Love Hurts
Cas X Reader
Synopsis: Set is Season 8, the Reader is in love with Cas, but he's being brainwashed by Naomi. While looking for Lucifer's crypt's, Cas attempts to kill the Reader in order to take the Angel tablet. Requested by
"Castiel, please no! You don't have to do this!" You pleaded over and over, as Cas held you up, his grip bruising your skin.
"I have to." He muttered, his face impassive, as he thrust the Angel Blade down, straight into your heart, his hatred the last thing you see instead of the love you were used to.
"Y/N, wake up!" Sam exclaimed, his hands on your shoulders, trying to wake you. "It's just a dream, you need to wake up now!"
Sitting up quickly, you almost knocked your head against your brothers, breathing hard as you tried to calm down from the nightmare. Taking deep breaths, you let Sam massage your shoulder as he tried to calm you. Glancing around, you saw you were still in the backseat of the Impala, as Dean drove it down the road, his concerned gaze on you through the rear view mirror. "What was it Boo?" Dean asked, your childhood nickname calming you down.
"Just a nightmare." You answered, telling yourself it was that, nothing more. It couldn't be one of those visions that you and Sam sometimes had when you were younger. Those had stopped over a year ago. Also, you couldn't imagine Cas, the person you loved more than your brothers even thinking about killing you.
"Want to talk about it?" Sam asked, just as Dean pulled into the parking lot of a motel on the edge of town.
Shaking your head, you stepped out, wrapping your flannel shirt tighter against the chill in the wind. The dream still had you unsettled, along with the fact that Cas had been distant and weirder than normal the last few weeks. In fact he hadn't even come to see you in over a week, and you were missing your winged boyfriend more than anything. On top of that, your older brother Sam was going through the trials, and while he proclaimed to be fine, you had eyes in your head and you could see he was not. Just earlier that morning you had caught him coughing into a tissue, turning the white paper red. It scared you to death, and you wanted nothing more than to have Cas there, supporting you and your family.
After dropping off your bags into the sparse bedroom, the three of you quickly changed into your FBI gear, planning on visiting the the friend of the latest victim. Wearing a simple outfit of black pants and a white button down shirt, you let your brothers take the lead as they questioned the upset woman. You felt bad for the woman, knowing her friend had died horribly, with burns on her body, her insides liquefied. As they questioned her about her friends, you paced the small room, looking for anything that would give you clues. Stopping in front of an old map of the town, you peered closely at it, seeing big red X's marked throughout, wondering what they could mean.
Before you could ask, there was a knock on the door. After being given permission, you opened it to find a handful of big, burly men standing there, their eyes flashing black when they recognized you. "Sam, Dean!" You exclaimed, pulling out your engraved Angel blade as they pushed their way inside, slamming you into the wall.
Taking a second to right yourself, you watched as the Demon's attacked your brothers, while one grabs the map, running away before you could stop him. Rushing into the fight, you noticed one Demon smoking out of his body, forcing itself into Wendy, the victim's friend, forcing her towards the door. Stabbing one Demon, you felt another one wrapping their arm around your neck, squeezing until you could no longer breath.
Unable to scream for help, you stomp down on the Demon's foot just as he flashed orange and falls to the ground. "Cas!" You exclaim as you turned around to see your savior. Your favorite angel was standing there, holding a squirming, black eyed Wendy. "Are you okay?" He asks, but his concern was missing, like he was just being polite, and it bothered you.
"I'm fine." You answered, just as Sam and Dean came walking over, their Demons laying dead on the floor.
"Cas, it's nice to see you man. It's been too long." Dean says, moving to pat Cas on the shoulder, but Cas was already pulling a reluctant Wendy into the kitchen.
"Don't worry guys. I've got this." Was all he said, before leaving the three of you curious and confused in the living room.
"Does Cas seem weird to you guys?" You whispered to your brothers, as Sam carefully checked the bruise forming on your cheek.
"Yeah, even more so than normal. He's been absent for a while, and then returns suddenly. We don't even know how he escaped purgatory." Dean answered, just as Cas yelled through the door.
"I can still hear you guys. I am a celestial being." He yelled, and giving up you walked into the kitchen just as Cas slammed his Angel Blade into her chest, much like he did to you in your dreams. Feeling more than unsettled around him, you took a step back, right into Sam's chest.
"Y/N, it's okay." He assured you, but you could tell both of your brothers were concerned as well.
"Cas, why the hell did you do that? We could have figured out what was going on. Why these Demons are being killed, and what they even want to begin with!"
Cas dropped her dead body, letting her head roll against the table as he turned to you, his gaze missing the comfort you were used to. "I already learned those things, so I was done with her."
"And?" Sam asked, keeping a comforting hand on your shoulders. Sam was always able to read you better than Dean, and he knew you were confused and hurting about Cas' lack of affection.
"I'm the one killing the Demons." He stated simply. "They are looking for a parchment, one that would decipher Crowley's half of the Demon tablet."
"Let us help Cas. We make a good team. Y/N misses you." Dean suggested, but you could tell Cas wasn't happy about it.
"She admitted where they are hiding. I need to get to the Silver Spruce hotel, take care of the rest of them before they can find it." Cas said quickly, before vanishing, leaving nothing but the sounds of his angel wings behind.
"Why is he like this? Has he decided he doesn't want to be with me anymore?" You whispered quietly, a tear trickling down your cheek at the thought that your Angel wasn't in love with you anymore. Even though the two of you had never actually said the words to each other, you knew in your heart that he loved you.
"I don't know Boo. He's not himself right now." Dean muttered, a frown on his face.
"Come on, let's follow him to the motel, see what's exactly going on." Sam announced, and soon you were back in the Impala, following a man who could easily break your heart.
Within five minutes you were marching up the stairs of the motel, it's shape worse than the one you were staying in. The top door was open, hanging off of it's hinges, and with his gun drawn, Dean charged inside, stopping at the front of the door. "Cas?" He questioned as you and Sam followed him in. Demons lay bloody and dead on the floor, and Cas was helping a woman to her feet. A woman, Demon actually, that you hadn't seen for a long time.
"Meg?" You asked, seeing the once black haired Demon now a dirty blonde, her face broken and bloody.
"Hey Y/N, good to see you again." She answered, giving you a weak smile as Cas helped her to the seat, showing her more attention than he had shown you in a while.
"Who did this to you?" You questioned her, always having a little soft spot for the Demon.
"Crowley, he's hell bent on finding the Angel tablet." She muttered, taking a sip of the whiskey Dean held out to her.
"Angel tablet? Cas, I thought you said they were wanting a parchment."
"I didn't know. I must have gotten it wrong." Cas hedged, but you could sense he was lying to you, to the three of you and it hurt. As your brothers moved to the side of the room, talking, you pulled Cas to the side.
"Cas, what the hell is wrong with you?" You growled, watching as he pulled away from your grasp.
"Nothing. You're just making a big deal out of nothing." He argued, trying to walk away, but you wouldn't let him.
"Out of nothing? You've been ignoring me since we got here, and I haven't heard from you in weeks. Are you tired of me or something?" You asked him, not really sure you wanted to hear the answer.
"Maybe I am." He said hurtfully, before pushing away from you, leaving you staring at him shock.
Part 2 is Coming!
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