Stumped- Team Rancher
Chapter 5: Stumped - Tango's Perspective
Two Months Later-
It's a simple word that has many meanings.
Some might say it's someone you talk too.
Others might say it's someone you're close too and trust.'
Tango paused, looking up from his notebook.
He smiled as a gust of wind flew by his face, cooling him off on such a warm evening.
It was Sunday (the day he gets off from working), and he was sitting outside on the ranch.
He had a couple of weeks left (three to be exact) before he had to leave.
Tango looked back down at his book and continued writing.
'But me... I don't know what I would call it. I thought I had many friends but when I think about it, I only really talk to four of them a lot. And those four are Scar, Grian, Doc, and Jimmy. Well, and Impulse.
You're probably wondering why I'm writing about this. It's because of Jim. He asked my how many friends I had. I don't know. What really is a friend? Is it someone you would trust with your life, or just someone you talk too and have fun times with? The dictionary says it's someone you know and have a mutual affection for. So it's both! And yet... it's not.'
"Hey Tango! What'cha writing?"
Tango looked up again and saw his aunt Sam walking up to him.
She was carrying two apples.
"Thanks." Tango said, taking one apple and eating it.
"Of course! You've been out here for a couple of hours; I was getting worried you fell asleep."
Aunt Sam took a seat on the log next to Tango.
Tango laughed, "Nah, I was just... thinking."
He trailed off, looking at the landscape.
"Thinking about what?"
"Stuff..." Tango trailed off.
Aunt Sam rolled her eyes, "Are you gonna tell me- "
"What's your definition of 'friends'?" Tango interrupted her.
"Huh?" She asked, caught off guard.
"You know, the word 'friends'. What do you think it means?" He asked, taking a bite of the red apple.
His aunt sighed, "Hmm... I guess just people you talk to and care about."
Tango nodded, "Do you have high standards for friends?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well... some people may take a while before they call someone their friend. But others may call someone their friend even though they've only talked like, three times."
"I guess I would say a friend is... someone you can trust and always talk too." His aunt said, "Why?"
"Just wondering." Tango said simply.
"Is this about the new fri- er, people you're hanging out with?" Aunt Sam asked, rubbing his back.
Tango hesitated but nodded, "Yeah... I mean... I know a lot of people back home, but I only really consider two my friends. I consider the people here my friends too but... I mean what will happen when I leave?"
His aunt nodded, "Why don't you talk to them about it?"
Tango shrugged and she got up.
"I gotta go get dinner ready, but you should chat with them about this if it's really bothering you."
She then left.
Tango stared back at his notebook.
He heard a bird chirp and turned around.
"Hey you!" Tango smiled at the familiar yellow bird.
The bird blinked and looked up at the sky before looking back down at Tango as if it struggled with making a decision of where to go.
Tango chuckled lightly, "I feel the same way."
The next morning, Tango lay in his bed, writing.
'There's no real definition of friends. It's up to us. Everyone has a different interpretation. And that's what's difficult. How would you describe friends?'
"Tango, time to get to work." His aunt knocked on his open door.
"Okay, coming." Tango rolled out of bed and got dressed.
As he worked, he thought about his friends.
Do I have high standards?
Tango was in the middle of collecting the eggs from the chicken coop when another thought/worry struck him.
If I consider a person my friend, but they don't... what does that mean? Do both people have to agree on calling each other friends?
"Hey Tang- "
Tango jumped.
"Woah there! It's just me." His uncle Ted patted him on the back.
Tango sighed in relief.
"What made ya jump?" His uncle asked.
Tango shrugged, "Just lost in thoughts I guess."
His uncle nodded, clearly waiting for Tango to go on.
"What?" Tango asked.
Ted rolled his eyes, "You gonna go on or am I supposed to guess?"
Tango chuckled lightly, "Sorry. I'm just... what do you think a friend is?"
"Friend?" His uncle asked, sounding a bit taken aback.
Tango nodded, "Yeah, friend. What's your definition?"
Ted hesitated, "I guess... someone that you're close too and trust."
Tango groaned.
"Why? Was that the wrong answer?" His uncle asked him jokingly.
Tango rolled his eyes, "There's no right answer. That's my problem."
"You trying to decide whether you like that James boy as a friend or something more?" His uncle asked, making Tango blush.
He hesitated but nodded.
Ted smiled sincerely, "Look, Tang, I'm not great with relationship advice, but don't worry. Just go for it. Ask him out."
"Yeah, like I can do that." Tango said frustratedly.
His uncle chuckled, "You're going to see him later today, just ask him then."
Tango laughed and his uncle patted him on the back and left.
"I wish it was that easy." He said under his breath.
Hello friends! (Well if you consider us friends) thank you for reading this chapter and to be honest, I don't really have an answer to Tango's questions about life. If you do, please let me know, it would be fun! Anyway, thank you, hope you enjoyed, and keep loving your best life!
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