Chapter 14: Are you afraid?
(Y/N)' P.O.V.
I carefully parted from him, once again recognizing how his LED was flickering yellow. I couldn't possibly tell Connor what I had just discovered. Knowing him, he would still deny it.
I perked my head up upon listening to Connor mumbling something to himself.
"Is everything all right?" I tilted my head, worried. The android looked down at me, simply shaking his head. That was when Hank joined us again, carrying a beer case, which he placed on the bench before sitting down again.
"Are you two finally done?"
I got bashful once Hank asked us that, whereas I solely nodded. Sighing, I eventually sat down next to the lieutenant, not knowing what else to say. Silence grew between all of us, as we simply stared at the water ahead.
"Nice view, huh?... I used to come here a lot before..." Hank quietly conveyed.
I hummed in agreement, not wanting to ask any questions that may leave him feeling bad. Especially not after what he had done for me.
"Before what?" Connor was the one to pose that inquiry instead.
Hank turned around, confused. "Hm?"
Connor walked next to the lieutenant and faced him.
"You said 'I used to come here a lot before'. Before what?" I hesitantly peered at my partners.
"Before...Before nothin'..." Hank shook the topic off, which was no surprise to me.
"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Connor fully turned to the grey-haired man, who took another sip of his beer.
"Do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you?" Hank kept his gaze on the river.
"I saw a photo of a child...on your kitchen table. It was your son, right?"
I gulped, knowing Connor had hit the correct yet wrong spot at the same time. Surely, he was right about his "theory", however, I doubted that Hank wanted to talk about it.
"Yeah... His name was Cole." To my bewilderment, he actually did respond.
While Hank kept on drinking the beer, I stared off into the distance, another silence descending. I spotted Connor moderately walking towards the water, shaking his head a few times.
He raised his hands, speaking, "We're not making any progress on this investigation... The deviants have nothing in common. They're all different models, produced at different times, in different places..."
I was astonished by how fast Connor's thoughts always went back to the mission. Sometimes it appeared to be his way of escaping an uncomfortable situation.
"Well, there must be some link." Hank mentioned. I shifted in my seat, thinking of one thing in particular.
"What they have in common is this obsession with rA9... It's almost like some kind of...myth. Something they invented that wasn't part of their original program..." Connor took the words out of my own mouth.
"Yes, they call him savior. Perhaps he is their leader?" I assumed, raising an eyebrow. The android glanced at me over his shoulder.
"Androids believing in God... Fuck, what's this world coming to?" The lieutenant bitterly grinned for a second.
"You seem preoccupied, Lieutenant... Is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club?" Connor turned around, crossing his arms. I too looked at Hank, realizing my partner was right.
"Aside from (Y/N)'s whole secret identity and the fact that she's workin' for CyberLife you mean?" Hank sarcastically laughed, peeking at me.
I apologetically shrugged my shoulders and he turned back to face Connor, now deeply lost in his thoughts again. "Those two girls... They just wanted to be together... They really seemed in love..."
I agreed with Hank. These women obviously felt affection towards each other.
"They can simulate human emotions, but they're machines. And machines don't feel anything." Connor returned to his usual answer.
"That's not true. Their feelings evidently were sincere. Just like the sentiments of all the other deviants we have seen in the past few days. You can't just dismiss that as an emulation." I intensely stared at Connor, sad that he continued to stick to his rationality.
Of course I knew that nothing would change his opinion over night but I had hoped that with his past actions and our experiences, he perhaps would've thought a little differently.
"What about you, Connor..?" The grey-haired man took another sip of his beer and got up, approaching the android.
"You look human, you sound human, but what are you really?"
Hank's question took me by surprise and before I knew it, I immediately looked at Connor, genuinely curious what he would answer. For a second, our eyes met, something hidden within his but I was unable to make out what exactly it was.
"I'm whatever you want me to be, Lieutenant. Your partner... Your buddy to drink with... Or just a machine... Designed to accomplish a task."
Just by listening to his reply, it was easy to tell that he had slightly hesitated. Maybe my perception had been wrong. His actions must've affected him somehow.
"You could've shot those two girls, but you didn't." Hank inched closer to the android, as I quietly watched them.
Suddenly, he pushed Connor back, causing me to rapidly stand up but remain next to the bench.
"Why didn't you shoot, Connor? Hm? Some scruples suddenly enter into your program?"
The android seemed genuinely baffled, hence I debated whether to intervene or not.
"No... I just decided not to shoot, that's all..." As if a weight had fallen off Connor, he sounded more confident again.
I put a hand over my heart, feeling hope for the android regarding him eventually admitting that he had feelings as well. Due to my relief, I noticed too late that Hank pointed his gun directly at Connor. My eyes instantly widened.
"Hank, STOP!" I yelled but he merely shouted over his shoulder, "(Y/N) don't you dare get involved in this. It is his shit to deal with alone."
I froze in my spot, unsure of what the man's intention was. Nevertheless, my eyes lingered on Connor who once again glanced at me. That was when I believed to see insecurity within them. I wanted to run over to him and comfort him, yet I knew with Hank's weapon to Connor's face, I had to remain silent.
"But are you afraid to die, Connor?" Hank asked, slowly moving his gun up and down. I anxiously held my breath, awaiting the android's answer.
"I would certainly find it regrettable to be...interrupted...before I can finish this investigation."
I felt as if there was an ounce of tension in his voice.
"What will happen if I pull this trigger? Hm? Nothing? Oblivion? Android heaven?"
I gulped, my nervousness increasing each second.
"Nothing...There would be nothing..." Connor answered, as if in a trance.
Hank's hand shook and eventually he lowered his gun.
"Where are you going?" The android asked, as Hank left, passing me.
"To get drunker. I need to think. Don't bother to get me home (Y/N)." The grey-haired man turned quiet, grabbed his beer case and then simply left.
I shook my head, running towards Connor.
"Are you ok?" I delicately asked, inching closer. The android turned his head and waited for a minute.
"Of course I am. I just don't understand why the lieutenant would do such a thing..."
Obviously, Connor was distressed but I figured he did not notice it or dismissed it anyway. Sighing, I took a glance back at where Hank had disappeared.
"Don't worry, I think you're just frustrating him." I muttered, facing my partner again.
"Why would he perceive my presence in that way?" Connor tilted his head, as I weakly smiled.
"I think you are growing onto him but he doesn't want to admit it." I let my eyes focus on the river behind us, slowly walking up to it.
"I'm sure we'll solve this soon..." I whispered, staring into my reflection in the water.
Connor gradually approached me, inquiring, "What about you (Y/N)? Do I frustrate you?"
I blinked a few times, turning around to find him barely a foot away from me. Once more a wave of heat washed over me, as I averted my gaze. Yes, honestly Connor did make me feel that way. However, it was rather due to my love for him and the nescience how to deal with these sentiments.
"Kind of, yes. However, my reasons are different..." I uttered underneath my breath, partly to myself.
"So you are saying you dislike me?" I widened my eyes at Connor's deduction but put on a normal expression again once I recognized no anger in his eyes. Merely... Disappointment?
"That's wrong too. I do like you."
Probably too much, I bitterly thought to myself.
"What does 'liking someone' feel like?" Connor stared at me, asking something I hadn't expected. Especially not after all the denying of emotions earlier when Hank had pressured the android. I put one hand up to my chin, thinking about it. He probably meant the word "liking" in a friendly way.
"Well, it means that you enjoy spending time with someone, feeling happy around them. It's regarding someone as your friend." I answered, looking back at him. For a second, his LED turned yellow once again.
Connor didn't reply and when a cold breeze met my skin, I shivered.
"We should go now. Can I drop you off anywhere?" I asked, starting to walk away.
He followed me, shaking his head. "I will find my way from your apartment on."
Shrugging my shoulders, we returned to my car and entered it. I started the engine, waiting before driving away. Seeing how Connor still appeared to be deep in thought, I sighed.
He turned to face me.
"Emotions are not all that bad."
After all the acveotion and kindness my partners had shown me plus my affectionate feelings for Connor, I believed I partly changed my mind. Directing a smile at him, I focused on the road and we started moving without the android responding.
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