Shattered glass
Dean x Reader
It was your roommates night to have friends over. For what was probably the fifth time this week. It was getting annoying, especially since you hated her friends, but you didn't dare complain. It was hard enough to find a place to rent in this area of town. Let alone one you could afford.
You left them the rest of the apartment, taking a slice of pizza and a bottle of beer to your room. Turning your TV on to Netflix, you closed the blinds of your window, getting ready for another sleepless night as Kaycee partied with her friends.
As they cheered and laughed as loud as possible, you slipped out of your jeans and blouse, switching into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. Your hair went up in a messy bun, and you relaxed on your bed with a sigh.
With a mouthful of pizza, you reached for the remote, mumbling incoherently when you realized it was still on your dresser.
Sighing, you hooked one leg over your bed, getting ready to stand up and get it when you realized everything was suddenly silent.
"Kaycee?" You called out, listening for her answer. But there was no TV blaring, no people yelling at each other, or laughing at their stupid antics. Kaycee's high pitched voice wasn't fighting for control, which it had been not even five minutes ago.
Your toes connected with the cold wooden floor, and for a minute you considered staying in bed. The silence was welcoming, and you didn't care if they had left for the evening. But it was cold, so much colder than even five minutes ago. And Kaycee normally wouldn't have gone anywhere without telling you about it.
With your arms wrapped tight around yourself, you stepped out into the living room. Or what was left of the living room. Every single piece of furniture was toppled over on its side, or ripped to shreds. Glass was shattered you quickly noticed as it sliced the bottom of your foot. Hobbling on one foot, you moved around the sharp pieces of glass, you called out once again. "Kaycee?"
You were astounded at how fast the room had been ramshackled. You should have heard a struggle that would have caused this much damage.
The kitchen was just as torn apart as the living room. All of the plates and glasses were shattered and thrown on the floor. You were starting to get worried, and scared. Leaving drops of blood behind you, you went towards her room, but it was just as empty as the rest of the apartment.
The lights flickered as you made your way back to your room. Picking up the first aid kit as you went, you sank back down on your bed, checking your phone. But the screen was black and stayed black even when you tried turning it back on.
Quickly you pulled the shards of glass from your foot, wrapping thick gauze around your foot. Your other foot hung over the edge of your bed, your toes still freezing cold as you tried to figure out what to do. Sure, there was a sign of struggle, but the only blood left behind was your own. Maybe they had gotten a little too rough and left before you had realized it.
With your phone no longer working, you couldn't call Kaycee up and check on her. You would just have to wait, and see if....
Screeching out in horror as something rough and slimy wrapped around your ankle, giving it a sharp tug. Claws dug into your skin, digging painfully. Instinctively, you kicked out, once, twice before the grasp loosened.
Your heart racing, you jumped from your bed, racing out of the room. The glass crunched underneath your feet, but you didn't notice the pain. You could see a pair of red eyes glowing from underneath your bed, and you wanted to get as far away as possible.
Throwing open the door, you rushed out, running straight into something hard enough that you both tumbled to the ground. "Whoa, what's the rush?" A deep voice rumbled underneath you as you tried to catch your breath.
"I...I saw...," you stuttered, moving to stand up, pushing against a hard chest, away from whatever that was inside your apartment.
"Hey, it's okay," the man said as he moved to stand up as well. "We're here to help."
You could feel a panic attack coming on, and you tried to calm yourself down. But you knew you hadn't imagined whatever had been in there, and it could come through the door at any... "Whoa, deep breaths. We're here. You're safe now."
Finally taking a deep breath, you looked up into a pair of beautiful green eyes, full of concern for a person he had just met. "How did you know I needed help?"
"We were following the...," he started to say when a man you hadn't even noticed yet nudged him in the shoulder. "We heard some noise and wanted to make sure everything was okay."
Somehow, even though you didn't know these men, you had a feeling you could trust them. "You're going to think I'm crazy, but there's this thing roommate, they're gone."
"Where is it?" The taller man with the shaggy hair asked, pulling a gun from the back of his jeans.
Your eyes widening at the sight of the gun, you shook your head. "I really don't think a gun is going to take care of whatever is in there."
"Don't worry," the other man told you. "I'm Dean, that's my brother Sammy. We specialize in taking down these types of things."
They both towered over you, having a silent communication while you hobbled from one foot to the other, the cuts on your feet stinging. "You're hurt," Dean noticed, staring down at the bloody floor underneath you. "Sam, you take care of the Monster, I'll help..."
"Y/N. My name's Y/N."
Suddenly you were being lifted in his arms while Sam made his way into the apartment. You lived on the first floor, so it wasn't much of a trip before he was standing in front of a sleek black classic car. "Is this your car?"
"Yep, she's my baby," he answered proudly, shifting you in his arms to open the back door. Setting you down gingerly, he left you for a moment, coming back with a first aid kit just as a shot sounded from your apartment. Eyes wide, you stared up at Dean. "My roommate?"
Dean swallowed deeply before shaking his head. "I know you saw it. The monster. Well, it's some sort of hybrid, and there is no way your friends could have made it."
"But there was no blood," you argued as he began pulling more glass shards from your foot, wiping it with an alcohol wipe.
Crying out at the sting, you winced away. "I'm sorry. Glass cuts are the worse," he apologized as he began bandaging up your foot once again. "And this monster. He kills and he stashes. We might be able to find your friends, but they're already dead. I'm so sorry."
"Monsters are real," you whispered to yourself, not as surprised as you thought you would be. "It almost got me."
"I'm glad it didn't," Dean smiled up at you.
Still, in shock, you stared down at his hand holding on to yours. "Listen, I know this is a lot to take in."
You nodded just as Sam came out of the apartment building, looking a little ruffled but okay. "I just...I feel bad for Kaycee and her friends. But the first thought is the apartment. She held the lease. What am I going to do now?"
Ignoring Sam as he walked past him, Dean rubbed the pad of his thumb against your hand. "I don't have the answers. But maybe we could go get a drink? Talk about it?"
"I'd like that," you answered. "But my clothes, they're in there."
Standing up, Dean nodded at Sam. "I think you look beautiful the way you are. But tell me what you need."
You blushed under Dean's compliment, quickly telling him to grab shoes and a couple of other things. While he and Sam went inside, you cuddled under Dean's flannel. It had been one hell of an evening, and you were horrified at what happened to Kaycee and her friends. But you also had this glimmer of hope that maybe something good would come out of it. Something with a beautiful pair of green eyes.
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