Chapter 14 - Shit.
I stood in darkness. Cool air swarmed me. My breathing broke the empty silence. What the hell was going on?
"Hello? Alphys?" I called out into the emptiness. My call faded into nothing consumed by the darkness. I walked forward, hoping to run into something. What else was I suppose to do?
Getting anxious my breathing quickened.
"I fucking swear Chara!" I sputtered, anger inflaming me. I was getting a little scared. I was in nothing... Oh my god. I was freaking out.
Panicking, I put my hands forward and started running forward, bracing for anything. I ran for what felt like eternity.
Fuck!!! Where am I? I began to get even more worried realizing the seriousness of this situation.
"Okay... Okay..." I paused and whispered to myself.
"It's probably just a dream." I said trying to comfort myself.
"This happened before it's gonna be fine..."
I squeezed my eye shut and whipped it open. Darkness. Shit shit shit. Okay, I just needed to keep my shit together.
"Arghh, CHARA COME OUT!!" I screamed out in desperation.
"Chara!!!!! You scared of me??" I shouted angrily. I turned around, not sure where to yell.
More moments passed, nothing happened.
What if this wasn't Chara? What if I was just stuck here forever? In a pit of nothingness and loneliness? No, NO! I slapped myself. I can not think like that.
I took a couple deep breaths, clearing my head. Okay, what can I do.
As I was thinking I saw a red glow to the right of me. I prepared for anything and turned to face it. Chara stood before me.
"YOU!!!" I yelled, spitting in a spite of anger.
"Me, Chara. The demon that comes when you call it." She grinned evilly.
"Can you not leave me alone for two fucking seconds???" I hissed.
"Undyne. Why so much hate?"
"You're a fucking traitor." I growled stepping forward.
"Now, now Undyne. I don't want to hurt you."
"I seriously doubt that." Who does she think she's kidding. I'm not falling for that shit again.
"Why? I thought you loved me." She laughed.
"What the fuck do you want then?" I stated, ignoring her stupid remark. Anger flared within me.
"I have my reasons..." She trailed off.
"But, I wanted you to help me. You're one of the strongest monsters in the Underground." She said innocently. Doesn't she know that game is up?
"The. Strongest." I stated with pure confidence, my voice still snarling.
"Yes. Which is why we should be partners. Help me achieve my goal." She grinned. Please, the fact she'd think I'd help a petty being like her is just straight up dumb.
"What stops me from strangling the life out of you right now?!?!" I snapped moving forward.
"I'm not even real." An evil high pitched laughed filled the air, she left plunging me back into darkness.
"Oh...." I heard her whisper behind my ear. I turned around, but she wasn't there.
"I'm just a phantom in your head, Undyne." She giggled. Goosebumps.
"Don't think you're getting off the hook by the way." She whispered. What the fuck did that mean? My breath quickened again. My anxiousness and anger fought for total control over my body.
She suddenly reappeared in front of me. Her red glow the only thing illuminating in the darkness.
Suddenly another figure appeared, a light blue glow radiating off of them. Oh my god, it's Paps.
Chara smoothly pulled out a bloody knife from behind her back.
"Undyne! Why what are you doing here?" Papyrus asked me. My breath got caught in my throat, my heart stopped, my eyes widened.
"Chara!!" I yelled running towards her. She was already at Papyrus, who looked so confused. Tears formed in my eyes. My heart pounded. I FUCKING SWEAR IF SHE LAYS A SINGLE HAND ON HIM!
"Too late." She giggled. She swiped the knife through him, cutting him in half. He dropped to the floor. The face of horror frozen on his face. Dead.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed, tears falling from face at a rapid rate. WHAT THE FUCK?? Why him????? He's a nice monster! Monsters like that don't deserve to die!
I dropped to my knees clutching his red scarf.
"YOU!!!" I hissed turning towards Chara. I stood up, and ran towards her. Anger fumed in me. I was about to fucking tear her limb from limb. I formed a blue spear in my hand, something I could only do with a lot of determination. Hell fucking knows I had more than ever. Tears still streaming down my cheek, I chucked it at her. A split second before it was going to hit her, she evaporated into thin air, eyes made of blood, smiling ear to ear.
"NOOO!! FUCK YOU CHARA!!" I screamed, collapsing to my knees again. I was alone in complete darkness, my heart broken. He was my friend!!! He shouldn't have died!!!!
I stood up and threw another spear, yelling out in anger.
"Fuck!!!" My spears lit up the darkness revealing more emptiness. My heart ached. I watched through blurry vision as my spears flew through the air, and slowly died out. What the fuck!!! Why him!!?! I kneeled again, holding my head in my hands.
Suddenly it was all bright. I looked up, I wasn't kneeling anymore, I was standing over Alphys' shoulder like I had been what felt like forever ago.
"And so I think that-" Alphys was still rambling on about UnderNet. She looked up at me and saw the tears falling from my right eye.
I quickly backed up and started rubbing away the tears.
"U-Undyne?" She asked nervously. I looked over and saw Sans eyes widened in fear, a blue fire raging in his left eye. He saw her too. He knew I had too.
I suddenly saw Papyrus walking to face us all.
"Hello everyone! I, the Great Papyrus, have almost finished the spaghetti!" He beamed.
"Oh my god, Papyrus." I thankfully whispered to myself. I ran over to him and hugged him so hard he went into the air.
"W-Woah. Undyne, I did not know you were such a great admirer of I, The Great Papyrus! I understand how easy it is to fall for my good looks and charming personality." He stated proudly. I put him back down and patted him on the back.
"I love ya, you old skele-bones." I grinned, trying to hold back tears of joy. I wiped away the final tears and relaxed. I was right, Chara can't do shit. She can only mess with your mind. I just gotta keep that in mind next time she tries to pull something.
Overwhelmed with relief I sighed, my heart refilled with love for the punk.
I looked over at Frisk, who looked completely and utterly confused. She looked really worried, I mean. I was just crying, then randomly hugged Paps.
I looked over at Sans, his blue flame was gone, he seemed to be relieved too. He gave a slight smile at me. Good, he's alright.
I walked over to Frisk and sat on the arm of the couch.
"Sorry Frisk, just a random thing I do sometimes. U-Uh, anyways yeah so don't stress about it, alright punk?". She loosened up a bit and nodded.
"Okay Undyne." She smiled. It turned very quiet. I could sense the tension building.
"Well." I gestured with my hands.
"Continue everyone." I finished, walking over and sitting next to Alphys.
"U-Undyne. What's going on?" She asked, worry in her voice. It hurt to know she was so worried over Chara. Next time I see Chara, she better know, that spear's not going to miss.
"It was Chara." I whispered, trying not to speak to loud for Paps sake.
"Oh." She nodded.
"It's okay though. I'm fine, we're all fine." I smiled. I turned towards the table and Paps placed down plates full of spaghetti.
"Mm, smells great, Paps." I smiled. Everyone nodded in agreement. We all sat down, and ate like nothing ever happened.
"Alright, see you punks." I said as a shut the door behind Sans, Papyrus, and Frisk. I sighed collapsing onto the couch. Alphys was at the kitchen table still playing on her phone.
"What is so amazing about UnderNet?" I laughed.
"The Mew Mew Kissy Cutie Hashtag. There are so many fanfictions." She giggled with excitement.
"Seriously? Are their giant swords?" I asked intrigued. Giant swords are the best parts of anime.
She looked at me as if I just asked the dumbest question in the world.
"Duh." She stated sarcastically.
"Haha, just checking. You'll have to send me some of them later. Giant swords are the BEST!"
"Oh yeah. That reminds me. I made you an anime sword." She said casually. Woah woah woah, hold the motherfucking phone.
She looked up from her phone and smiled.
"I made you a giant anime sword."
"WHAT??? Seriously? Wait, what, how??" I blurted in a tornado of excitement.
"Heheh, it's at my lab. I made an actual sword through..."
"Your nerd powers?" I cut in.
She sighed.
"Yes. My nerd powers."
"Awe that's badass, Al!" Holy fuck. She made me a sword???????? Alphys is the fucking bomb.
"No problem Undyne. Like I said, it's at my lab right now."
"Can we go get it now??" I asked like a kid on Christmas. I mean, what's cooler than an anime sword??
"Undyne, it's 1 in the morning."
"And your point is...?" I grinned.
She laughed as I got up and grabbed our jackets. Out the door we went.
"Do you want to use the Riverperson?" She asked me.
"Nah, let's walk it." I smiled.
"Have you ever used an echo flower, Undyne?" Alphys asked as we strolled past the echo flowers.
"When we first got trapped down here, I used them a lot. Wishing for humans to come down, wishing for our protection. Wishing for bigger weapons." I grinned. It was all true though. I whispered to the echo flowers a lot before. Nowadays, I have so much determination myself, I don't rely on them to make things happen. Although, it's a nice thought.
"Their so mysterious, huh." I said to Alphys as we continued walking.
"Yeah, their really pretty." She agreed.
"Have you ever used any?" I asked back at her.
"Y-Yeah. Just for good results with experiments, our freedom, any other wishes that come to my mind as well. But those can be from wanting a new Mew Mew Kissy Cutie episode coming out, to there being a new update on UnderNet." She laughed.
"Haha. Yeah." We turned a corner and kept walking, the cool, night air felt good. I was in my leather jacket, Alphys had a yellow, puffier jacket on.
"Yeah, so I was thinki-" Alphys was cut off by her tripping over a rock and smashing into the ground. I started laughing really hard.
"Hahahahaha, good job, Al." I grinned.
"Alright here you go." I said putting my hand out in front of her. There was no response.
"Alphys?" I asked. I bent down and turned her head and saw a giant gash on her forehead. Oh shit fuck. I immediately turned her over so she was facing upwards. I knew I couldn't panic, or I could be putting her in real danger. My breath quickened, my heart thrusted in my chest.
I looked around for something I could wrap her head with. There was nothing around. I took off my jacket. It was too leathery to use, it wouldn't be able to apply enough pressure while stopping the bleeding. I pulled off my black tank, the cold attacking my torso. I wrapped my tank around her head firmly, in order to somewhat stop the bleeding.
Kneeling in my bra, I checked her pulse. Ignoring the cold, I checked her wrists and neck. No pulse. I watched her for a few moments, no breath. Holy fuck, she's not breathing and doesn't have a pulse. My heart started beating faster and more fiercely, the situation quickly becoming more and more serious by the second. Thank god I learned CPR.
I pushed down on her chest about 30 times, in about 20 seconds. Then it struck me I had to give her breaths. I took a deep breath, bent over leaning down. Her lips were soft as they met mine. I felt my heart beat faster. Trying to stay focused I gave her two deep breaths.. I reverted back to 30 more chest compressions, then 2 more breaths. Nothing. Oh my god.
I repeated the cycle several times.
I leaned down again to give her another breath when she slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze met mine and I recoiled instantly, falling onto my back.
Her breathing was heavy, but her face turned a dark red.
Oh my god, this must look so bad for her. I was in my bra, kissing her. Well giving her breaths, but she didn't know that. My cheeks heated, and I knew I was blushing.
She took a few moments to steady her breathing. I took a few deep breaths myself, CPR really takes some wind out of you, literally. I was also really relieved. Although awkward, she was okay.
"U-U-Undyne?" She asked nervously, her eyes wide with anxiousness. I sat up looking at her.
"H-Hey Alphys..." I said. I saw her eyes glance down my body, I quickly grabbed my coat and zipped it up.
"Wh-What were you do-"
"You were unconscious." I quickly stated before she could make things anymore awkward.
"And you got a gash in your forehead, so I used my tank to wrap it up. And I was performing CPR on you because you weren't breathing, but you're breathing now, so it's okay, and oh my god I am so relieved that was terrifying. Not to mention I'm a little winded now... but it's fine. You're alive, I'm alive. So we're all good."
She just starred at me.
"You did all that for m-me?" She asked quietly.
"Well duh, I'm not gonna let you die."
"How long was I out?"
"I don't know, maybe 7 minutes?" I said, I wasn't really paying that much attention.
I looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact.
"T-Thanks. A lot." She giggled.
"You just saved my life." Woah. That hit it in perspective. I just saved her life. It hit me hard, and so did once again the realization she was on the verge of death. But I kicked death's ass there.
"No problem." I smiled looking back up at her.
"Do you know how to fix the gash in your head?" I asked worriedly. I don't know how she'd be able to fix the gash on her head without assistance.
"I have to examine it, but it hurts quite a bit. Probably going to need stitches."
"You're definitely going to need stitches. You should've seen that thing." I said, shivering beneath the cold leather.
"How's your side, did it hurt when you were, um, p-performing CPR?" She asked.
"A-Alphys. Don't be worried about me right now. We need to get you to your lab." I said standing up. Yeah she's awake, but my heart wouldn't stop pounding until she was completely better.
"Can you stand?" I asked, putting my hand out. She wobbly started to stand, but fell back down. She shook her head.
"O-Okay." I said. I walked over and picked her up, holding her in my arms bridal style.
"This isn't awkward if we don't make it." I grinned. She giggled and laid her head down on my shoulder. I ran to the Riverperson and told them to step on it.
As soon as we got in Hotland, my leather jacket became unbearable. I didn't care. I ran up, and turned the corner to Alphys' lab.
"Undyne." I stated when I reached the voice recognizer. Nothing happened.
"It's me, Undyne." I said again, again nothing.
"Alphys! Why is your recognizer being a piece of shit?" She looked up at me, her eyes slowly drifting open and close.
"Shit, no Alphys, don't go unconscious again." I started sweating. I looked around, but no one was out at 1:30 in the morning.
Suddenly an idea struck me. One, I did not, want to deal with. However, I sighed, realizing it was my last resort.
"METTATON!" I yelled through the door.
"OPEN THE FUCK UP!" I yelled again, banging on the door, holding Al in one arm. I heard clanking. This is the only time I will ever say I was happy to hear Mettaton coming.
"Helllooooo" I heard his voice call through the door.
"How may I... help you darling?"
"Alphys is bleeding like crazy open up this fucking door you whore!" I yelled. I did not have time for his shit, she was falling unconscious, AGAIN.
The door beeped open and I jogged to Mettaton.
"She's fucking bleeding from a gash in her head." I said, her head starting to droop down.
"Alphys!" I said slapping her cheek.
"Oh no. She's losing blood at a rapid rate. Here." He said putting his hands forward. Relieved, he was actually being serious, I turned over Alphys into his arms.
"Um, can you like, fix her or whatever?" I asked, sweating and out of breath.
"Darling, I wasn't made just to be fabulous." He said strutting away. Thank god he knew what he was doing.
I followed him over to the doctor table thing where he put down Alphys.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked, still feeling a bit anxious.
"Fix her gash first. There's no point in providing CPR at the moment if she will keep going out. Plus..." He felt her wrist.
"She has a pulse."
"Thank god." I said relieved. He pulled over a table with an array of doctor tools, the same one Alphys used for me.
"Fuck it's hot." I said tearing off my jacket. I forgot I was in just my bra. Mettaton looked over at me. I could feel my face blush.
"Hey, eyes off." I said running to grab my jacket.
"No, no darling. I am not going that route in life. If you know what I mean." He winked, unraveling my tank. Alright, gay. That explains a lot. Even so, I still felt awkward being there with no top.
"Do you got anything light I can throw on?" I asked.
"Here." Mettaton said, flinging the soaked with blood tank at me.
I dodged to the side.
"Mettaton! What the fuck!! That's disgusting!!" I yelled angered. Who does that? He rolled his eyes and said,
"Throw it in the washing machine. It's newly upgraded to wash instantly."
"Oh that's actually pretty neat." I said. Next time I need to wash my clothes I am coming here for sure.
I walked over to the tank, and picked it up with the tips of my nails. I walked to the washing machine and threw it in. I turned the knob.
"How the fu-"
"Oh sweet." I said pulling out my tank. No blood, no suds. Sweet. I was actually blown away by that.
I threw it over my head, too lazy to dry it. The wetness cooled me off.
"Not even going to dry it?" Mettaton said, sounding judgemental.
"You said you're gay." I said sarcastically. I looked down and the thin shirt was gripping to my body. Whatever, at least it was something. Plus it was very cooling.
I sighed, pulled up a chair to the doctor table and sat down.
"Why don't you just tell her you like her already?" Mettaton said casually. That took me totally off guard.
"W-What?" I asked, I could feel my cheeks becoming red.
"Undyne." He paused to look at me.
"You clearly like her." He said, returning back to his work.
"Robot, you fuck people like 24/7, just because we become friends doesn't mean we like each other."
"She is lesbian, y'know." My heart caught in my throat. I swallowed it down, trying to not freak out.
"Mettaton, I. Do. Not. Like. Her." I stated clearly and firmly. Was that true? I don't fucking know. I've been feeling closer to her lately, but it doesn't matter anyway. I don't have time for relationships.
"Mhmm." He said, clearly not believing me.
"Besides, I don't have time for relationships. They are a waste of energy, I could be training or something with that energy."
"Okay, darling. Whatever you say." He sighed.
"Ugh." I rolled my eyes, laying back in my seat. At first it was easy to stay awake. But slowly, my eyelids were falling. I'd open them, but they'd just fall again. And soon I was in a deep sleep.
Authors Note: Holy crap, that was a lot of stuff in one chapter. Hope you guys liked the extra long chapter! 3,434 words to be exact xD. Thanks for reading as always, and leave any comments, ideas, questions, in the comments below. Thanks so much for reading. Also check out my friend who has a Sans x Frisk fanfic: Oakenshi
Two of my other friends also have fanfics which I mentioned before, but why not again xD. Also Sans x Frisk.
Have an awesome day guysssss :D
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