Second Chances
Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: Requested. Character's name is Isabel Rosewood. No matter where, or what you were doing, you would always go when the Winchester's asked. Dean had a special place in your heart, even though he didn't know, and you would do anything for him. Even dying to save his life.
Requested by WinchesterGirl4807
No matter what you were doing, or where you were, when the Winchester's called you for help, you answered. There had been many a case you had passed on, just so you could head out and help the Winchester's with whatever they needed. Be it research, or just an extra gun, they knew you would always be there for them, and you wanted to keep it that way.
That's why, when they called you this time, you hauled ass from Washington, meeting them at Bobby's house as soon as you could. It didn't matter that the vampire hadn't been taken care of, or the guy's whose number you threw away never got called. What mattered was the fact you would get to see your mossy green eyed hunter again. You would get to hear him say your name in that deep, throaty voice that sent pleasure coursing through your body. Even though he didn't realize it, your love for him was what made you drop everything and run to him, each and every time.
This time, they had told you over the phone, they were taking on the biggest bad there was. You had heard Lucifer was out. Hell, you even knew it was because of those two knuckleheads. They needed all hands on deck, and that included you.
Pulling into Bobby's messy junk yard, you realized it's been too long since you've been back here. Shutting the door of your old car, nothing fancy but it got you from place to place, you hooked your duffel bag over your shoulder, before knocking on the door. A familiar grizzled face, an ancient ball cap settled onto graying hair was the first thing you saw when the door was opened. "Isabel!" Bobby exclaimed, pushing it open and pulling you into a big hug. "It's been too long girl."
After he finally released you, Sam and Dean came into the room. Sam pulled you into another hug, thank you for coming so fast. Dean was the next one, and you closed your eyes, reveling in his touch, even though it was over too fast. You spotted Cas, Ellen and Jo behind the boys, and you rushed over to give them hugs as well. "This is like a family reunion!" You exclaimed. Jo had been one of your closest friends growing up, and you hadn't seen her in months. Where you were curvy, with long dark hair and vibrant eyes the color of the sea, Jo was tall and willowy with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The two of you were completely opposite, but maybe that's what drew you to each other.
"Well, it's the family that's going to take down Lucifer." Dean announced, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge. Handing you one, he toasted you, before taking a long sip.
The rest of the night was spent drinking, and talking. Forgetting about the fact that most of you could be dead in the morning. With a nice buzz, you stood off to the side, watching as Dean made his way back for another beer. Jo was there, and you watched with a sinking heart as he flirted with her.
"You know it's the beer talking, right?" Sam asked, coming up beside you. "The man's crazy over you."
Watching as Dean walked away from Sam, you gave him a sad smile. "If he is, then why isn't he doing something about it tonight? It could very well be the end for us, so why not get the guts up to do something?"
Sam didn't have an answer for you. Leaving him and your beer behind, you went up to your spare bedroom, a room you were sharing with Jo. Crashing on the bed, you couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring.
The next morning, everyone was silent and serious, the impending job looming large over everyone. The large group split into two cars, with Bobby staying behind for support. Leaning down, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, giving him a small smile as you turned to leave. "I'll be seeing you later." He said, and you nodded, hoping it was true.
Settling into the backseat of the Impala, you stayed silent as the scenery passed by. Dean had the radio turned on lightly, and Sam was busy reading a book. "Isabel, you know you didn't have to come with us, right?" Dean said suddenly, making you turn to look at him.
"Of course I did! This is huge Dean, and you needed all the help you could get!" You exclaimed.
Rubbing a hand over his mouth, he continued. "I know it's huge. And I know it's probably going to end bloody. I just wanted you to know that we wouldn't think any less of you if you wanted to back out."
You noticed Sam looking at his brother. You looked at Dean, wondering where this was coming from. "Dean, it's too late. I'm coming, and I'm helping."
Watching as his jaw clenched, he nodded, letting the silence take over once again. It wasn't much longer, Dean was pulling up to an empty town, with the other car right behind. Stepping out, you glanced around, wondering where everyone was. The silence was deafening and eerie, and you wanted nothing more than to head back to Bobby's.
Cas quickly let you know the place was over run by Reapers before he took off, looking to find Lucifer. The rest of you started walking down the street, guns ready as you waited to be intercepted.
"I don't like this." Sam muttered what all of you were thinking. As you came to an intersection, a woman stepped out of the shadows, smiling as she looked over all of you. "Sam, Dean, it's been a while." She announced.
"Meg?" Sam guessed, and she nodded, before patting the air beside her.
"And a couple of my friends. Lucifer knew you would be coming, sent me as the welcoming committee." She told you as you heard the snarling of hell hounds. Tensing up, you glanced at Dean who was glancing around frantically. None of you had been prepared for hell hounds. They were invisible, and harder than almost any other monster to kill.
"Sick em." Meg said, the snarling and pawing growing louder as they came rushing your way. Getting off a shot or two, the group was quickly getting cornered with the hell hounds closing in. Shooting the one in front of you, you frantically glanced around. Jo was on the ground, holding on to her stomach, as her mom stood over her, shooting the air in front of her. Sam was fighting off another one, and Dean was heading for Meg when you saw the puddle in front of him shake as a hell hound ran straight towards him.
Dean!" You screamed, dropping your empty gun as you rushed towards him. He held up his own gun, but it was empty too. Staring down at the empty air, he waited to be torn apart by a hell hound once again. Throwing yourself in front of him, you screamed as it's teeth sank into your skin, dragging you back, away from Dean. Your cries frantic, you fought against it's hold, but it was too strong. With it's teeth dug into your shoulder, it clawed at your chest, it's long claws tearing through your flesh easily.
In the background you heard a couple of shots, before the hell hound whimpered, releasing you from it's jaws of death. Reaching a shaky hand up, you felt your chest, your hand sticky with blood. The pain was immense, through your shoulder almost all the way down to your belly button, and you knew there was no way you were walking away from this one.
"Damn it Isabel!" Dean exclaimed, gently lifting you off the ground, his eyes huge with worry. Already feeling yourself fading away, you reached up with a weak hand, placing it on his cheek. "Dean, don't worry about me. Please, go!"
"No, I won't let you be a hell hounds lunch." He promised, moving towards an open door, with Sam behind him, carrying Jo.
"Dean, I..." You started, your hand slipping from his cheek as your body gave up it's fight and you fell limp in his arms.
Around a Year and a Half later
Standing in the shadows, you watched something you thought you would never see. Dean, the man you had loved, was living a civilians life. He had a girlfriend, and maybe even a kid. A nine to five job, with a normal house. Hell, he even drove an old pick up now. He wasn't the Dean you remembered, the Dean you died for.
Part 2 will be coming!!
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