On Top of the World
Jared x Reader
Swaying with Jared on the dance floor, you sighed happily when he pulled you tighter against him, his hands heavy on your hips. "I love dancing with you," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear.
"I love dancing with you too," you agreed, pressing your head against his chest, his heartbeat comforting. It wasn't often the two of you had this chance, spending an evening together, enjoying your friend's engagement party. It was a beautiful evening, made even more so by the fact that Jared had made it home.
As the music slowly came to an end, Jared guided you off the dance floor, stopping by the door, a peculiar look upon his face. "What?" You asked him, squeezing his hand lightly.
"I had a thought," he told you, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Oh no," you teased, remembering the last time he had this look on his face, and those words slipped from his lips.
"I swear it's a good one this time!" He argued, pulling on your hand until you were outside the bar the party was being held in. The sun was just starting to set, the stars beginning to twinkle. Only a couple blocks away you could see the lights from the amusement park by the ocean, bright and cheerful. "Let's go," He said, nodding his head towards the amusement park.
"But Jared!" You argued. "We just got here, and I'm the maid of honor! Shouldn't I be doing a speech or something?"
"Oh yeah. Give me a minute," he insisted, vanishing into the crowd. It was only a couple minutes later before he was back, a huge smile on his face."Your bestie says go enjoy yourself."
Smiling happily, you followed Jared outside, knowing you would follow that man anywhere. Past his car and down the sidewalk, towards the Amusement park. It was fairly busy being Saturday Night, and you had to wait in line to buy your tickets.
"I haven't been to an amusement park in years," you told Jared, giddy with excitement as you stayed pressed to his side.
"Neither have I," he answered, paying for your tickets before pulling you inside. "But I think it's about time you and I have some fun."
There were so many different games to ride, and games to try out. The smell of sweet cotton candy and deep fried funnel cake assaulted your senses as your Jared came up to the first ride. It was one of those dizzy spinner rides, where you stood up in your own little booth. "Jared, are you sure?" You asked him. After all, you had just come from a bar, where you had imbibed a couple of alcoholic drinks.
"Sure, it won't be too bad," he assured you, as the two of you clambered inside. Joining the teenagers, you slid into one spot, letting Jared strap you in before he climbed into his own spot beside you. Reaching across the bar, he held your hand as the ride started spinning.
Giggling, you smiled up at him, your laughter turning into a squeal as the ride went faster and faster. When you felt as if you couldn't hold yourself up any longer, the ride slowed down to a stop, Jared unbuckling himself first to help you. "That was so much fun!" You exclaimed, letting him wrap his arm around your waist as you exited the ride.
"Ooh, how about some cotton candy?" He suggested, and soon enough the two of you were sharing a gigantic roll of bright pink cotton candy.
"Oh Jared, look at the stuffed moose!" You exclaimed, pointing to the game and one of it's prizes. It was a shooting game, and you couldn't believe the coincidence of the prize.
"Well, I definitely need to win that," he chuckled, handing over money. All his years on Supernatural with his prop gun seemed to pay off, as he easily won the game. Handing over the moose, you hugged it tight, beaming up at him. "Now I have my own moose when you're up filming," you told him, his eyes darkening as he stared down at you.
"How about the ferris wheel?" He asked, his voice deeper than normal.
"I think that sounds amazing," you agreed, snuggling with the stuffed moose, your real life moose by your side.
The line for the ferris wheel was surprisingly short, and before you knew it, you were climbing into the red bucket, Jared sliding in beside you. With the bar across your waist, and Jared's arm around your shoulder, you snuggled into his side.
As the ride started moving, you could make out the bar your friend was still probably partying at, along with the hotel you were staying at with Jared. "The view is spectacular," you whispered, as the ocean came into view.
"Yeah it is," Jared agreed, but when you turned to look at him, his eyes were on you, and not on the scenery beyond.
"Jared," you breathed, wondering what was going through his mind.
"Y/N, do you know how much I love you?" He asked, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
"Hopefully as much as I love you," you answered, butterflies fluttering in your belly. Expecting him to kiss you, you were surprised when he grasped your hand instead.
"I know your friend just got engaged, and you probably don't want to spoil her wedding. But Y/N, I've been wanting to do this for a while now," he started to explain, pulling out a small black box. "Y/N, never in my life did I imagine meeting someone like you. Someone who gets me, believes in me when I need it the most. Y/N, I love you more than I thought I would ever love anyone else, and I was hoping you would do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Your mouth open, you could only stare at him, trying to figure out if this was a dream, or if it was really happening. Fear and uncertainty clouded his hazel eyes, his hand literally shaking as he held out the box. "Yes!" You exclaimed. "Jared, of course it's yes."
"Thank god," he breathed out a sigh of relief, slipping the most amazing diamond ring onto your finger. "I was so nervous."
"This is such a surprise. An amazing one, but I never imagined," you whispered, staring down at the ring in shock as the ferris wheel began moving once again.
"I couldn't wait any longer," he admitted. "Y/N, I want you by my side, for the rest of my life. And I'm okay with waiting to tell everyone, so you don't steal your friends thunder. I just needed to hear your answer before I went back to Vancouver."
"I don't think she'll mind. She's always thought it would be fun to plan double weddings," you assured him, leaning over and awkwardly throwing your arms around his shoulders, capturing his lips with yours.
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