RenDoc: The Project
Ren's Perspective
At the end of class Mr. Brinson assigned a project.
"Alright class, great job today, but before you go, I have a project to assign."
People exchanged excited looks to their friends.
Even Tango looked back at Doc and nodded, smiling.
"Now, now, before you go looking at your friends, let me tell you it's with the person you're sitting next to."
The class groaned and Mr. Brinson laughed.
"I want you to research a technology and tell me what you would do to improve it. This is 30% of your grade for the quarter, we will be presenting these near mid-March." Mr. Brinson wrote on the whiteboard.
Ren started to feel really bad about what he did the other day.
He looked over at Doc as people started to pack up.
"So, er- do you wanna hang out sometime- "
Doc turned red and gave Ren a warning look since people were near them.
"No! No!" Ren said, also very embarrassed, "Not like that." The people looked disappointed and left, "For the project, I meant."
"Oh. Sure." Doc shrugged, "Can I have your number then?"
"Aww Doc! That's so sweet!" Lena squealed.
Ren and Doc death stared them.
"For the project- "
"For the project." Tina mocked in a high-pitched voice and Lena laughed, "Good excuse. But come on, you can be honest with us. Everyone knows what happened."
Ren scoffed, "Yeah. But not everyone knows that I was drunk!"
"Oh yeah, I might've left out that detail." Tina said, not feeling apologetic at all, "Oops!"
Ren growled and Tina jumped back.
Some bystanders laughed.
"Stay away you wolf!" She screamed.
Ren rolled his eyes, and the bell rang.
Everyone walked out and Ren found himself walking next to Doc to their next class, PE.
Some people in the halls were pointing and laughing at them.
Others were awing, thinking that they really were together.
"Hey look." Ren started, looking at all the bystanders, "I'm really sorry about what I did the other day. I didn't mean it. I was drunk. I just... I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry."
Doc looked at Ren and laughed, "You look like a sad puppy."
Ren death stared him, and Doc got serious.
"Yeah. I assumed something was up with you. Just... don't do it again."
Ren chuckled, "Definitely not. And it's my fault the rumors about us are going around."
"Ey Ren!"
Ren growled and turned around; he didn't want to hear another person poke fun at him.
But to his relief, it was Martyn.
"Hey Martyn!" Ren greeted his friend and they fist-bumped.
"Ooo with your new- "
"Don't you dare start or else." Ren grumped.
Martyn broke out laughter, "Just messing."
"Yeah, that's what Tina said."
"You really think I would stoop that low?"
Martyn asked, looking a bit serious.
Ren sighed, "Just touched a nerve, I guess. This whole thing is my fault and I feel terrible.
There's no way to stop the rumors going around. There's no way to get people to stop looking at me and asking if I'm dating Doc. There's no solution!" He whined.
Ren's ears dropped down and Doc looked upset.
"We'll figure it out. Just try not to be bothered by it and let's just get our project done." Doc said.
"Wait, what project?" Martyn asked, looking worried.
"It's just a science project that's 30% of your grade." Doc explained.
"WHAT?!" Martyn gasped, "You're joking."
"And it's a partner project. He changed our seats, but I don't know if he'd do that for your class." Ren said, "Does your class talk a lot?"
Martyn shook his head.
"Then you'll be working on the project with the person you're sitting next to now."
"Fuck." Martyn said under his breath.
"Who do you sit next to?" Doc asked.
"Lily. The teachers pet." Martyn complained.
They laughed and a Kia walked up to them.
"Martyn! Stop third wheeling! You're ruining the moment." Kia grabbed Martyn's arm and dragged him away.
"SAVE ME!!!" Martyn cried as he and Kia disappeared.
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