Chapter 19: The sinking ship without the iceberg
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
We ran through one of the narrow corridors, suddenly meeting the woman I had seen earlier, leaving the door to the cabin.
"They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" Her voice was filled with panick and anger, as she insecurely moved her gaze from Markus to the direction she had just come from. The deviant leader put a finger up to his forehead, making me wonder what he was doing. Opening his eyes again, he addressed the woman.
"We have to blow up Jericho. If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape!"
The strawberry-blonde-haired female protested, "You'll never make it! The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!"
I pressed my lips onto each other, agreeing with her.
"She's right! They know who you are. They'll do anything to get you!" Seeing Connor speaking up next to me, I just nodded along.
Markus however, was too determined to be convinced. "Go and help the others. I'll join you later."
He continued to look at the female android, as she was about to resist, "Markus..."
I was able to spot panick in her eyes, as he answered, "I won't be long."
He insisted and afterwards ran into the opposite direction. Connor grabbed my hand and dragged me after him, as we sprinted through another door, the female android following us.
I tried to keep up the whole time but even despite my android legs, I was out of breath before the others.
"Come on (Y/N)." Connor encouraged me, supporting my back with one hand. I merely nodded, not stopping. We needed to move, I had already wasted too much time.
Turning around another corner, I was immediately pulled back by my partner again, as the female android stood next to us. A few feet away, there were FBI soldiers, threatening some androids with their guns.
"We need to stop them somehow!" The strawberry-blonde-haired android hissed underneath her breath. I nodded, not able to watch innocent people lose their lives right in front of me. I peeked around the corner another time, still feeling Connor's grip on my right hand, as if to make sure I wouldn't run away. I shortly raised my eyebrows. It always had been him, who ran into the spotligh of dangerous situations. I could risk something now too.
I spotted four soldiers, one more than us. Glancing around, I noticed another exit on the other side of the hallway, exactly behind the humans. Through there we could escape and lead the other androids. But how were we supposed to reach the door when we were ten feet away with the enemy in between?
The answer was obvious: I simply needed a perfect distraction to charge in and start a surprise attack.
I bit my lip, thinking hard. Then, an idea popped up inside my head. I widened my eyes, hastily taking off the beanie and quietly dropping it onto the floor. Revealing my blank forhead like that, I moved my hair back. Connor stared at me, fear in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" He asked as muted as possible. I looked over to him and the female android, who apparantly was surprised to find out I was a human.
"I will distract them and once I give you a sign, I need you two to charge in and overwhelm the rest of the soldiers." There was no need in changing my mind, I had already made it up anyway.
I grabbed the gun out of my holster, took a deep breath and handed it over to Connor. "I need you to hit them in a way, I can knock them out. We don't want it the other way around, do we?"
Slightly grinning at him, I nodded towards the female android. "Please trust me."
She hesitated but then slightly nodded, seeing as there was no other option. I quietly walked around the corner, grabbing my detective badge with one hand, glad to have it in my pocket. Instantly, the soldiers noticed me, aiming their guns at my head. "Stop right there!"
I halted but spoke up. "I am on your side. Look." Raising my left free hand and the other one with the indication of my occupation, I lightly cocked my head.
"I work for the Detroit police and was lured here by the devaints. Afterwards, it didn't take long to get caught up in the crossfire."
The soldiers motioned for me to step closer. I carefully obeyed, stretching out the hand with the badge. Arriving next to one of the men, he violently grabbed the object out of my open palm and intensely stared at it. Still having his gaze lowered, he addressed his partners. "It's legitimate."
All of the humans now turned their main focus to me. I took a deep breath and yelled, "NOW!"
At the same time, the soldier's head perked up but I had already grabbed his arm with the gun, directing it at the ceiling, where his bullet eventually landed. I kicked his private parts with my foot and managed to make him lose his balance, shoving him backwards to stumble into the other soldiers. From behind me, I heard two gunshots, which ended up in the human's shoulders, granting me the opportunity to ram my fingers into the bottom part of their throats, knocking them out.
Unfortunately, two of the soldiers react fast enough to move away from me, one getting pushed over by the female android. I dashed towards the other one, heading for his chin, yet he predicted my move, grabbed my right arm and twisted it, causing me to loudly cry out due to the pain. I gritted my teeth, using my other hand to shove away his face but promptly felt a strong force against my waist, thrusting me aside into a wall.
Grunting, I shivered, not feeling my right arm anymore. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Connor swiftly knocking out the man that had defeated me, now running over to me, as the strawberry-blonde-haired android told the other deviants where to run to. My partner meanwhile softly lifted me in his arms, sheer worry in his hazel brown eyes.
"(Y/N) are you all right?" His hand gently stroked my cheek as I sat up next to the wall now. If this wouldn't have been the middle of a damn civil war, I simply would've kept resting in Connor's arms, revelling in his touch.
"Yes, just please help me up." I replied, standing shakily on my legs. Looking at my arm, I felt nausea wash over me. It was twisted into the other direction, not in its original position anymore. I averted my gaze, unable to stare at my deformed body anymore.
"It'll be fine soon," Connor placated me, one of his hands surrounding my waist to support my weak torso.
"We need to keep going!" The female android reminded us, whereas we nodded. Connor quickly put my gun into his pocket. Moving as fast as possible, we followed the just freed deviants and the other android, hurrying through the hallways.
. . .
Eventually, we met up with Markus again, making me feel relieved for seeing him still alive. He jogged up to us from behind, as the female android, called out, "Markus!"
The deviant leader slowed down a little, staring at my contorted arm but quickly recovering from that image. "Bomb's gonna explode any second. We gotta get out of here!"
We all nodded and started running down the corridor, Connor still supporting me. When we reached a few boxes that blocked our way, my partner vaulted over them and then carefully grabbed me by my waist, giving me a lift, while I used my left hand to jump over the obstacle. Afterwards, he tightly gripped my hand again and we kept moving. Soon, a hole in the ground appeared, whereas we leaped over it. Luckily, I didn't need my hands for that.
Sprinting a little faster now, we almost reached an exit, when a grunt appeared from behind us. Our group turned around to see the female android lying on the floor, having been shot. I widened my eyes, as Markus picked up a piece of metal from the ground and ran towards the woman. He deflected any shots with its help and then threw it over to the female android on the ground, who grabbed and used it as a shield too.
At the same time, Connor protectively moved in front of me, as if wanting to prevent any bullets from hitting me too. I looked over his shoulder, seeing both androids approaching the soldiers now, as Markus hopped onto the wall, sending a kick towards one of the two humans. Hitting the other one, he disarmed him and then shot the man, dropping the weapon onto the ground, as the female android took care of the second soldier with the piece of metal.
"Contact! Contact! Hostiles engaged!" More humans arrived, as Markus supported North.
"Over there! Run!"
They made their way back towards us but I feared with more soldiers, gunshots were not far away. Suddenly, Connor dropped my hand and sprinted towards them, making my whole body freeze. He shot at the soldiers a few times and then picked up the metal shield.
"Go! Now!"
Avoiding more bullets with it, he inched closer to the humans. "Tango, suppressing fire!"
With one fast move, he shot the first man, making my heart stop. Now, Connor needed to kill to protect us. How could I let him carry that burden alone? My partner shot another man, shoving the next one into the wall. With a kick, he sent a fourth soldier into the other wall, grabbing his gun to prevent it pointing at him. I ran forward, kneeling down to pick up the gun Markus had let go of earlier and stared at Connor again. He currently struggled with one soldier, unable to take care of the fifth, that now neared him. I raised the gun, aiming it at that exact man, gulped and shot. He instantly fell back, blood leaving his wound, as Connor shook of the human he had fought with before.
In the background, I heard more soldiers call for help. "We need support. Repeat: requesting support."
In the meantime, Connor backed up, eventually reaching me and once more grabbing my hand as we followed the others to the hole in the wall of the freighter.
"Run, quick! Come on!" Markus yelled, as we all jumped out of the ship, heading for the cold water. I felt Connor gently embracing my body, probably to lessen the impact of the fall, as my body was more vulnerable than his. I burried my head into his chest, as we hit the water, it's surface sharply cutting my skin. The freezing liquid surrounded my body, however, Connor's warmth kept me sane for a moment. He gently dragged me over into a direction, which I could not see, as my vision was blurry since my eyes were filled with water. I heard the dull sounds of the explosion in the back of my mind, feeling my consciousness partly drift away.
Stay awake (Y/N)..! Don't cause Connor any extra problems...
Yet my body did not want to listen. As the world around me turned black, I felt all air elude my lungs.
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