A Journey Begun
Song of this chapter: Rises The Moon
The copper and crimson sky with puffs of light pink and purple appeared with splatters of the colors as the burning sun shone brightly. A flash of mixed fur had rose from a hollow log, revealing green eyes of confidence and bright personalities. AlderHeart's ears flicked, confidently strutting nearby the rock, CloverKit and PoppyGlint spotting him. The kit would tell the queen, "The patrol has arrived!"
"Yes, it has." She purred, licking the kit's head before nudging her to the deputy, following along as CloverKit dashed to AlderHeart. PoppyGlint smiled sweetly, CloverKit smiled with a grin of thought. Hehe! Mama and Papa are so in love!
"There's my little ball of snow!" AlderHeart purred, his tail ruffling the kit's head fur, then smiled at the queen, the two nuzzling their heads together.
A blur of white with green eyes dashed around PoppyGlint as she had talked to her mate, AlderHeart. PoppyGlint rambled repeatedly about CloverKit's future before turning her head to her kit, nudging her. "Now, CloverKit. Why don't you go ahead and play with TitaniumKit? She seems nice." CloverKit beamed her eyes, staring at the sliver kit. TitaniumKit was a silky, sliver tabby that had nice looking herbs in the eyes that looked like the reflection of blue borage eyes if you insist.
CloverKit had no problem with the other singular kit who didn't fit in her litter. Outcasts stick together, don't they? CloverKit thought with a smile on her muzzle.
"Oh, hi CloverKit!" TitaniumKit meowed, as CloverKit padded to the sliver furred she. TitaniumKit passed a green, fuzzy moss ball to CloverKit, offering a game of moss ball. The she agreed to the game. The two beaming she-kits batted the moss balls, PoppyGlint smiling at the energy of the two.
"Can we play tag?" CloverKit asked, pushing the moss ball to the ground, it by the impact.
"Yep!" TitaniumKit smiled. CloverKit smacked a paw at TitaniumKit, splashing rapidly to the other side of camp. TitaniumKit smiled, chasing after the other kit, laughing.
AlderHeart and PoppyGlint laughed and chattered like squirrels about the bonding of the two. PoppyGlint felt happy with her daughter's first friendship. The queen would stare at the two with a flame of joy as they walked and played.
"Bet you can't catch me, TitaniumKit!"
"You bet I will, clumsy kit!"
"Not if I can help it!"
"Challenge accepted, CloverKit." Their teasing of one and another had grown, laughter filling the aroma.
PoppyGlint called both kits with worry as they hollered and hopped. "Be careful, you two!" The queen would look worried, but soon reassured by AlderHeart, her mate. The she would look relaxed, as he had reassured her that the two would be okay on their own.
Though the kits didn't respond to PoppyGlint, she knew they had listened to her calls of worry. The queen tapped her foreleg rapidly, before being calmed by AlderHeart.
The two laughed and laughed, TitaniumKit batting a tree stump to try and stop laughing at the clumsiness of both. The she-kit slowly caught her breath with the tree stump.
Meanwhile, CloverKit mistakenly still run despite TitaniumKit's calls to catch up. FadedStar gazed at her, confusingly. CloverKit didn't mind that, after all the stare was upon her grandfather. But CloverKit didn't know that, still running staring at the nests of all the cats and how they chattered about everything near them.
The day was perfect, at least for now. It was full of excitement and laughter... The she-kit would keep running, until something happened.
Suddenly, CloverKit bumped into a tall, night SliverPelt colored tom. The tom was very tall. CloverKit had mistakenly batted a paw on the tom, thinking it was a shadow. The tom had flashy colors, a base of the night sky with sparkling stars. His eyes were a meteor with flames that engulfed the poor meteor, not even blue. He gave a cold stare with his scary eyes, giving CloverKit chills. He was humongous, big enough to squish CloverKit!
"And what do you think you're doing CloverKit?' 'PorcupineSpikes snarled, landing a paw onto her chest. He was the worst cat to deal with, his cockiness and self-absorbed ego that was so confident. His confidence was very high. In fact, high enough to beat FireStar's heroic deeds that happened a long time ago. A time where all four clans had called it ancient history of their background.
The kit flattened her ears, frightened by the unexpected landing of his front paw. CloverKit stumbled onto her words, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stumble in front of you! I promise!"
The tom pushed her, lashing his tail at her. The now shining night sky with blazing stars showed disgust. The stars grew more flames, radiating a red glow as the sun hit the flames' light. His eyes full of hatred, he bared his teeth together. "Be glad I can't harm a kit because I need my reputation. But if you do that again..."
PorcupineSpikes began, unsheathing his claws, almost scratching the kit. "You'll be crow-food if you do that again. "The tom had CloverKit, cuffing her ear as she ran to TitaniumKit, her ears flattened before panting.
''What happened?' 'TitaniumKit asked, she was visibly frowning and concerned for the kit. The she frowned, shaking her head. CloverKit explained fast, stumbling over her words. The other kit had suggested telling her parents. CloverKit was scared, agreeing, running to her parents who were, ironically, talking about the tom she had just interacted with.
"Mama! Mama! Papa! Papa!" The kit would yell, crashing into her mom's fur, eyes wide.
"What is it, Clover?" The mother of the kit would ask, very tired. PoppyGlint stared at CloverKit with a flame of fear and curiosity, filled with empathy.
CloverKit would explain about what happened, full of fear and trembling followed by stumbling with her words.
PoppyGlint grabbed the kit, cleaning CloverKit to comfort the poor kit.
To add to this, her father, AlderHeart, snarled. "That son of a Foxheart!" AlderHeart hit his paw onto the ground. As soon as PoppyGlint heard the tom begin to swear, the queen covered the kit's ears. CloverKit sat in annoyance as the queen still had covered her ears. Let me hear again mom! CloverKit thought, shaking her mother's paws off playfully with a smile. Though PoppyGlint did not look so happy as the queen had looked annoyed, just like the kit before.
"Language, AlderHeart." PoppyGlint would hiss, the queen cuffing his ear. The tom would wince, folding his paws into his belly whilst sitting. CloverKit laughed at her dad's wince with a smile, before getting her dad had lightly patted the kit.
PoppyGlint did not look pleased with PorcupineSpike's actions, looking furious. CloverKit yawned, feeling tired as if days playing forever. But then, AlderHeart surprised CloverKit with a snarl so sudden. "I'm going to talk to that tom, I swear!"
PoppyGlint meowed fearfully, yanking the tom back as he tried to stomp off. "What are you doing? What if you pick a fight hon?!"
"I'll be fine, PoppyGlint."
PoppyGlint sighed with a smile, meowing. "Alright, just, make sure that you don't get hurt at all. "
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