By the time that the exclusive tour bus reached the outskirts of the fairly quaint town, the boys seated in the back of it, were all aggravated about something; each a different matter.
The third eldest; a fatigued pinkette, had already delivered several complaints to their elderly and uniformed chauffeur, who was driving extremely slow in his modest opinion.
The oldest and most mature of them all, Jellal Fernandes, had his feet perched up atop of the half-wall that separated the driver's area and the seating; fumbling with his overly expensive earbuds, which were probably beyond repair.
The second eldest, Gajeel Redfox, ly on the irresistibly comfy cushions of the ivory ottoman in the center of the confined space; with an irritated look on his face that screamed desperation for silence.
Off to the left, was the second youngest, a raven-haired boy, who was tuning up his acoustic guitar, for their next upcoming concert in Hargeon; not liking the soft screeching noise that the instrument emanated.
And at a tie in age with the disinterested raven-haired male (but still a few days younger), was the ginger-haired male, whose iPhone was harshly pressed to right ear, as he constantly bickered with his infuriated girlfriend, about whether or whether not he was seeing another person besides her.
They were all cooped in the somewhat large tour bus, which had a set of painted-black stairs, which led up to the second level; where they could look out freely. Jellal had been up there a few times before, to receive peace and quiet, or to take scenic photographs and make video blogs.
A few minutes later, the vexed chauffeur pulled into a convienent gas station, for two simple reasons; the tank was running on empty, and a certain pink-haired devil was irritating the life out of him.
Leisurely, the childish rosette stretched his limbs, beginning to parade out of the bus.
"Hey, Fireball! Aren't cha forgettin' somethin'?" The ebony-haired male shouted from across the area, dangling an obviously brand new pair of designer sunglasses around his index finger.
"Tch, thanks," He states under his breath, walking over and retrieving them. Once the glasses were securely placed over his onyx green orbs, he takes a glimpse over at the group of guys. "Since I'm still here, what do you idiots want?" He asks, before patting the pockets of his army green trousers his for his leather wallet. Sighing in relief, he awaits their answers.
"A Sprite, and a bag of chips; doesn't matter which kind. As long as they aren't hot," Gray is the first to speak up, dismissively twirling his wrist in the air.
"Can I have a fruit punch? Blue raspberry'll have to suffice for now," Jellal calls out, his eyebrows still furrowed in bewilderment as he fumbled with the broken earbuds.
Gajeel huffs out a sigh, folding his arms across his chest. He didn't reply to the question, and Loke was too busy continuing to argue with the irritated woman.
"Anything you want, Metal-head?" Natsu quirks his eyebrow, burying his hand in the depth of his pocket.
"To shove my foot down your throat--but other than that, a pack of Marlboro and a bottle of whiskey." Gajeel replies, cocking his head backwards and sitting up, only to rest his elbow atop of his knee.
"I shouldn't get anything for you, you ungrateful drunkard." Natsu clicks his tongue, finally jogging out of the auto-mobile, and into the heavy torrent.
"Gray!" Loke pipes up as he finally hangs up the line.
"What 'tis it?" Gray answers, glancing over at him.
"Can I have some of your chips?" Loke pleads, receiving a low 'sure,' from him. "Thank you!" Loke nudges his arm whilst Jellal snickers under his breath. "Shut up, Jellybean." Loke pouts as Gray slings his arm around his shoulders.
"I ship you two." Gajeel mutters a little too loudly, causing Jellal to erupt into uncontrollable laughter.
"That's nice. So do our fans." Gray shrugs as he opens his internet browser, showing the group a collage of photos.
One being a picture of Gray grabbing Loke's crotch, during their visit to the shopping outlet in western Alvarez. The second being a picture of them sleeping next to each other on the tour bus after the band's last concert. The third, a picture of the two playfully wrestling on a Sorcerer Weekly talk show. The fourth, a picture of Loke kissing his cheek on a recent blog on Gray's FairyTube channel. And the last, being Loke crying on Gray's chest during a thunderstorm that happened a week ago.
"I wonder who posted those..." Jellal whistles, looking out of the window.
"Jerk." Gajeel replies, swatting his shoulder. "I was gonna do that." He concludes as Loke hastily hurried Gray to send it to his girlfriend's phone.
"It's (462)-xxx-XXXX."
Loke whispers to Gray, informing of his lover's number.
"Send it! Send it!"
Jellal cries happily, clapping his hands.
"You might not want to do that." The chauffer glances back at the group of young adults.
"Why not?" Loke tilts his head at him, cueing him to continue.
"As your potential ex-girlfriend, she could spread influential rumors, that could cause trouble for the group." He tilts down his hat and rests his back against his seat, causing Loke to frown.
"This is why I hate hook-ups! Why doesn't she understand that I don't want to get serious?" Loke rests his head on his fiat, pouting angrily. Gray pats his back and mutters a, 'you'll find a way.' Jellal stifles a coo and Gajeel discreetly snaps a picture.
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