Chapter 12- Come with me or suffer
Nuska's pov
I rubbed my eyes with my hand and finally woke up from the peaceful sleep.
I turned to my side and saw Zaid sleeping on the sofa his back facing me.
I was staring at him when he suddenly turned, now facing me and only then I saw a frown on his face.
Maybe he is having an uncomfortable sleep..
After all who can, on a sofa?
Poor baby...
I smiled while looking at him, indeed I am lucky to have a husband like him because he cared for me even though he was forced to marry me, most husbands wont do that after they are forced to marry someone.
Zaid... I always wanted a husband named Zaid and now I have got, even though it's going to be only for a very short period of time, I am happy.
A special note to my friends and my brother, I have married a person named Zaid just like how I wanted so you guys can keep your big mouth shut now...
"Devil, you woke up" Zaid interrupted my thoughts.
"Yes" I replied.
"Today is the only day you have woken up before me"
"Shut up"
"I know I am handsome so stop staring at me, Devil" He said in his sleepy voice.
Oh god...
"I know I was staring at you but I was only feeling pity since you was sleeping on the sofa"
"Also I feel nauseous" I added.
"Why? Are you alright?" He said walking towards me.
"I feel nauseous because you said you are handsome" I said pouting.
"Devil, I hate you. I really thought you are sick" he said while I laughed, after few seconds of glaring at me even he started laughing.
"How are you now? Is your hands and legs still paining?" He questioned me with a distant look.
"Lightly" I answered in one word.
"Okay.. if it is paining tell me don't keep it to yourself"
"Sure" I said and left to the bathroom to have a wash.
We were having our lunch, infact only a sandwich, when Imran and his son entered the room.
I quickly gobbled my food and stood up from the bed, I was sitting on.
I am starving, how can I let go of this only food I got..
"So Zaid, have you spoken to Nuska?" Ahmad asked Zaid.
"Yes, I have spoken to her and we have decided what to do as well" Zaid said smiling at Ahmad.
"Really! Can I know what you two have decided"
"If you let us go home, we will end this relationship of ours and then you can marry her with her parents permission. I wouldn't come into your lives for sure"
"Wow, what a fine decision? If I have to correct your statement it would be, once I send you two home, with both of your parents permission you two will enjoy since you both are already married. Am I right Zaid?"
"No..." Zaid was speaking when Ahmad interjected, "Don't you dare lie to Me, Zaid"
"I am not lying Ahmad"
"Shut up! Thats enough, Nuska come with me now" Ahmad shouted.
"I can't" I croaked and ran towards Zaid and held his hand tightly,out of fear, of Ahmad taking me away.
"Nuska don't test my patience, just come with me" Ahmad shouted again.
I shook my head indicating a No. Ahmad then walked towards me and tried pulling me from Zaid but Zaid pushed him away and gave a punch on his face.
"Ahh.." Ahmad screamed.
Ahmad tried to attack Zaid but Imran stopped him and spoke," Zaid just like you told us yesterday, give Nuska to us"
"Wow, thats nice. Weren't you the one who forced us to marry and now you want me to give her to you. I am sorry Imran that will not happen" Zaid spoke harshly.
"Okay, since you don't want to give her to Ahmad, I'll let you both enjoy for one whole month with no disturbance from me" Imran said giving a foul smile.
What? One whole month? I cant stay here for so long.
What is he up to now?
"What..."Zaid started speaking when Imran spoke again," I am speaking so dont interrupt. I don't like it"
Imran continued, "so wondering why I am leaving you both alone for one whole month? The reason is so that you can suffer, want to know how you will suffer,
No 1: food supply will be less.
No 2: electricity might be powered off frequently, so you will have no light neither fan in the middle of the night. I pity you both..
No 3: I don't think your families will be safe.
No 4: Even if I don't do anything to them don't you think your family will suffer because they won't know what is happening to you both here.
No 5:Ahmad will be your frequent visitor, just to boost you up.
And finally no 6: once I return after one month, Ahmad and Zaid will have to play a game and whoever wins will get Nuska. So Keep wondering what the game will be.
"That's too bad, you cant punish us. All you wanted was his company but now your son wants me, do you think I am a toy to change hands always" I shouted at them.
They are really testing my patience.
"No darling. No changes in my plan, you wanted to be with him right so enjoy now"
"I will escape from this place, just wait and watch, Imran" I challenged.
"You will never escape!" He crackled.
"You both can never escape because there is high security so if you try escaping death awaits you" Imran said and again added, "Also nobody can come to rescue as well since I have made sure nobody will track us down. Therefore there isn't much luck babies"
I rolled my eyes at him and spoke, "Mr.Imran, we will wait for you for one whole month and dont worry Zaid will participate in this game and in sha Allah he will win the game. Then we will happily leave this place. I am ready, Zaid, are You?" I directed a question to Zaid to which he nodded a yes and smiled at me.
"Okay, I appreciate your confidence level so let's wait and see what happens after one month" Imran said and with that both Ahmad and and Imran left, not forgetting to securely lock the door.
Lets see what happens after one month..
Hope luck is on our side..
In this one month I hope I can protect myself from falling in love with Zaid.
Please heart, listen to me.
Little did she know that she will indeed fall in love with him in this one month...
Only time can say things..
Ahmad's pov
Zaid, wait and watch, I am going to win this game and then I will claim Nuska rightfully with no space for objections.
Nuska, darling, only one more month and then you will be mine for sure.
My dad is the one who is hosting this game so does anyone think I will lose?
No, I wont because I am always a winner.
Assalamu alaikum.
I hope you guys are doing good...
So Imran has gone for one whole month letting NusZai (Nuska&Zaid)
To enjoy, do you think they will enjoy or fall into more trouble??
Also what game do you think Imran is planning to host?
Let me know your opinions about this chapter..
Do vote, comment and share..
May Allah bless you all..
-Nuska Nisthar😎
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