Chapter 16 - Amnesia
"What's everyone looking at me for?" I asked. All the monsters looked at me, worried looks dawned on all their faces.
"W-Well actually U-Und-"
"Um, let's let her get sleep, okay Alphys." Asgore cut off the yellow monster, Alphys I guess. She slowly nodded, tears filling her eyes again.
"None of this 'let's let her get sleep' shit. What's going on?!" I demanded.
No one said anything. I looked around, and glared at the human.
"Um, I'm gonna get Frisk out of here." The chubbier skeleton said, leading the human out of the room.
"Wait!" I said putting out my hand.
"U-Undyne?" The human turned around, tears in her eyes as well.
"Not you." I growled.
"You, fat skelebones. What's your name?"
"The name's Sans." He said, grabbing the kid and exiting.
"Asgore! What's going on?!" I asked. What the fuck is even happening??
"Undyne, it seems, you may have a slight case of amnesia. You took quite a fall."
"What. What do you mean I have amnesia?! I wouldn't forget anyone or anything ever!" I shouted angrily.
"I know it's kind of hard to accept, Undyne. But the truth is it looks like that's what we are facing now. We are still confused on how you ended up where you did." He added. My brain was pounding, I felt so confused, and very frustrated.
"What?!" I blurted.
"Undyne, you really must get some rest. For when you awake we may have some better news for you." Asgore finished, looking down. He seemed very saddened over my state. I sighed, not wanting to push him past any breaking points.
There was a long pause before anyone said anything.
"Fine." I said, shifting. Pain rocked my body.
"What's my physical state lookin' like?" I asked, looking at my body. I don't think I've ever been this badly hurt before. Not anything I couldn't get past though.
"W-Well, it seems you have a b-broken leg, and arm. A couple of your ribs are f-fractured, and your back seems to just have gotten s-scraped up. A-also your stitches came undone, and ripped the wound f-farther." Alphys stuttered.
"Stitches? I didn't have any stitches." I said looking blankly back at her. She sighed looking down.
"I-It's your amnesia." She whispered, her voice cracking.
"I don't have amnesia!" I snapped.
"Undyne! Don't you remember I, The Great P-Papyrus?" The tall skeleton beamed.
"Who the hell is that?" I asked. What kind of name was that in the first place.
His eyes widened, and sadness overwhelmed him. Tears filled his eyes, as he gripped his red cape. He started bawling like crazy. I wasn't sure what to do, I don't even know the guy.
"H-Hey, it's okay u-um I j-" I started stuttering, feeling kinda bad. As he was blowing his nose, Sans came running in. Seeing him crying he quickly ran over, and pulled him down into a hug.
"It's okay, Paps." He said while patting his back. He looked up at me, in his left eye a blue flame was flaring. I was starting to get uncomfortable, this Sans guy did not look all that friendly. The awkwardness and tension quickly built up.
"Heh... um, are you okay...." I paused trying really hard to think of the tall skeletons name. P, P, Patrick, Peter, Pap, Papyrus! That's what he said, the "Great Papyrus."
"Hey, the Great Papyrus" I said slowly, trying to pronounce it correctly.
His head shot up out of Sans' shoulder.
"You do remember me!" He proclaimed standing up.
"I know what will make you feel better, if I, the Great Papyrus, make you some of my 5-star spaghetti! Nyehehe!" He cheered bounding out of the room.
Sans' blue flame dissipated, which led me to a sigh of relief.
"So, you do 'member us?" He asked casually.
"Um, no, not really. I just said that to make him feel better." I sighed.
"Okay, let me try to understand the situation. I like what, was friends, or knew you guys before? Then somehow fell off a cliff in someplace called, Waterfall? Then landed in another place called Snowdin?" I said, trying to straighten it all out in my head. I'm so fucking confused.
"You don't know what Waterfall is?" Asgore asked.
"Uh..." I tried to think of anything, but nothing rang any bells.
"Oh my god! Asgore she doesn't even remember w-where she lives!" Alphys freaked.
"Hey, 'she' is right here y'know." I pointed out. I hate when people talk about you as if you weren't there, when you're clearly right in front of them.
"Oh, s-sorry." She said looking at the floor.
"It's alright." I replied, trying not to be too hard. I already made her cry like a billion times.
"Hey, what happened to your head?" I asked, noticing her bandage.
"O-Oh, when we were walking together I t-tripped and got a giant gash in my head, and f-fell unconscious. You saved m-my life by using CPR."
"I did? Wow, I'm an awesome friend." I grinned.
"Y-Yeah." She said, smiling down a bit. I guess she isn't as bad as I thought. But the whole hand holding thing, yeah no.
"Okay, Undyne. Before you get some much needed rest, please explain the last thing you remember." Asgore stated.
Rage flared inside me as I recalled memories.
"The humans." I spat.
"We were locked down in a hell hole, what I remember we called, the Underground. We were in this place we called the Ruins."
"That's it?" Asgore asked.
"Well yeah, what do expect? How much more happened?"
"Well. We are still in the Underground."
"Hooray." I groaned sarcastically.
"But, we are no longer in the Ruins. We have expanded to multiple locations, and established quite a community." He said, a pinch of pride in his voice.
"I guess that's okay. For now." I grumbled slumping down.
"Okay now everyone, we must let Undyne get some rest." Asgore said leading the others out of the room. As Alphys was leaving she looked at me and sighed, clear agony on her face. Asgore gently smiled as he left the room.
"See ya." Sans said. A blue flame appeared in the air, and like that he was gone. Holy shit! How did he do that? That's fucking badass.
I leaned my head back and it smacked against the wall. I groaned, looking up at the ceiling. Okay, so. Apparently I have some amnesia shit, which really sucks. And like every part of my body is hurt in some way or the other. Great.
I looked around the room. It wasn't exactly a hospital type room, but close to it. I was laying on a doctors table, and the walls were white. There were some medical supplies in a cup next to me. On the walls there were posters of people with giant swords and big costumes. It looked awesome.
As I continued investigating I heard a metal clank from outside the door. Then another, and another. It got louder and louder. I sat up, as much as possible, quickly becoming curious.
Suddenly the door knob turned very slowly, and opened. A tall female looking robot stepped in. Seeing my condition, they rushed over faster.
"Oh no, darling. What happened?" They asked. I think it's a guy, based off the voice. But then again, I'm pretty sure that body was nothing of a guy.
"Darling? Um, are you a dude or girl?" I asked bluntly. I was too curious to care about how it came across them.
"Oh you really do have amnesia, poor darling."
"You need to stop that darling shit, right now." I said, pointing my finger. What a weirdo.
"Hoho, darling. If- Once you get your memory back you'll remember I always do that. And also, I am one hunk chunk of a man." He winked. It creeped me out a little.
"Heh..." I awkwardly laughed.
"You got a name or...?"
"Mettaton." He said, very flirtatious.
"Mettaton, y'know when you talk you come across as ve-"
"Darling no need to tell me what I already know." He smirked.
"Okay, well Asgore said I need sleep so, shoo shoo." I said motioning with my good hand. He rolled his eyes.
"Get better, darling." He said patting my good leg.
"Yeah, yeah." I said sighing. He's quite the character, that's for sure.
I sighed, leaning back down carefully. I wanted to shift but couldn't. Okay now this officially sucks, I need to move when I sleep.
Groaning I closed my eyes, trying to think of something to think about to try and go to sleep. With supposedly how much we have advanced down here you'd think someone would have a damn T.V. in here.
"Hey fish freak." Jacob called. I slowly turned to him, my face becoming heated. I started shaking, trying not to break down.
"Jacob." I said, my voice cracking.
"Where's all your other creepy monster friends?" He mocked. I held in tears and anger.
"T-They aren't c-creepy." I stated trying to sound strong.
"Oh yeah? I beg to differ." He said stepping forward, towering over me.
"You're all freaks." He spat into my face. I clutched my books tighter, my nails digging into them. My eyes turned hot and watery.
"You gonna cry?" He glared looking down at me. He was at least half a foot taller than me.
"Oh, poor fishy gonna cry." He said in a high pitched mocking voice. I felt my throat starting to close up.
"You cross dressing freak." Jacob finished smashing his hands down on my books. They spilled onto the floor, my papers going everywhere.
"Where are your so called monster friends now, huh tomboy?" He laughed walking away, making sure to step on my papers as he left. A bunch of other human kids followed him, high fiving and laughing along with him.
I shakily bent down, my tank drooping to the floor. I carefully picked up my papers, stuffing them into my folder. My eyes were filled with tears. A few managed to escape down my cheek.
Lots of humans passed by, but no one stopped to help.
I suddenly awoke in the makeshift hospital room, my arm hanging in the cast. My leg still stiff with a cast on it as well.
"Ugh." I groaned. I get fucking amnesia and these are the memories I'm left with.
Sighing I felt my weight become ten times heavier.
I looked around, shaking off the flashback.
Bored as hell, I looked around for some kind of food. Don't they usually have some kind of snacks for patients?
I heard a slight creak of the doorknob. I tried shifting a bit, my eyes still a bit blurred from my sleep grogginess. The door slowly opened, and a yellow hand gently gripped the knob.
"Hello?" I called. I knew it had to be Alphys. Unless there was some other person I was apparently befriended, or knew but now don't. Ugh.
My call made her hand jerk a little, but she slowly walked in.
"Oh hi, s-sorry did I wak-"
"Oh. Okay good, u-um h-how are you feeling."
"Physically, shitty. Mentally, shitty. But at least I'm alive." I grinned, shrugging with my good arm. And pain was sent vibrating throughout my arm. Okay, note, don't do that.
"Oh, s-sorry. But you're alive, that's what's i-important." She smiled.
"But I am as bored as all hell right now."
"Oh, do you w-want to watch a-anime? I have a t-tv th-"
"What's anime?" I cut her off. It's a strange word, but it sounded cool.
"What." Her face dropped immediately, and her mouth opened.
"" I said pronouncing it slowly like she were a two year old. I grinned. It didn't change anything. She just starred at me with her face in shock.
"It's the most epic genre of television ever invented, and you love it." She stated firmly.
"Hm, I don't remember." Anime... hm.... I tried to scroll through any memories in my mind, forcing something to click, some sort of lightbulb to go off. Nothing but a shit ton of darkness.
"You have to see it." She stated again.
"I mean sure, if it gives me something to do." At least I get to do something besides sleep and stare at the ceiling.
"I'll be right back." She said quickly before shuffling out of the room. That was weird. Note to self: She stutters in certain situations. Second note to self: She can stop stuttering when in shock. Strange. She must be serious about this "anime" thing.
A few moments passed and she came back in. She walked in backwards, a tv in front of her. She pulled it in on a stand with wheels.
"How long have we had a god damn tv in this place?" I asked. Like. I would have killed for television earlier, ugh, that's just life I guess.
"We've always had one." She said, kind of paying attention and kind of not. She was fumbling around with cords. She set up the tv on the left side of my bed.
"T-This is called, Mew Mew Kissy C-Cutie. It's my favorite anime." She said.
"That's an interesting name." I noted. I mean, like, c'mon that's just a weird name.
"Yeah- okay! It's starting." She said standing up and backing from the tv a little. A purple screen appeared and a cartoony monster appeared. "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" appeared in gold cursive writing above her head. A song started playing.
I looked over at Alphys, and she was standing in the back corner of the room.
"Y'know there's this invention called a chair." I glanced down at the chair to the right of me.
"O-Oh, hehe." She awkwardly laughed. She walked over and sat down. She bit her lip and fiddled her fingers.
"Watch!" She said pointing at the tv. What a dork, I grinned. I looked back over at the tv.
"That. Was. Amazing!" I exclaimed as the end credits played.
"That's anime?!?" It was fucking AWESOME!
I shot my head towards her, and she nodded excitedly.
"Told you you like it." She smiled.
"Is there a part 2?!" I asked, hoping she'd say yes.
She sighed.
"Yes." She groaned.
"What was that for?" I asked. It was part 2! Just, how could she not be hyped over it.
"The second movie completely ruins her character arch when she and her friends go to t-"
"Shhhhh nope lalalal I don't wanna hear spoilers." I cut her off, putting up my pointer.
"You won't like it."
"I bet I will."
"Undyne. Whenever we watched them at the lab, you never liked it."
"Alphys. I have amenisa. Get the movie."
"The statsitcal possiblity you somehow changed yo-"
"Movie." I said. With yet again another groan she got up and left the room. I grinned. This anime business was badass and awesome!
She came back in and relucatnatly and with much attitude played the movie. Halfway through I realized she was right. But, I had to tease her about it.
Finally the movie ended, and I grinned.
"That was amazing! What are you talking about?" I asked her.
"What." She said, her face going blank.
"It was awesome!"
"Undyne. Are you kidding me?"
"Yes!" I burst out laughing.
"You are a serious dork." I said through gaps in my laughter.
"Okay seriously if you weren't in such a serious condition I would smack you."
"Oh. I am so scared." I mocked. She stuck her tongue out at me before grinning.
"So is there a third one?!" I asked.
"Not as crappy as this one." I added.
"Yes, but you should get rest." She replied, settling down back to her quiet voice.
"Resting is shitty. Is there like anyone else who wants to say hi? Or can give me something to do?"
"Well, there is someone who really wants to say hello, b-but you wouldn't w-want t-"
"Let them come in then! As long as its not that flirty robot thing, Meff, Merr, Mett-"
"Ohh Mettaton." Alphys cut me off.
"Yeah. That thing."
"Yeah, I built him a long time ago."
"Oh, cool. No offense but he's um, well-"
"I know." She smiled. She looked towards the ground, then back up at me.
"I really don't think you want to see them."
"How bad could it be?"
"Well..." She looked back at the floor once again and started shuffling her feet.
"Just let them in." I sighed.
She hesitated, then nodded slightly.
Alphys left the room and I tried to go over who it could be in my head. Who could be so bad? I thought of when I had just woken up. Let's see, there was Alphys, Asgore, hm maybe the tall skeleton? No, he seemed nice. The short one. Maybe him, that guy seemed to have some mood swings. Who else was there? Uhhh- Oh no.
A small human came into the room, the skeleton with her.
"YOU!" I spat, my voice straining. Anger was again enveloped me.
"Why the fuck are you protecting her?!" I fumed at S... Sans! I was pissed. This was the first human I have ever seen anywhere but the surface. I can't remember the decision we came to when coming to what to do with a human that fell. But the way they hurt us on the surface, there's no way that kid is innocent!
Tears started to swell in her eyes. She breathed deeply and took a few steps forward.
"Frisk, let her be. She doesn't realize that-" Sans tried to pull Frisk back, but she kept walking. A dangerous option.
"I don't realize what??" I hissed.
"U-Undyne." The human said weakly, coming up to my bedside.
"Nrghhh!" I shouted, a blue spear forming in my good arm.
"No!" Sans shouted, grabbing my arm down, sending my flaming spear into the ground.
"Sans! Stop! What are you doing!?" I screamed.
He slowly released my arm, and I pulled it back to my chest. The human backed up and was now aganist the wall.
"Undyne." Sans said slowly. I looked at him, adreline pumping through my veins. Yet, he was oddly calm.
"I know you don't remember. But you saved that human. You spared her." He said. What? Yeah right.
"Now why would I do that???"
"Because. You're a soldier right? Warrior? Hero?"
"Yeah... And...?"
"Y'know better than anyone a true hero fights to their very last breath, giving everything they have." He continued, making eye contact.
"Of course. My life's devoted to it." I stated. A small amount of pride formed within me, but was once again covered with anger and frustration.
"But you are a true hero. You don't hurt anyone innocent, even if they are suppose to be your enemies. You may not show it often, but you have a truly good heart."
"W-What?" I asked shyly, even more confused. I mean, I don't hurt those who are innocent, but it doesn't explain the situation very well.
"Frisk was almost dead when you found her. And you attacked of course, and she spared you every single time, refusing to fight. She had no LV, and still to this day does not possess any. On her last hit, you spared her." He glanced down. I felt my heart drop. I spared a human? No, he had to be lying.
I looked towards Frisk, and gathered as much strength as possible.
"Ye-Yah!" I grunted pulling her soul out of her body. I breathed deeply, my breath taken from the effort it took to enter battle.
"Sans!" Frisk called, fear in her voice. Sans looked up, but didn't stop me. He trusted me it seemed. My breath quickened as I checked her LV. None. He was right.
I quickly spared her and shoved her soul back into her body. Holy crap. She has no LV. She has no LOVE. She hasn't killed anyone. No one. Not a single monster nor human. I took sharp breaths, and felt completely embarrassed and overwhelmed. She, was... good? Thoughts stammered throughout my head.
I looked longingly at Sans.
"You're... You're right." I gulped.
I looked back at Frisk.
"Um, sorry."
"I-It's okay. Y-You're just protecting t-the ones you love, I h-have a lot of respect for that." She smiled through her tears. I felt my heart warm, and felt something. A memory flashed through my vision of Frisk in a ball, freezing in snow. I stood in front of her, ice crystals formed all around her. She was barely breathing, and tears were frozen to her face. Cold enveloped me.
Suddenly the memory was gone.
"Oh my god! I remember! I, I remember finding Frisk!" I exclaimed, smiling. Yes! Maybe my memory will come back sooner than we thought.
"Seriously?" Sans asked.
"R-Really?" Frisk joined, her voice high and hopeful sounding.
"Yeah! Oh my god, Frisk I am really sorry. Y'know, I didn't remember and stuff."
"It's okay! You remember now!" She smiled.
"Well, I don't really remember what happened after that." I sighed, totally ruining the moment.
"O-Oh." She replied.
"But I remember the way you made me feel, like. How do I say it. I only remember that bit, but all of a sudden I feel more, I'm not sure, more obligated to protect you. Like your a little sister or something."
She smiled deeply, her eyes filled with hope.
"Undyne!" She exclaimed running up and hugging me.
"Haha, you're alright Frisk." I smiled.
She pulled away, seeming very happy. I was too. I remembered something, and it was something that wasn't bad or depressing.
Sans looked over at smiled at the both of us.
"So it seems things are becoming less fishy"
"Oh my god that was terrible." I groaned.
"Hahaha, I know." He winked.
"Is he always like this?" I asked Frisk.
She nodded, a look of both annoyance and joy came across her face.
"Great." I sighed.
"Haha, so I better tell Alphys you remember somethin'. Maybe she'll figure somethin' out from it." Sans shrugged, leaving the room. Once again the blue flame appeared and he was gone.
"How does he do that?!?" I asked turning to Frisk.
"I don't know, but it's cool. It's his teleportation."
"It's fricking awesome!"
"Heheh, yeah it is."
"U-Undyne?" It was Alphys. She slowly walked in and saw Frisk standing close to me.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh Sans was right! You two really did make up! I am so happy, I was so scared for that, and was scared you would try and kill her if you healed before you got your memory back! Oh yeah your memory you remembered something! This is a breakthrough may-"
"Haha, yeah were all good Alphys. And as for the memory stuff, I had a quick flashback, but it was only for a few seconds. But I got my liking for Frisk back, although I don't remember much about her." Jeez, there's a lot of confusing steps involved with this amnesia crap.
"Hehe, sorry. I was r-rambling. Um, what did you do that might have stimulated a memory recollection?"
"Um... I think- Oh! I pulled her into battle like I did the first time I ran into her. And the memory was of the first time I met her!" Yes! That makes sense! Self-five. Okay, nevermind that's kinda lame.
"Yes! Undyne! That makes sense. Memories can be brought back through little things that were connected to those memories, or something you connected with before you lost your memory."
"So why don't we just show me a bunch of stuff I used to like or whatever, and BAM! Memory back!"
"We could try it. B-But I can't guarantee it will bring all your memory back with the first couple of things. To bring it all back, it would take something big. I think. Um, I-I have to do a little more research."
"I heard 'we could try it'. So let's do it!" I exclaimed. Holy shit! This is awesome! And like Alphys said, a breakthrough! Frick yeah!!
"Yay!" Frisk jumped in.
"Hehehe, okay we'll start tomorrow." Alphys smiled.
"Why not tonight?" I asked annoyed.
"You need rest." She stated back firmly.
"Ugh." I groaned.
"Stupid rest."
"You need extra rest, Undyne." Alphys said.
"'You need extra rest, Undyne'" I mocked in a higher voice. She rolled her eyes but smiled slightly.
"Okay, come on, Frisk." Alphys said gesturing towards the door.
"Okay! Bye Undyne, happy your getting better!" Frisk smiled warmly, before bounding toward the door. Her spirits were clearly lifted. But mine were too.
"Sweet dreams, Undyne." Alphys smiled before quietly walking out of the room.
I smiled to myself. Looks like things were getting better, pretty quickly. I discovered anime, a memory, remembered my feelings towards Frisk, and we got a solid plan on my recovery. I sighed, actually kind of tired. In reality I had only been up for about 5 hours.
I felt pretty confident in recovering with the people around me, especially since Alphys seemed to know what she was doing.
I relaxed, and shifted a little bit. I closed my eyes, drifting off, in the same damn position as usual. But I was too excited to care much. Pretty soon I was in a deep sleep.
Author's Note:
Hey guys! Soo sorry this took so long to get out! There are a lott of reasons behind it, but I won't bore you. Mostly school and also I went on a trip where I couldn't write much at all. Hope you enjoyed this 4,000 word chapter (phew lol). Thanks so much for everything! Have an awesome day/night guys :D
P.S. Sorry for any typos xD I was checking it over at 11:30 at night xD Don't judge tooooo harshly. Lol thanks guys :D
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