The Ranch- Team Rancher
This story takes place in a different universe than the others (since the other stories all have flower husbands, it would get confusing). So Jimmy doesn't know Scott, Lizzie, or Joel. He knows Scar and Grian, but that's really it. Also, I ruined all of their personalities (specifically Tango's), don't kill me. It fits with the story.
Chapter 1: The Ranch – Tango's Perspective
Tango paused his music and took off his headphones, looking out the window.
He'd never been to his aunt and uncle's home, but this summer he was going to be staying with them.
They live in a different state from Tango, and about half an hour from the city's town since they owned a ranch.
"Hey Tango!"
Tango's aunt embraced him in a hug.
"Hey Aunt Sam." Tango said.
Aunt Sam, or Samantha, was about three inches shorter than Tango.
She had brown hair that was always pulled into a ponytail, and she wore a bandana on her head.
She wore a blue denim shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes that were covered in mud.
"Ready to work on the farm this summer?" She asked, watching Tango's mom take his stuff out of the car.
"Not... really." Tango shrugged, looking around.
"You'll do fine. We might just have you run errands in the city since you can drive." Aunt Sam said before helping Tango's mom.
Tango was 16, had blonde hair, red glasses (that he wore just for fun), a red long sleeve shirt, a black vest and black pants.
I really should've changed for this weather.
Tango squinted to the sky and saw the beaming sun.
"There's Tang!"
Tango looked up and saw his uncle Ted walk up to him.
Uncle Ted had light brown hair that had spots of red in it, goggles on, a dark blue shirt on and shorts.
He had mud all over his face.
"Uh- what happened?" Tango asked, taking a step back so then his uncle wouldn't get mud over him.
"Horses. One of 'em is pregnant. Lots of work." His uncle wiped the sweat off his face.
"But you... well you look like you've grown at least 1.2 inches since I last saw you three months ago!" His uncle looked at him up and down, taking off his goggles.
Tango smiled, "Yep! You're spot on!"
Uncle Ted smiled and then they heard a thumping noise inside the house.
"Ted! Help us get his luggage up here!" They heard Aunt Sam shout.
"Coming!" Ted shouted as they ran into the house.
"This- stupid- door." Aunt Sam slammed herself into a door upstairs.
"Woah there! Don't hurt yourself!" Ted stopped his wife from damaging her arm.
"Sorry Tango, this door always gets stuck." Aunt Sam sighed, "Anyway, sis, do you want something to drink?"
Tango's mom nodded, "Er- sure! Some tea would be nice."
They walked downstairs and Tango helped Uncle Ted.
"Thanks, Tang." Ted patted Tango's back as he opened the door, "We might just leave this open 'til we get someone to work on it."
Tango nodded and brought his luggage inside the room.
There was a twin bed in the corner that had clean sheets on it.
There was an open window that brought it the cool breeze.
A red circle rug was on the hardwood floor.
There was a desk that had four drawers, two on either side, and a rickety chair.
Tango moved over to the dresser.
The room looked very clean despite how empty it was.
He was going to be staying in that room for about three months so might as well make in comfortable.
He first plugged in his phone to charge and then started taking out his clothes and stuffing them in the dresser.
"Tango, sweetie, I'm gonna go."
Tango turned around and saw his smiling mother.
"Bye." She hugged him.
"Bye mom. Love you." He said.
"Keep in touch. Call me if you have any trouble. And I'll see you in three months." She said, smiling at her son.
She kissed Tango's forehead.
He walked out with his mom and waved goodbye.
"Well, are you excited?" Aunt Sam asked Tango after his mother turned the corner and left.
"Yeah." Tango said, smiling at his aunt.
"Great. A friend of ours lives in the town and I know she has a son so we can go meet her and maybe you could be friends with him!"
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