Love Hurts Part 2
Cas pushed away from you, walking to where Meg lounged on a couch, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to her. Never once looking back at you, acknowledging the fact that he was being too rough, too cold. While Cas might not be the most affectionate boyfriend, he had always been attentive and kind, until today. So kind in fact that Dean always pretended to gag behind his back, acting as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world.
"What is up with Cas? Why's he over there with Meg and not with you?" The brother you had just been thinking about asked, as he came up behind your shoulder. Both of you watching Cas who was quietly talking with Meg.
You weren't one of those girls that cried that often. Your upbringing and father had made sure of that. However, right now, looking at your boyfriend pretending like you didn't even exist, the pressure started building behind your eyes, as they burned with unshed tears. "I don't know. He was so cold, and unlike himself. I'm worried."
"If that Angel hurts you, I don't care how much of a friend he is. I will rip his wings off." Dean threatened.
"Who's wings off? Cas'? What's he done except act weird? Y/N, has he done something? Because if he has, I agree with Dean." Sam spoke up as he came to stand next to you.
Taking a deep, steadying breath, you turned to your brothers, hating that you were having to be the calm one when you wanted nothing more than to head over there and yell at Cas. "Guys, thank you for being there for me. But, maybe he's just having a hard time adjusting. I know you did when you returned from your time in Purgatory."
With his hand clasped on your shoulder, Dean's next words weren't that comforting. "I had trouble being human again. But Cas doesn't have that problem. He was never human to begin with. I'm not sure Purgatory has anything to do with it."
Your gaze was turned back to Cas, who seemed to be hanging off of Meg's every word, her gaze intense as she looked at your Angel. "I don't know." You muttered weakly.
"Let's finish this case, then we can try to figure what's going on with him." Sam suggested. "And right now we need to get Meg to tell us where they are going to look next."
"Stay, I'll go talk to them." Dean told you, leaving you with Sam as he made his way to Cas and Meg. You watched as they talked for a moment, before a battered Meg stood up, and Cas and Dean followed.
"I know the true crypt, but I refused to tell Crowley." She started. "No matter what he did."
"But you'll take us to it?" Sam asked, and she nodded up at him.
"It's under an abandoned warehouse, about five minutes from here. But, you have to take me with you." She ordered, and you saw Cas staring at her, never even looking your way.
"Why would we want to take you with us?" Dean asked, still cautious around the Demon.
"Because that's the type of person you are. Even though I'm a Demon we have history. You won't leave me behind to deal with Crowley." Meg answered.
"She can come." Sam told his brother.
Grumbling under his breath, Dean walked out the door, and you quickly followed behind, not wanting to be left walking with Cas. Dean's strides were long and sure, and you almost had to take two stairs at a time to keep up with him.
Rounding the corner, you spotted the Impala, sliding into your normal spot in the backseat. Waiting for the rest, you frowned when Cas slid in next to you, Meg on the other side of him. With the three of you in the backseat, it became crowded, your thigh brushing against his, and you wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and never let go.
Taking a breath, you breathed in his scent, a mixture of fresh, clean air and mountains. It made your heart hurt, as he scooted closer Meg's way, giving you more room. Room that you didn't even want in the first place.
Looking up, you noticed Dean's gaze on you through the rear view mirror, his jaw clenched when he saw Cas scooting away. Starting the car, he drove down the road, the passenger's quiet except for Meg, who rattled off directions.
It didn't take much time before Dean was pulling the Impala into an alley, the sky turning black as night time set in. Shoving open the door, you scrambled out, needing air before you embarrassed yourself by screaming or throwing yourself at Cas.
"Now what?" Dean asked, staring at the boarded up building while everyone came to join him.
"There's a door, dumbass. You find it, walk through, and somewhere in there is the Angel Tablet." Meg smarted off.
"No shit." Dean sassed back. "I meant, how do we know where the door is, and where the tablet is?"
"There's a sigil, etched into the building. Find it, and you will be able to enter the crypt. As to the tablet, I'm not sure where Lucifer hid it.." Meg answered him.
"Fine. Cas, Y/N, you're with me. Sam, Meg, you stay outside. Make sure we aren't double crossed." Dean ordered, staring down Meg.
You could tell she was completely ticked off about being left behind. "Wait! You can't leave me out here! I was the one who knew where the crypt was, I need to go in with you!"
"Sorry, but I still don't trust you as far as I can throw you. Sam will keep an eye on you, making sure you aren't double crossing us. Cas can open the crypt, and Y/N's good with locating things. The two of you will make sure no one comes in after us." Dean insisted, before making his way to the building. Using a pry bar, he began the tedious task of ripping off the boards blocking the door, while you waited nervously near by. Cas was standing near Sam, and while Sam didn't seem happy to be left behind, at least he understood the reasoning behind it.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Dean exclaimed once he had made a hole big enough for the three of you.
Before you could move, Meg had her hand on your shoulder, whispering into your ear. "I don't know what's going on between you and the Angel. But if you get tired of him, let me know. I've always had a thing for Clarence."
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