One Wrong Move Part 2
I had lots of people requesting a part 2, so here it is.
Dean's POV
Never had he felt so scared in his life. Sure, there had been plenty of times he had come close to dying. There had been times he actually had died. But nothing brought the terror that seeing Y/N laying there, limp in his arms did.
"Dean, let me see what I can do." Cas repeated, coming to stand next to him, staring down at Y/N's limp body.
With tears in his eyes, Dean nodded. Laying her broken body gently on the ground, Dean stayed beside her, refusing to leave her side. Coming to stand behind his brother, Sam placed a comforting hand on Dean's shoulder.
Cas knelt, glancing over Y/N's body before he placed his hand over her heart. Concentrating hard, Cas closed his eyes, his mouth formed in a grimace as a shining, golden light emitted from his hand.
As the light penetrated Y/N's body, Dean kept his gaze on her face, waiting for the moment her eyes would flutter open. Waiting for her to smile up at him once again. Anything that showed she was still with this world, and not traveling to the next. Seconds ticked by, and nothing happened. With fear in his heart, Dean glanced towards Cas, who was leaning back on his haunches, his face pale, looking week.
"Cas?" Dean whispered, even though he wasn't ready to hear the words that might come out of the Angel's mouth. Not ready to hear the fact that Y/N might not be coming back to him.
"Dean, I've done all that I've could." Cas started saying, and Dean felt like his heart had stopped.
"She's gone?" He whispered, his voice cracking with grief.
"No, she's not gone." Cas answered, surprising both Sam and Dean.
"Don't toy with me Cas." Dean growled, glancing down at Y/N who was still and pale.
"Dean, there is still life in her. Check her pulse. She's in there, but she has to fight now. I've done all that I've could." Cas explained, and before he was even done Dean had his fingers on Y/N's neck, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt her pulse. IT was weak, and erratic, but it was there and that's all that mattered to Dean right now.
"Do we let the ambulance take her?" Sam asked Cas, who shook his head no.
"There's nothing more they can do for her. It's all in her hands now." Cas insisted as the sounds of the Ambulance grew closer.
"Then let's get the hell out of here." Dean exclaimed, picking her up and sliding into the backseat of the Impala. Taking the keys from his brother, Sam started the car, as Cas joined them. Gunning it away from the crash site, they were just rounding the corner when the Ambulance pulled to a stop by her totaled Mustang.
Staring down at Y/N, Dean didn't notice as the scenery flew by. He noticed nothing until they came to a stop in the garage, Sam waiting for him by the door. Gently picking her up, he held her close to his chest as he made his down the hallway to her room. Gently laying her on the bed, Dean pulled a chair close to the head of the bed, settling in it to wait.
"Dean, we don't know how long she'll be out. Why don't you get changed, and something to eat?" Sam tried saying, but Dean shook his head.
"No, I'm not leaving her. It's my fault she's like this, I need to be here with her." Dean insisted.
"Dean, it's not your fault." Sam tried explaining, but Dean had already shut his brother out, staring at Y/N, waiting for the moment she woke up. Because he was sure she would. There was too much life inside her for her to give up now.
Hours past, and Dean's back grew sore, his legs restless, but still he refused to move. Rolling his neck, Dean continued to sit next to her, waiting for those beautiful e/c eyes to open and look his way.
It was almost twenty-four hours later Dean found himself talking to her, saying anything that came to his mind. "Y/N, I don't know if you can hear me or not. I hope you can. Because I want you to know that I'm not going to give up on you. You're a fighter. Hell, you're probably tougher than either Sammy or I. You can fight this, and win, I know it. And I will be sitting right here, waiting for you to wake up. And as soon as you do, I'm going to tell you how I feel. I've waited too long to say those words. But I've been scared. Scared to put myself out there." Dean stopped for a moment, his eyes glistening with tears as he watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest.
"Sure, I've taken on monsters, even the Devil himself. But the thought of putting myself out there, and having you not love me back, that was terrifying. Seeing you there, laying limp in my arms made me realize how stupid. How selfish I've been. So please wake up sweetheart. So I can tell you how much you mean to me. How much I love you."
It was a stupid hope, but Dean wished that those words were magic. That as soon as he said them Y/N would wake up and all would be right in the world. But the seconds ticked by, and Y/N didn't move. Brushing a tear from his cheek, Dean stood up, slamming his hand into the wall, trying to release the frustration building up.
"Dean, what is it?" Sam asked as he raced into the room. Seeing the tears streaming down his brother's face, the dent in the wall, Sam took a deep breath before pulling his brother into a hug. Expecting a fight, Sam was shocked when Dean leaned into him, needing the comfort his brother provided.
"Dean?" A voice, weak and hoarse was barely heard, but it was enough to have him immediately pulling away from Sam, racing over to the bed. Falling to his knees when he saw Y/N awake and trying to sit up.
"Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, reaching up to help her. "Careful. You've had a nasty time of it."
"How long was I out?" She whispered, her voice weak, but he had never been more grateful to hear it.
"Just a day. How are you feeling sweetheart?" He asked, brushing the hair back from her face, looking for any excuse to touch her.
"Like hell." She answered. "But Dean, I heard you. When I was out. Your voice is what kept me fighting. What brought me back. I can never fully thank you for that."
"Y/N, you don't have to thank me. I'm just grateful that I was given another chance with you. A chance to tell you how I truly feel. I love you, and almost losing you made me realize that life's too short to hide my feelings."
"It's about time Winchester." She said, her eyes already growing heavy once again. "I was hoping you'd finally get some sense. Too bad I had to almost die for it to happen."
"Don't go to sleep. Not yet." He pleaded with her, just as Cas entered the room.
"Don't worry Dean. She's just recharging. She's not going to leave you any time soon."
"I'll be here when you wake back up." He assured her. "Then we can talk some more. Figure this thing out."
"Sounds great." She answered with her eyes closed. "Because I love you, and it's about time you realized that."
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