The first two days were quiet. Filming had come to a stop until Felix and Hyunjin finished with their two weeks of living together, which made the days seem longer.
"No, I can't... Like I said Wren, we can go out after the two weeks... There is nothing I can really do... No, Jake isn't alone he is staying with Ji and Minho... I do trust you, but Jake has know Jisung since he was little and Jisung is my best friend, you and I aren't even dating yet... Seriously? Wren, you do realise how stupid that sounds...
No? Alright, you just suggested that I am lying about having to go to a couple's therapist, because my ex and I cannot work together properly and it is effecting everyone around us, including our little brothers. I would make something like that up just to fucking sleep with him... Whatever, bye." Felix huffed hanging up.
"Seems like Wren isn't too happy." Hyunjin said looking up from his book.
"No, but is going to have to deal with it. He isn't my boyfriend. Right now he is just someone who is interested in me."
Closing his book, Hyunjin set it aside and stood up. Standing in front of the younger, Hyunjin grabbed Felix's small hand and interlaced their fingers.
"If he is someone who is just interested in you, then who am I to you?" He asked softly.
Felix blinked a couple times and his mouth fell open a little, causing Hyunjin to look at his lips.
"You... What do you mean by that?"
"Felix, you know what I mean. You know how I feel for you."
"How do I know your not lying?"
Hyunjin scoffed slightly.
"There have been few and in-between times where I have lied to you. I have said some stupid shit out of anger, but I have never once been insincere about my feeling's towards you." Hyunjin said.
"How do feel towards me then?"
Hyunjin pursed his lips.
"I love you, my angel."
Felix took in a shaky breath and nodded.
"We'll see where we are at the end of this..." Felix muttered.
Though Hyunjin's heart broke a little, he would push anything. He rather have Felix in his life as a friend then not in his life at all.
With a nod Hyunjin let go of the youngers hand and went back to his book.
The day before the two weeks ended was the day a problem arised, not between Felix and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin and Felix, feeling too cooped up to be inside decided to go out for a little while and there came the issue.
Hyunjin saw the younger tense. His whole body tensed up.
"Lix? Are you okay?" Hyunjin questioned, turning away from the clothing rack.
"Don't... Don't leave me alone..." Felix muttered, getting closer to the male.
Hyunjin put his hand on the youngers waist, feeling confused.
"Felix, what's wrong? Do need me to get you something?" Hyunjin questioned.
Felix couldn't even look at Hyunjin, he just felt frozen.
"Jinnie, please just don't leave me alone..."
Worry rose in Hyunjin when Felix finally looked at him and all he could see was fear.
"I promise, I won't leave you, but Felix, I need you to tell me what's wrong. Can you do that for me angel?" He asked softly.
"He's here..."
Now, Hyunjin wished they had security with them. Luckily, they were in a public place, so the he Felix said wouldn't do anything stupid, but Hyunjin wasn't sure how long this he had been following them.
"Fuck... Alright, I am calling security..." Hyunjin muttered, pulling Felix closer to him and pulling his phone out.
Felix seemed to get closer to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin pulled Felix into a hug and covered the youngers face to the best of his ability.
"Paparazzi are here..." Hyunjin muttered.
A soft whimper came from Felix, Hyunjin understood why, this was too much for Felix to deal with right now.
"Hey, can you come get us?" Hyunjin asked as soon as the head security guard answered.
"Where are you guys?" Mark (Lee) asked.
"In a shop near the beach... I don't know the name and I can't get outside to check..." Hyunjin said.
"We are on our way. Are you guys in danger?"
"Paparazzi found us or me, I'm not sure if they know it is Lix with me, but his ex is here, I don't know where but Felix saw him." Hyunjin said.
"We will be there in ten minutes. Stay in the shop." Mark said.
"Alright, see you guys then." Hyunjin said then hung up.
Hyunjin sighed and looked around spotted an employee. Pulling Felix along and making sure his face stayed hidden he walked over to the employee.
"Excuse me sir, is there a back room we can sit in while we wait for our friend to pick us up?" Hyunjin asked flashing the male a smile.
It took the male a minute butt he responded with a yes and escorted them to the employees room.
Hyunjin thanked him before he left.
Felix didn't let go.
"Are you okay angel?" Dumb question, but Hyunjin needed to ask.
"Why is this happening...? Four years, he has been showing up places I have been at the same time I have been at them." Felix said.
Hyunjin held Felix tighter, almost scared to let go.
"Have you talked to the police? Can they do anything?"
"Jisung and I went to the police two years ago, they said he hasn't broken the restraining order and that he hasn't done anything to indicate he wants to harm me, so they can't do anything." Felix explained.
Hyunjin scoffed internally.
Apparently getting stalked by a crazy ex isn't enough.
They stood like that for a few more minutes, before Mark and Haechan came in.
"Are you guys okay? Nothing happened right?" Mark asked.
Hyunjin shook his head.
"Do we have anything to cover Felix with? I don't think the paparazzi know he's here with me and I want to keep it that way." Hyunjin said.
Haechan nodded and toosed Hyunjin a hoodie.
Hyunjin put it on Felix and pulled the hood up.
"You ready to leave?" Hyunjin asked.
Felix nodded still keeping a tight hold on Hyunjin.
Mark and Haechan escorted the two out, Haechan keeping Felix cover and Mark just making sure no one in the crowd of paparazzi came near.
Getting into the car Hyunjin and Mark let out small breaths of relief, Felix opted to sit in the middle seat next to Hyunjin. He just needed physical contact right now.
"Hyunjin, someone told us to give this to you." Haechan said holding out a paper.
Hyunjin took the paper and unfolded it.
'He shall never know how I love him'
"It is quoted... But by who?" Hyunjin questioned.
"It is Emily Brontë, 'Wuthering Heights', he often quoted this particular line when we spoke or when he and Jisung spoke. The few letters that I got from him after everything had this line." Felix said.
Hyunjin sighed and balled the paper up.
Perhaps Hyunjin was beginning to feel Angry.
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