When Love isn't Enough
J2M x Reader (Friendship)
You had never thought it would happen like this. Your fiance calling while you were on set, only to tell you he was calling off the wedding. Dressed as your character, your lunch in your hands as you waited for your scene, you felt your knees buckle, and you barely made it to the bench before you collapsed.
"What do you mean?" You had asked him, tears burning in your eyes as you wondered if this was a bad dream. That maybe you would wake up, and he would be by your side.
"I mean that we aren't meant to be together. We've grown apart with you working in Vancouver, and I think this is the best. I'll have your stuff boxed up and sent to you," he told you, hanging up before you could say anything else.
Closing your eyes, you tried to calm your breathing, thinking your heart should be shattered. But all you felt was numb. A deep, dark numb that seemed to seize your body, as you realized that maybe you were more relieved than heartbroken. And that thought scared you more than your ruined engagement.
"Hey Y/N, do you want to help with a prank, wait, what's wrong?" Misha asked as he came around the corner, seeing you sitting there at the picnic table, paler than a ghost. Plopping down next to you, taking your hand in his.
Misha was one of your closest friends, ever since the two of you started working together. Taking a deep breath, you peered up at him. "Jake broke it off," you whispered, still shocked at how you felt about the whole thing.
"Oh shit," Misha muttered, squeezing your hand. "The bastard. And he did it over the phone?"
Nodding, you heard him muttering under his breath.
"Just wait until Jared, Jensen and I get a hold of him," he spat. "We'll show him he shouldn't mess with you like that."
"Misha, it's okay," you assured your friend. "Do you know what the saddest part is? I actually feel relieved. I should be heartbroken, crying at the thought of losing him, but I'm not. I don't feel anything, except numb."
"I've always told you that you were too good for him," Misha insisted. "You're beautiful and smart, and talented, and he was jealous of that."
"Thanks Mish," you sighed. "I just wish it had worked out, you know? Not because of him, but because I want that. I want to be part of a relationship, to have someone to settle down with. And now, what if it's never meant to happen?
"Maybe this happened because you weren't with the right man, and fate had other plans?" He argued, before tugging on your hand, pulling you out of your chair. "Come on, let's get away from these depressing thoughts, and do something a little more fun."
"Yeah, like what?" You questioned. "I'm due on set in fifteen minutes!"
"It will be quick. Jared and Jensen have been asking for this all week, and I need your help to put my plan into place," he explained, holding up his phone, showing you the elaborate plan he had set up.
"Mish, I love you. But this is Jared and Jensen we're talking about. The kings of pranks. Are you sure this is going to work?"
"As long as I have you by my side it should," he assured you. "And don't you want to do something to get your mind off of...,"
"I'm in!" You exclaimed, ready to forget all about Jake and the happily ever after that wasn't meant to be."
Taking your hand, he pulled you out of the lunch trailer, down to the set where you were due momentarily anyways. "So, you're going to go in, act miserable to get there attention. Shouldn't be too hard, should it?"
Frowning at the man, you waited for his next instructions. "While they're both consoling you, I'll sneak through the back, hide glitter bombs on set. Then Bamb! Jared and Jensen both get covered in glitter! I can't wait to see that!"
"You know the set and costume people are going to hate you if this actually works," you told him, even though you couldn't wait to see both Jared and Jensen covered in sparkly glitter.
"I know. But it's worth it. So please, go in there and cover for me?" He pleaded.
Rolling your eyes, you nodded, making your way into the studio, easily seeing Jared and Jensen. They were standing by the camera's, waiting for their next scene.
Walking forward, you were immediately noticed by Jensen, who frowned when he saw you. You knew your face was still probably broadcasting what had happened earlier. Which worked well for Misha's plan.
"Hey Y/N, everything okay?" Jensen asked, breaking away from his conversation with Jared.
"Jake, he uh...he broke off our engagement," you whispered, not even having to pretend the emotion making your voice thick. Sure, like you had told Misha, you were actually relieved but that didn't mean you weren't upset. Your emotions were all over the place right now as you realized your future had just changed.
"Oh no sweetie, I'm sorry," Jensen said, pulling you into his embrace. "Your better off without him."
"That's what Misha said. Did none of you like him?" You asked as you snuggled into Jensen's embrace. The man gave the best hugs.
"Jake?" Jared asked, joining the conversation? "Nope, we all thought he was the wrong man for you. But what did he do?"
"He broke off the engagement," Jensen explained, rubbing a soothing circle on you back.
"Yeah, he called during lunch, saying he was done. But the worst thing?" You told them, making sure their attention was on you, and not towards the back where Misha was just starting to sneak in. "I'm actually relieved. And that's what scares me. What if I'm meant to always be alone?"
"Nonsense!" Jared exclaimed. "You're amazing, and there's someone out there that is waiting to find you. I know things seem tough right now, but don't give up."
"Thanks Jared," you whispered as you saw Misha at the table, messing with the props in front of him. With wide eyes you stepped back from Jensen, just as the bag in Misha's hand exploded, glitter going everywhere. "Oh no!"
"What?" Both Jared and Jensen asked, turning around to see their friend standing there, looking like a unicorn had sneezed all over him.
"Misha!" They exclaimed, "What the hell did you just do?"
"He was trying to prank you," you explained, making both men double over in laughter. "Looks like it backfired."
"Slightly!" Jensen chuckled, throwing his head back in his signature laugh.
Joining in their laughter, you raised your shoulders at Misha who stood there, looking miserable in his sparkly attire. And you had to admit, that no matter how horrible your day had started, being with your three best friends had made things better.
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