Chance of a Lifetime
"I can't believe it!" You exclaimed as you literally bounced instead of walking. You were currently beside your husband, both of you heading to set where you would be filming beside him. Already dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, and a flannel, you felt as if you immediately belonged. "I'm finally getting the chance to act beside you."
"You're acting as if this is a high rated movie," he teased. "It's just Supernatural."
"It is not just Supernatural. It's a part of you. It's a huge deal, and I've always wanted to be a part of it. Even before I fell for you."
"Wait? Are you telling me that you married me because of Supernatural?" He asked, turning to face you. It was weird, seeing your husband dressed as Dean, his face bruised and bloody.
"No," you answered. "But it did help get you that first date."
"There you two are!" Jared called out. "We're ready to start!"
It was simple, really. You were a hunter that Sam and Dean came across. Dean flirted with you, and you ended up dying at the hands of a Demon. It was a short stint, but you didn't need much more than that. You could get back to Texas, and your regular life down there.
Standing off to the side until you were cued, you watched as Jared and Jensen easily turned into Sam and Dean. It was amazing to watch, and you almost missed your cue because you were so entranced.
"Mrs. Ackles, you're up," one of the stage hands whispered. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward, Jensen's eyes meeting yours.
"Excuse me, but who the hell are you?" He asked, portraying Dean perfectly as his gaze skimmed over your body.
"I'm here to help," you answered, your hands shaky as you held them up. "Jody sent me."
"You're Samantha!" Sam exclaimed, coming forward and shaking your hand. Nodding, you let them guide you to the table, getting ready to look over the newspapers when the director called cut.
"You did great sweetie," Jensen told you, wrapping an arm around you. "We're going to head to the warehouse now. It's a little darker, and scarier. But you'll do great!"
Walking beside Jensen, you couldn't help but feel even more nervous. This was much more acting than your first scene.
Standing off to the side, you let them place the harness on you. "Now Mrs. Ackles, you remember what's going to happen. You'll yell at the Demon to draw their attention away from Sam and Dean. They'll turn on you, throwing you against the wall. That's where this harness comes in. You'll fly through the air, smashing against the wall. It's lined with foam, so you will be fine."
"Sounds scary, but I'm up for it!" You assured them, taking your spot. And just like rehearsed, you stood there, yelling at the Demons as they turned on Sam and Dean. One turned towards you, looking normal since the black eyes would be added later. Snarling, his hand lifted up, and you felt the harness grab hold. Flying through the air, you slammed back against the wall, the motion almost knocking the air out of you.
You had to stay there, until they called cut and as soon as they did you were carefully lowered to the floor. "Again!" The director called as you took a sip of water. "And let's move Y/N's spot over a little bit, she's too hard to see in the shadows."
Waiting patiently as they moved your tape, Jensen came over to you. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just wanting me out of the shadows," you explained, letting him pull you into his arms.
"I don't blame them. You're stunning," he told you.
"And I love you," you answered just as they called you back. Blowing him a kiss, you stepped back on your spot, careful of the wires attached to your harness. Again you waited until the people portraying Demons came in, yelling at them to get their attention. Your harness was yanked, and you slammed into the wall. There was no soft foam behind you, and you could feel the wall crumble as you slammed into it.
"Y/N!" Jensen called out as the tall wall collapsed on you. The wires holding you up broke, and you felt to the ground just as the wall collapsed on top of you.
The wall was wood, stone and rebar, the stones pummeling your body as they fell. Crying out in pain, you heard people above you trying to clear the debri. Barely able to move, you glanced down, confirming your fear. A piece of rebar stuck out of your belly, blood turning your flannel almost black.
Jensen's face finally came into view, the first face you saw. He glanced frantically down at you, only able to see your face as of now. "Y/N, are you okay?"
"Jensen, I' I going to die?" You asked, your gaze landing back on the rebar.
Jensen's gaze followed yours, gulping deep when he noticed the wound. "No. I won't let it happen. Guys, we need this cleaned out, and now! Call an ambulance!"
They continued to move the stones, making you wince with each movement. You couldn't move your legs, and you were scared that this was a wound you wouldn't be able to walk away from.
Once they had cleaned around you, they stared down in shock. "Jensen, can I talk to you," Jared called out, pulling him to the side. You could see them whispering, and you tried moving, but you cried out in pain.
Jensen came running back, kneeling down next to you. "Sweetheart, you need to stay still. The ambulance is on the way."
"Jensen, if I don't...," you started to say, feeling blood start to gurgle up your mouth.
"Don't speak like that. They'll be here, and we'll get you taken care of," he pleaded, his hand holding yours, but you could see it in his eyes. He was just as scared as you were.
"And here I thought working on Supernatural would be the job of a lifetime. Not my last job," you joked, stiffening up as pain flashed through your entire body.
You could hear sirens in the distant, on their way, but you could feel how tired your body was. How much it wanted to give in to the pain and float away. "Jensen, I can't...,"
"Yes you can. You'll hold on. For me sweetheart. Please," Jensen cried as your eyes closed.
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