Boat Boys: The Emergency
Joel's Perspective-
Joel got up and started to heat up some bagels, thinking about what happened on Friday.
fWhip then walked out and yawned.
"Why are you up so early?" He asked.
"School." Joel said.
fWhip froze.
"Wait I thought it was Sunday."
Joel shook his head.
"Hm." He said, then walked over to Etho's door.
"Etho! Wake up!" fWhip banged on the door.
Etho walked out, looking like a mess.
"Woah, you okay?" Joel gasped, wincing at the piercing look Etho gave him.
"No. I'm not feeling well."
"You probably need something to eat and drink." fWhip said, "That's what my sister needs when she's not feeling well. How about some tea or coffee to wake you up?"
Etho shrugged, "I'm not hungry."
"When was the last time you ate?" Joel asked, a bit sternly.
"Er- I don't know, last night."
"What about water? How often do you hydrate?"
"I have water on my bedside table, I'm fine."
"How do I know you drink it?"
"I refill it every day! I'm drinking! I'm fine!" Etho shouted, then he turned and stormed back into his room.
Joel and fWhip exchanged concerned looks.
Clearly, their friend was not okay.
Joel and Etho were walking to class.
Etho was having a rough day with no breakfast, and he hasn't been hydrating enough.
Joel wanted to help his crush, but he didn't want to force him.
Especially since Etho won't take off his mask around people.
Now that I think about it...I don't think I've ever seen Etho without his mask on.
Etho was swaying from left to right as they walked.
"Etho? You sure you're, okay?" Joel asked.
Etho stopped and put his hand to his head.
"I'm not feeling to- "
Etho then collapsed to the ground.
Some people stared but then continued to walk. Some speed walking away.
Joel stood there in shock but in an instant his brain started panicking.
Oh fuck!
He bent down next to his crush and knew that he had to get him to the nurse's office.
Etho's pulse was fine, but his breathing was rushing.
He probably can't breathe with that stupid mask on.
Joel took Etho's mask off and blushed.
He then shook his head.
Come on Joel; now is not the time to see how fucking cute and handsome he is, we gotta get him to the Ms. Lume.
Joel picked up Etho and heaved at the weight.
Oh god, I can barely carry him.
Joel took a deep breath and started rushing to the nurse's office.
He had never been so scared before.
"Ms. Lume!"
Joel burst into the nurse's office.
Luckily only Ms. Lume, the nurse, was there.
"Good heavens, Mr. Beans, what are you- "
She saw Etho and gasped.
"What happened?! Surely you weren't fighting- "
Joel shook his head, on the verge of tears, "He just- we were walking and- collapsed- don't know what- can you help?"
"Put him down on the cot." She ordered and Joel obeyed.
"Has he been eating well?" She asked, looking nervous at his fast breathing.
"Er- to be honest, I haven't seen him eat or drink. He doesn't take his mask off. I don't know why he wears it." Joel put down Etho's stuff.
"Has he had alcohol?" She asked.
Joel shook his head, "I've never seen him drink and he doesn't hydrate either."
"That's probably it." She took Etho's blood pressure.
"Yep. Decrease in blood pressure. It's definitely dehydration." She grabbed the phone at her desk and called 911.
"Wha- "
Ms. Lume put a finger up and Joel shut up.
"Alright, an ambulance is on its way." She said, hanging up.
"But- "
"He'll be all right, Joel. This just needs special attention and tools that a hospital has. Trust me, this is right."
"Now you could wait here with him until the ambulance arrives or go back to class." She said.
"I'd- I'd like to stay here." Joel said, tears falling.
"It'll be okay." She said once more, with a sympathetic smile, and then left to go tell everyone else what was going on.
Joel looked at Etho and put his hand on Etho's.
He then bent down and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you." He whispered.
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