Introduction Of the Cats
LEADER – Fadedstar – A faded gray tom with amber eyes with greyish white underbelly due to age.
DEPUTY- AcornFall- A brown she with soft green eyes.
MEDCINE CAT- AshFall- A gray tom with green eyes.
WARRIORS- BrightSoul – A crème furred she with ice blue eyes
PorcupineSpikes- A black tom with white spots with amber eyes.
LilacSmile- A Thai lilac she with light green eyes and white paws.
SnowedGinger A half white and ginger she with mint green eyes.
LunarCross A black she with a white underbelly with blue eyes.
BlazingHeart A blue gray tom with a light blue marking on his chest.
LeafFall- A brown tabby she with a white underbelly with soft green eyes.
BrambleShine – A brown tabby tom with dark brown eyes with white paws.
LakePaw- A light gray she with blue eyes.
EbonyPaw- A black tom with brown eyes.
StormPaw- A gray tom with blue eyes.
MouseTail- A brown she with brown eyes; expecting.
WhiteFur- A white she with blue eyes who has four kits.
PoppyGlint - A orange red she with blue eyes ; expecting.
SpottedHeart- A tortoiseshell she with amber eyes; expecting.
LotusWing- A calico she with soft hazel eyes who has three kits.
TigerHeart- A brown tom with brown eyes.
IvyThorn – A light gray she with reddish orange eyes.
BloomingPoppy – A light orange she with soft green eyes; oldest cat in BorageClan.
LEADER- OceanStar – A blueish gray she with green eyes.
DEPUTY – AlderHeart – A brown tom with green eyes.
MEDICINE CAT – BarracudaStorm – A silver she with blue eyes. Apprentice: CharcoalPaw – A black and white she with green eyes.
WARRIORS – TroutFur – A glossy light gray she with hazel eyes.
WaterSpider – A light gray tom with amber eyes.
HoppingStones – A light gray she with amber eyes.
AquaIris – A blue gray she with blue eyes with dark blue linings.
PuddleShimmer – A pale blue gray tom with misty blue eyes with light gray paws.
MarigoldFur-A fluffy calico she with hazel eyes.
SliverLotus – a gray tom with amber eyes.
RhinestonePaw – A light gray tom with misty blue eyes.
PumpkinPaw- A orange tabby she with green eyes with white paws.
AquamarinePaw – A Siamese she with blue- green eyes
SwiftFoot- A fluffy tortoiseshell she with amber eyes; has three kits.
Tadpole – A gray she with green; has two kits.
LostHeart – A she with a scarred muzzle, and a deep scar onto her chest, a silver splotched, white tabby.
Leader – AbyssStar -A black tom with sharp green eyes.
Deputy - CrimsonApple
Medicine Cat – AshFall – A gray she with blue eyes.
Warriors – StrawberrySky – A skinless cat with sharp amber eyes.
AmberLoop – A snowshoe tom with amber eyes, declawed.
SmallPose – A undersized tom with green eyes who has a stubbed tail.
Apprentices – HarePaw – A brown tabby she with orange eyes
Queens – Prairie – A sandy yellow she with green eyes – has 4 kits.
Leader – IvoryStar – A whitish she with amber eyes.
Deputy – VanillaMoon – A beige cat with white spots with soft amber eyes.
Medicine Cat - SeedPath – A sandy pale beige cat with shaded beige with green eyes.
Warriors – CrimsonRoots – A reddish-brown tom with amber eyes.
PrimroseShine – A crème furred she with pale blue eyes.
Cats outside clans
Stonehenge – A gray she with yellow eyes.
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