Frisk stood at the door, a chill going down her back. It seemed even colder this night than the others in Snowdin. Maybe it really was, or maybe she was just worrying too much. Papyrus wasn't one to simply disappear.
Soon, it opened. Undyne stood at the door, her long red hair in a messy ponytail as always, and looking rather tired.
"Hey, punk." She smiled down to Frisk. "Come on in." Frisk stepped inside, eager to leave the cold. There was a single lamp lighting the living room, and Frisk saw everything she had noticed the first time. Sans's pet rock was still covered in sprinkles, and the TV was still turned on to a blank channel. Everything looked the same.
But why does it feel so different?...
Frisk heard some footsteps and looked up. Sans was coming down the stairs. "Heya, kiddo. Long time no see."
Frisk dashed across the room and gave her skeleton friend a hug. "Hows it going kid?" He asked her.
*Ahh, better! You heard I beat Undyne, right?
"Don't rub it in, nerd." Undyne gave a small smile. "Yeah, the kid has guts. Running away when the battles tough, such a cheap strategy, but it worked."
Frisk slightly blushed. She knew that Undyne was serious about standing up to fights, and here she was, complimenting the fight style she had thought of on the spot.
"So, you were heading off for Hotland today?" Sans asked, and Frisk nodded back.
*Yeah. Despite it being hot during the day, Hotland is actually pretty nice at night. I was going to sleep in your sentry station, but I guess I didn't feel comfortable enough there.
Frisk gave a halfhearted laugh. She didn't want to tell how she was worried for Papyrus. He was like a big brother to her, and she didn't want to lose that relationship to something worse.
Sans put an hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you come up to my room tonight, kiddo? You can tell me about Waterfall and how you beat Undyne again." With that last comment, he gave a grin to Undyne, who simply sighed and shook her head.
"The kid could never beat me in a real fight and we all know it." She responded. "And if you two are going to just talk, then I'll be going to sleep."
*Okay! Goodnight, Undyne!
Frisk waved to her new friend as she traveled up the stairs and to Papyrus's room. This now left the human and Sans alone in the room.
"Okay, kiddo. Ready?" Frisk nodded and the two went up the stairs into his room. When she opened the door, she noticed that it was rather messy and crowded, and much smaller than Papyrus's room. She sat down on the bed and looked to the side, where Sans sat down next to her. "Kiddo, is everything okay? I've heard that you're worried about Paps."
*I-I'm fine.
Frisk was a little shocked. She didn't think her worry was that obvious. It was true that she was worried about Papyrus, but she knew that somehow, Sans and Undyne had to be even more worried. They had known him longer, gotten more attached.
"Kid, you don't need to lie. If it make you feel better, I'm actually pretty scared. My bro doesn't just vanish like this. Something might have happened, and right now, the three of us are just sitting ducks, waiting for some sort of hint. Nothing like this has ever happened before and I don't know what to do for the first time." Sans told her, and she closed her eyes, holding back tears.
*You took the words right out of my mouth. Papyrus is like an older brother to me, even though we've only known each other a few days. He, and everyone else here, are everything I never had on the surface. I can't lose any of you.
Frisk started to cry, grabbing onto her friend.
*I've done so many things wrong, why did it have to be him and not me?
"Kid, that isn't true!" Sans put an arm around Frisk, and she looked up. "You're nothing like the other humans. You refuse to hurt any of us no matter the wrong we do. You're the fallen angel all monsters have been waiting years for. And you're doing a great job of it. You aren't doing anything wrong."
Frisk softly smiled, wiping her sweater sleeve across her face.
*Thank you, Sans.
"Anytime, kiddo. Now, don't worry. We're going to find my brother. I'll make sure of it."
Next one is a long-y. Watch out.
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