to scan his LED from the side, surely to check whether he was the correct model. I remained in my seat, as the soldier's gaze landed on me, probably to see if I had all the android parts in the right places, as some kind of identification.
"Okay. Go ahead." The man coldly said, whereas the window moved up again and the engine started once more.
The white wall labeled with "CyberLife" in front of us disappeared in the ground and our cab started driving another time. In the meantime, Connor and I stayed quiet in case we were watched in any possible way. On our right, one could easily spot the huge CyberLife tower, reminding me of my past days in this facility. Instead of feeling fear overrun me though, I merely sensed determination empowering my heart. We had an important mission to fulfill and I did not need to worry about my history anymore. Connor was right by my side, supporting me in any case whatsoever. That was why I planned to do the same, rather than cowering somewhere in a corner due to anxiety.
Suddenly, our car stopped and one door opened. Connor stepped out before me and I quietly followed. A drone was flying above our heads, making me want to roll my eyes. CyberLife's security sometimes was too unbearable. Two guards stood on both of our sides, a few feet away, as we walked through the space in between them, heading for the building's entrance. The two glass doors opened and in front of us were three guards now, weapons ready. We came to a halt, since they blocked our way.
"Follow me. We'll escort both of you." The one in the middle announced.
"Thanks... But I know where to go." Connor argued, yet the other man did not falter.
"Maybe, but I have my orders." He then turned to me, stretching out one hand.
"Your gun."
I nodded, grabbed it out of my holster and handed it over to the soldier, who practically ripped it out of my hands. Putting it away in one of his pockets, he started leading the way, the other two humans walking behind us.
Connor and I silently obeyed, strolling through the fully white building, with a few strange plants here and there. The soldier in front of us occasionally turned around to observe us over his shoulder.
As if we could ever escape with such tight security, I thought to myself.
As we neared the next pair of doors, a hologram of scanners appeared in front of us, hence we were required to pass through it. A robotic voice echoed inside my ears.
"Agent 23 identified."
A short pause and Connor walked through the lines. "Connor android identified."
I was right behind him, whereas there was no other silence. "Detective (L/N) identified."
A second later, it named the other two guards, "Agent 47 identified. Agent 72 identified. Scan complete. Access authorized."
Two saloon doors made out of transparent glass opened the next entrance for us all. The material reminded me of one of CyberLife's most important concepts: Transparency in the organisation. They wanted to know and control everything.
Afterwards, we crossed a glass bridge in between of an artificial forest beneath us. The trees however, ended on our level, hence the environment was still visible, even if you didn't look down. In front of us a middle area, shaped like a circle, appeared, more soldiers on each side. I mutely gritted my teeth, showing no such expression on my face though.
Turning left, we passed a huge statue of something I couldn't identify in the core of this part and a few androids standing on each side of the next bridge. I gulped, not liking how they were presented as if they were objects you could just buy. Technically, that was the case but it didn't mean it was right. I pondered how Connor perceived this now, as he had turned deviant.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed how the two agents behind us had stayed somewhere a few feet away, luckily not trailing each one of our steps. Two less issues, great. We eventually arrived at an elevator, two guards standing in front of it. Almost wishing to frown, I entered behind Connor, now standing in front of him, as the person who had lead us here and one of the two other soldiers stepped inside as well.
"Agent 54. Level 31." One of the humans said.
Both, Connor and I, shortly glanced at the board on the wall next to us, which explained the occupation of each floor. Quickly, we realized floor -49 was the one we needed to pay a visit to. I looked at the closing doors, as the elevator said, "Voice recognition validated. Access authorized."
Now, the escalator moved up, initiating me to start thinking about a plan. At times like this, sending each other messages per mind would be perfect, but unfortunately I was no android, who was actually capable of that. Behind me, I still noticed how Connor stared up at a camera to our left, probably hacking it. I carefully let my gaze wander across the two soldiers to both of my sides. As I was right in between them, I was in an extremely vulnerable position. Yet there were two people on each side, so Connor could take care of one and I could fight the other man.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my partner directing a glance at me. I let the skin disable on the fingertips of my left hand, knowing he would definitely notice it, unlike the two soldiers, who stared off into the distance. Since I was closer to the right guard, I assumed that was the one I would be taking care of.
Out of nowhere, Connor moved to kick the left one into the wall. As the soldier next to me wanted to react, I swiftly swept him off his feet with my right leg and used my left arm to punch him underneath his chin. Ramming my fingers into the bottom part of his throat, I sent him into a deep slumber. Behind me, I heard a body falling to the ground, recognizing how Connor had easily defeated the other agent. I was glad that we didn't have to shed any blood.
I peeked over my shoulder to see my partner slightly smile at me. He picked up one of the guns and walked over to the input field of the elevator, putting his hand onto it. The escalator requested, "Please indicate your identity and destination."
Connor appeared to hesitate for a second, hence I pointed towards the agent that had spoken before. Fastly nodding, Connor used the human's voice, "Agent 54. Level -49."
The next second, the elevator responded, "Voice recognition validated. Access authorized."
A sigh of relief escaped my lips, as the machine now moved down. "Finally," I lightly laughed, earning a chuckle from Connor. He approached me and gently embraced my body, as I returned the movement.
"Good job finishing off that agent." He told me, hence I replied, "Same goes for you."
We stayed like this for a while, until I sensed us arriving at our destination. Softly breaking apart, we stared at the two doors that now opened. Connor shortly covered the input field with his hand again, hacking it so the escalator was blocked.
Meanwhile, I stepped outside, Connor instantly following me. Just now I realized how many androids actually were assembled here. Seeing how many of them were created after the same likeness, I grimaced, feeling sad that they didn't have individual looks. Of course, it didn't truly bewilder me though.
"So, how do you turn them into deviants?" I asked over my shoulder, still inspecting the area.
"I assume I need to connect to them and explain that they are free."
We walked up to the middle of the warehouse, where Connor disabled his skin on his left hand. His eyes shortly lingered on it, as if he was deep in thought.
"You can do it, I believe in you." I encouraged him, putting a hand over his shoulder. Giving me a firm nod, my partner approached one of the androids, grabbing its arm. I watched him in silence, not wishing to interrupt. The unknown man turned around, while Connor linked their minds.
Suddenly, an extremely familiar voice appeared a few feet away from us.
"Easy, fucking piece of shit!.."
I froze and hastily turned around to see Hank in the warehouse as well, together with... Another one of Connor's models. I bit my lip, remembering that CyberLife had created many more androids that had the same appearance as Connor.
"Step back, Connor! You don't move either, detective (L/N)! And I'll spare him." The fake one screamed, still pointing his gun at Hank's head. I didn't move and simply glared at the enemy.
"Sorry, Connor... This bastard's your spittin' image..." Hank hissed underneath his breath. I understood what he meant. It was an unfair game. My partner still held the unfamiliar android's arm.
"Your friend's life is in your hands. Now it's time to decide what matters most! Him... Or the revolution." The fake Connor stated. I was completely thrown out of even being handed a chance to decide. Not that I actually wanted it but perhaps I could use this to my advantage. If the other Connor ignored me, just that could be a way out.
"Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker says is a lie!" Hank yelled.
Connor seemed nervous, whereas I tried to think of a solution even faster.
"I'm sorry, Hank! You shouldn't have got mixed up in all this!"
Despite the horrible situation, it warmed my heart to see my partner that honest with the grey-haired man.
"Forget about me, do what you have to do!" Hank argued, however, I knew, the way Connor was now, he would never sacrifice our other partner.
"I used to be just like you. I thought nothing mattered except the mission... But then one day I understood." Connor glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. He obviously tried convincing the other machine, yet that didn't really appear to work.
"Very moving, Connor... But I'm not a deviant. I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task, and that's exactly what I am going to do!"
"Enough talk! It's time to decide who you really are. Are you gonna save your partner's life? Or are you going to sacrifice him?" The fake Connor exclaimed, turning impatient, moving closer to Hank.
"Alright, alright! You win..." Connor rapidly stepped away from the large impartial group of androids, raising his hands in surrender. I silently did so as well, as not to endanger Hank in any possible way. As the fake Connor now aimed his gun at my partner, I widened my eyes and saw the grey-haired man trying to disarm the android next to him. I took a deep breath, deciding on what to do next. Time was once more running away. Slipping out of my hands. The fake Connor got distracted by Hank's attempt to attack him, whereas my partner ran towards him, tackling the other android.
As the fake one lifted the real Connor up, I hurried over to Hank and grabbed his arm, dragging him a bit away. Our partner surely did not want him getting too involved. The grey-haired man shot a confused look at me, as the two Connors now fought.
"Trust him." I whispered, following the battle with my eyes.
I hated to admit it but I had lost sight of which Connor was the one I loved. Embarrassed by that fact, I observed each of their movements, trying to discover who was the correct Connor in order to aid him. Firstly, they punched each other, seemingly on an equal power level. Then, kicks followed, as I saw the gun from the fake Connor slide to the ground. I gasped and made a run for it, sliding onto the ground, hastily grabbing the weapon on my way over to the two androids. Within one fast motion, I stood up again and screamed, "Stop. NOW!"
Both Connor's turned to me, immediately halting. I carefully walked backwards, next to Hank.
"Thanks (Y/N), you saved my life," The right one said, getting up. "Get rid of him, we have no time to lose."
The left one now stood up as well, staring directly into my eyes, " It's me, (Y/N), Hank! I'm the real Connor."
I pointed my gun from one to the other Connor, biting my lip. "One of you is my partner... The other is a pathetic imitation."
Hank mumbled next to me, " Question is, who is who?.."
I slowly nodded, my eyes not leaving both androids.
"What are you doing, (Y/N)? I'm the real Connor. Give me the gun and I'll take care of him!"
He stepped forward, hence I yelled, "Don't you dare move!"
He promptly halted.
The left one spoke up again, "Why don't you ask us something? Something only the real Connor would know."
I exhaled, focusing on a question. Addressing Hank, I asked, "Any ideas?"
He stepped next to me and parted his lips. "Uh, where did we first meet?"
I calmly watched both androids, hoping my partner would know what to say. The right one was quick to reply, "Jimmy's bar! I checked four other bars before I found you. We went to the scene of a homicide and met (Y/N). The victim's name was Carlos Ortiz."
The left one opened his mouth and uttered underneath his breath, "He uploaded my memory..."
I sighed, letting Hank pose another question. "What's my dog's name?"
The left Connor almost instantly perked his head up. "Sumo. His name is Sumo."
I slightly glanced over to the other one, who stared at me and spoke as if he was offended, "I knew that too. I..."
Interrupting him, I decided to ask something that really only my Connor could answer correctly. "What happened to you after the explosion in Jericho?"
My gaze was lingering on the left Connor, who did not hesitate a second. "It wasn't only me but you as well. We ended up in that chapel, where I answered to your confession. I still haven't changed my mind. I love you (Y/N)."
It didn't take me long to direct the gun at the right Connor and pull the trigger. He quickly fell backwards to the ground, as I ran up to my partner. The way he had spoken, full of affection, was so familiar to me, I knew it had to be him. I threw myself into his arms, faintly smiling.
"Sorry for not having noticed who you were earlier. I too haven't recanted my feelings either."
Connor gently caressed my back, as Hank slightly coughed. We both immediately parted, while I stepped next to the android. Hank approached us and started talking with a weak smile.
"I've learned a lot since I met you, Connor. Maybe there's something to this. Seeing how close you and (Y/N) have become. That honesty and love within your voice... Maybe you really are alive. Maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place..." Like a proud father, he eyed us two.
"Go ahead, and do what you gotta do." He nodded towards the other machines in the warehouse. I carefully pushed Connor into their direction, giving him a thumb up.
Connor approached one of the other androids and linked their minds. The unknown man's LED shortly blinked red, as Connor exclaimed, "Wake up!.."
They let go of each other arms and now the android put his hand onto the shoulder of the one in front of him, speaking the same words.
"Wake up."
This motion continued spreading throughout the whole warehouse afterwards. A folk was about to reawaken now.
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