Chapter 2: Her first case
November 5th, 2038
11:20 pm
(Y/N) stared onto the street through her window, her eyes tracing the lines the rain drops left on the glass. She simply could not wait to arrive at the crime scene, adrenaline rushing through her veins. Pulling a (H/C)-colored strand of her (H/L) hair out of her face, she smiled to herself, observing the environment outside of the car. Only a few more minutes and she would finally be able to start working. While (Y/N) surely was not addicted to toiling all day, she was keen to finally escape the CyberLife facilities after all those years and eventually obtain the chance to do a detective's work.
"We have arrived, detective (L/N)."
The female android driving the car monotonously said, her head turning to the back of the vehicle to face the young woman sitting there. (Y/N) nodded, quickly thanked the black-haired android and grabbed a small umbrella, which was placed on the seat next to her. Taking a deep breath, she exited the car and immediately was greeted by the heavy rain.
(Y/N) shortly struggled to open the umbrella, yet eventually managed to do so, a sigh of relief leaving her lips. She wasn't too keen on arriving at the crime scene soaked wet. With a smile still covering her face, she now stepped forward, walking down the street, heading for the mass of police cars a short distance away from her. Instead of the weather pushing the woman to hurry, it was her elation fueling her movements.
Once (Y/N) arrived at the police road block, a young officer stopped her with one arm. "Sorry Miss but you can't pass this street right now."
He appeared to be fairly annoyed, surely wondering why the young woman had walked this far when one could easily recognize the flashing lights from afar. The detective chuckled and pulled out her badge, showing it to the blonde man. He widened his eyes for a second, taking a breath.
"You're the new investigator, of course. My bad." He mumbled and stepped aside to let (Y/N) pass.
The young woman merely smiled at him and waved his behavior off, quickly heading for the crime scene. Finally standing in front of the building, she cautiously eyed the house, noticing how worn out it looked. A bitter expression appeared on her face, being reminded of her own past. Nevertheless, the woman shrugged the memories off and focused on her job. Time to prove CyberLife that she was fit to work for them.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I entered the house, instantly greeted by a horrible stench, causing me to slightly gag. Holding back something in my throat, I moved the sleeve of my beige trench coat up in order to cover my face. Shivering, I moved forward, looking for a person that could tell me something about the case. Carefully, I stepped through the entrance and turned my head to the left side, spotting a male officer. Easier than expected, I thought, grinning to myself.
"Hello?" I spoke up, catching his attention. With a smile I introduced myself, "I am (Y/N) (L/N), one of the detectives on this case. It is very nice to meet you."
The grey haired man skeptically eyed me for a second before returning my smile. He stretched one of his hands out, greeting me. "Ben Collins, nice to see a new face at work."
I shook his hand and then shot a gaze at the corpse lying a few feet away.
"Could you please tell me what happened?" I asked, my eyes now returning to focus on the hazel colored eyes of officer Collins.
He nodded and quickly stated everything he knew. "We had a call around eight from the landlord. The tenant hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, see what was going on... That's when he found the body..." He turned around to take a look at the man's dead body.
"I bet the smell was even worse when you arrived, huh?" I weakly smiled, earning a laugh from my coworker.
"It sure was. You're lucky to arrive after we opened the damn windows."
I nodded in agreement and he continued talking. "The victim's name's Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault... According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner... Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him."
I tilted my head, taking in every detail of the information I was given. This was my opportunity to prove my worth to CyberLife and I surely wouldn't waste it.
"Well, it appears he has been this way for quite some time..." I mumbled to myself while inching closer to the corpse, observing his body.
"Yeah, I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here... Probably the murder weapon..." Officer Collins said behind me, pointing to the side. I moved my head, staring at the weapon from a distance.
"Do you think it was a break-in?" I asked, facing the grey haired man once more.
He shook his head. "Nope... The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way."
I silently huffed, as one word popped up inside my head. Android. I was told by my superior's that I was needed to investigate cases involving the machines as I had spent so much time with them in the past. I knew exactly how they worked and that they had started to turn "deviant" lately.
"What do we know about his android?" I directed my question at the older man.
"Not much. The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived... I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me." He moved his hand up to his head, holding it, while I stepped aside to let him pass. It was understandable that the air inside the house eventually got to him.
Shrugging my shoulders, I turned around again and simply stared at the whole crime scene for a few minutes. I usually preferred to take a look at the complete picture first to get an overview before rushing into matters. Suddenly, the familiar voice of Ben Collins appeared from outside and another, rather sharp one, joined in, seemingly having a conversation with the officer I had met a minute ago.
I slightly moved my head to watch the two people that now entered the building. Well, a grey haired man with an old looking coat and an elegantly dressed android to be exact. Not that I cared to address android's any differently. Since I had spent many years together with them at CyberLife, I pretty much recognized them as equals too.
"Jesus, that smell!" The man exclaimed, promptly covering his nose with his arm.
My gaze landed on the android with hazel brown hair once more, recognizing the clothes he was wearing. CyberLife had shown me the other versions of this prototype and I came to the conclusion that this was the robot I was supposed to work with. RK800, a mechanic detective. This surely was interesting. Especially since I could kind of relate to him in a way.
My eyes shortly moved across my own body, causing me to shiver at the memory. Pushing the images aside, I walked towards the unknown grey haired man. He stopped once he noticed I was heading for him.
"I am sure you must be the other officer in charge of the deviant cases, am I right?" I smiled at the man, while he merely eyed me in a curious manner.
"Right... Had completely forgotten I was assigned a rookie on top of that metal tin can as well." He sighed, rolling his blue eyes.
"Lieutenant Hank Anderson. Just call me Hank, I guess." He replied, appearing stressed out. I assumed he simply didn't like having to take care of others, especially androids, considering the name he called the RK800.
Not letting his bad mood get to me, I answered, "I am (Y/N) (L/N)."
My eyes moved over to the android, awaiting his introduction. "My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I was already informed of our cooperation. It is a pleasure meeting you detective (L/N)." I accepted his stretched out hand and quickly shook it, smiling at the male android.
We parted and then turned to the corpse once more. Hank moved closer to Carlos' body, staring at the writing on the wall behind him. The words "I AM ALIVE" were carefully written on the side, making me immediately think of the man's android. He surely must have turned deviant too.
"Each letter is perfect... It's way too neat, no human writes like this. Chris, was this written in the victim's blood ?" The lieutenant turned to another officer with dark skin.
"I would say so... We're taking samples for analysis." The grey haired man nodded as an answer, turning back to the corpse.
"He was stabbed 28 times." Connor ascertained, as I hummed in agreement. There definitely were a lot of stab wounds.
"Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him." Hank commented, still eyeing the dead body.
I sighed and turned away, taking a look around the room. My eyes wandered across the surroundings, noticing a pool of blood on the floor in the bedroom close to the hallway. Squinting one eye, I stared at it for a second before deciding to inspect another area. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Connor walking over to the exact spot and kneeling down.
Interested why he would do such a thing, I stopped to watch his movements, shortly widening my eyes when he dipped his fingers in the liquid and put them to his mouth.
"Err, Jesus ! What the hell are you doing?" Out of nowhere, Hank joined us, seeming extremely disgusted by the android's behavior.
I remembered this function of the prototype, hence I seized the opportunity to explain it to the lieutenant. "Connor is able to analyze blood samples and check them in real time, Hank. It's really convenient."
The male android got up and tilted his head, the loose hazel brown strand of hair on his forehead slightly moving to the side. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you..." he replied, somehow seeming partly genuine.
Hank however did not appear to be fully satisfied, waving his hand through mid-air. "Ok, just...don't...put anymore evidence in your mouth, you got it?"
Connor nodded, pointing both of his in blood dipped fingers towards the grey haired man. "Got it."
As Connor shortly looked at me, probably wondering whether he owed me an apology as well, I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't worry, I completely understood what you were doing."
Taking his hand down, the android repeated the gesture with his head and then turned to walk towards the back door. I noticed Hank following him, causing me to slightly chuckle. While the lieutenant did not like robots, he still seemed curious regarding Connor and his skills.
I decided to give them some time alone and headed down the rather narrow corridor, passing the kitchen. As I was about to take a closer look at it, I heard a few policemen talk about something weird in the bathroom, raising my interest. Making up my mind, I moved past the kitchen to investigate the "infamous" bathroom first. At the end of the hallway, I turned right and entered it, my eyes scanning the tiny room. Instantly, my eyes landed on the shower in the back, whereas I moved towards it.
Softly pushing the shower curtain aside, I widened my eyes as I was met with several scribbles on the wall. "Ra... 9?" I asked myself while putting one hand underneath my chin.
"That does appear to be written on the wall." Upon hearing a voice directly behind me, I cringed and turned around, almost tripping. Connor simply looked at me, confused why I was so surprised.
"God, you can't just sneak up on me like that!" I snapped and sighed, covering my heart with one hand.
"Pardon my sudden appearance detective (L/N)." He answered, appearing sincere. Strangely, for an android he seemed to show a guilty face sometimes. This evening alone I had witnessed it twice now.
Not wanting to get mad at that adorable face of his, I merely exhaled, slightly laughing. "It's fine, I didn't mean to sound that angry anyway." Placing a hand on his shoulder, I smiled at Connor. For a second I imaged to see his LED flicker in a yellow light, however, just a second later it was back to blue. Must have been my imagination.
I turned around once more, now catching a glimpse of a wooden stature on the ground of the shower. Kneeling down, I picked it up and inspected the object. Together with the flowers surrounding it, it almost seemed like...
"A religious offering, I suppose." Connor stated, hovering above me and observing the ground as well. I nodded, put the evidence back and stood up once more after the android had stepped back. Before I could even look twice, Connor had already left the room, causing me to weakly smile. Despite having lived with androids for such a long time they, especially the deviants, developed into something I simply could not understand that easily anymore. Shortly glancing back at the offering in the shower, I squinted one eye before heading towards the living room again.
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