⚠️TW past abusive relationship ⚠️
Today was the day, Felix and Hyunjin would both be moving into a house that Hyunjin had in Jersey. They thought it the best option.
Jake and Niki would be staying with Minho and Jisung for the two weeks. They that was wise as well considering that, they didn't know what would happen over the two weeks and to be honest they didn't want their little brothers subjected to something like this.
The two males sat in silence as soon as the entered Hyunjin's car.
There had to be something they could talk about.
"It looks like it might rain..." Hyunjin muttered.
Felix looked at the sky instead of his hands and it did look like raining, he could only hope it was just that.
'Weather is out of the way, there has to be more for us to talk about... Okay, this is about figuring out how we feel about each other without sex... Wait... Two weeks no sex? Damn... Hyunjin stop thinking with your dick.' Hyunjin argued with himself.
"What did you do after the break up?" Felixs' voice was barely audible.
"Oh... Well, uhm, I kind of broke my period of sobriety..."
"So you did break your promise."
Felix shook his head and clasped his hands together.
Hyunjin sighed and decided to just focus on driving.
"I didn't mean to break it. I was frustrated and I needed to feel anything but what I felt." Hyunjin told him.
"One pill Hyunjin. The doctor told us both that one pill was all it took for you to relapse. Why didn't you call your sponsor?" Felix questioned.
"Because I was upset and sad. I wanted to forget. What did you do after the break-up?"
Felix pursed his lips, then looked at his hands.
"I spent the night in the hospital."
The car came to an abrupt stop and Felix was thanking the fact that they were on a remote road.
"You what?"
"I needed stitches- and not for what you are thinking... When I got home I was still slight angry, but more so scared. I heard a loud bang outside, I tripped and landed really hard into the glass coffee table causing to shatter and it sliced my arm and thigh open. I hit my head and passed out, when I woke I was in the hospital." Felix explained.
"Why-why didn't anyone call me?"
"I texted Jake before I got home and told him you and I got into an argument, so he didn't call. Hell Jisung doesn't even know. The only people who know are my sisters, Jake and now you." Felix said.
Hyunjin sighed and began to drive again.
Both slightly hoping that some how these two weeks performed a miracle.
"Guys it is uno calm down." Jisung told the four teens as he stood to answer the door to his and Minho's home.
His eyes widened slightly seeing who it was.
"Jihyun..." He muttered.
The male smiled, his pearly whites on full display.
"Hey, Ji." The tall male greeted.
"I uh... Do-do you want to come in?" Jisung asked, stepping aside.
Jihyun thanked him and entered the house.
Jisung was tense, really tense.
Jun narrowed his eyes at the male who just entered the house.
"Jun, you've gotten taller, so have you Jake." Jihyun stated.
The two boys didn't stay anything, opting on keeping quiet.
"Uhm... Guys, can you please go to Dayeons' room." Jisung said trying to keep his voice steady.
Dayeons' room was the furthest from the common room.
"Jisun-" Jun was about to start, but was quickly cut off by his brother.
"Dayeons' room please... Alright? Everything is fine, we are just going to talk."
Dayeon quickly stood pulling the three boys up and with her.
Once Jisung Knew that the four where in the safety of the girls' room, he looked at Jihyun.
"What are you doing here? I told you to stay away from me after your best friend tried to kill Felix." Jisung stated.
"I can't be held responsible for his action, now can I Jisung?" Jihyun stated.
"No, but I can sure as hell hold you accountable for your actions while we were dating." Though Jisung spoke confidently, Jihyun still somehow held power over him.
Lucas and Jihyun were two peas in a pod. While Lucas left physical and Mental scars. Jihyun left Mental ones and occasionally a physical scar. The physical scar he left on Jisung... Was life changing.
"Oh you can't still be mad about that." Jihyun tutted.
"Jihyun, you degraded me at every chance you had, you verbally abused me, then when I told you I wanted to break up with you you tied me to your bed and carved the word whore into one thigh and slut into the other.
I do think I get to hold you accountable for that. I should have pressed charges, but I didn't, because I thought I loved you."
"Dayeon what the hell!? Why would you pull us out of there?" Jun asked.
"Shut up and let's keep going to my room." The girl stated.
Dayeon didn't want anything to happen to Jisung that was for sure especially after all he has done for her, but she knew why Jisung wanted them so far away and that was just incase something did start to happen.
"Dayeon that is my brother and your brothers lover, we have to go out there!"
"Jun shut up and get in the room. Trust me, I don't want anything to happen to Jisung especially after he helped me out of a toxic situation, but he doesn't want us around his ex that you know full well would try and get to us to hurt him! So shut the hell up and go into the room!" Dayeon whisper-yelled.
Jun swallowed thickly, Dayeon had always been calm he had never seen her upset like this, so he followed what she said.
Once they were all in Dayeons' room, Dayeon pulled out her phone and Called Minho.
"Hey, Yeonie what's up?"
"You need to get home right now." She stated.
"What? Is everything okay? Are you hurt? Is Jisung hurt? Is j-" "Minho, Jisungs' ex is here! You need to get home right now!" Dayeon cut her brother off.
"Where is he?" There was a dark tone to her brothers voice that she had only heard once before.
"Him and Jisung are out in the living room, Jisung made, Jin, Myself, Jake, and Niki, go to my room." Dayeon told him.
"Good, stay there. I will be home in a few minutes." Minho muttered hanging up.
Dayeon sighed and put her phone down.
"I am significantly more scared of your brother." Jake stated.
Niki and Jun agreed with him.
Ji Hyun kept trying to close the proximity between him and Jisung, but lucky for Jisung he had a relatively large living room.
The front door opened causing Jisung and Jihyun to look at it.
"Get the hell out of my house and away from my fiancé." Minho stated, his voice was rough and a bit deeper, last time he sounded like that was when he was talking to Dayeons' ex.
"We were just having a friendly conversation." JiHyun stated.
Minho was taller than Jihyun which probably played a factor in how he was intimidating JiHyun.
Jisung could see JiHyun visibly gulp as Minho came up to him.
"You need to leave right now before I call the police for stalking, because so far I have seen you show up at set where Jisung works and just watch him, I have seen you show up at shops at the same time as Jisung just watch him, and now you show up here to the place he lives.
As far as I know, he has never given you our address. I sure as hell know I have never talked to you. So, however you got it was illegal which can get you in trouble as well. Leave my house." Minho seethed.
The threat alone made Jihyun scurry out of the house without another word.
Minho looked at Jisung and Jisung looked down.
"I'm sorr-" Jisung was cut off by Minho hugging him tightly.
"When Dayeon called me and told me he was here I felt my heart drop. I was terrified something would happen to you if I didn't get here in time."
Jisung held Minho tightly and cried a little.
"I don't know why I let him inside... I was just scared that he would try something if I didn't, I should have told him to leave."
Minho pulled away and held Jisungs face in his hands.
"It is okay my love. Everything is good now..."
The two heard shuffling and looked over at the hallway seeing the four teens.
Dayeon was fiddling with her fingers.
Jisung walked up to the girl and hugged her.
"I'm okay."
Dayeon let out a breath and hugged Jisung tightly.
Minho smiled fondly at them.
He was glad everything so far was going well.
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