Chapter 13 - A Relaxing Day
I woke up feeling groggy. My side ached a little bit, but I didn't really care that much. I looked around, and saw Alphys sleeping on my arm. She was radiating with warmth. I smiled a little bit.
We were on my new couch. That's strange, whenever she slept over we usually slept in my bedroom. It suddenly hit me.
"Ugh." I groaned leaning back. Now I have to be a babysitter. I wasn't sure what was next. Lord knows I wouldn't want to take care of this kid my whole life, but I don't know what I'm suppose to do.
I carefully maneuvered myself out from Alphys, she shifted a little but didn't wake up.
I sighed and silently walked to my room. After Frisk fell asleep and before I went to sleep, I brought her to my room. I wasn't going let her sleep on a fucking chair all night.
I carefully turned the knob and opened it. I slowly walked in, trying not to creak the floor.
I crept up to the side of the bed and saw a bump under the covers. Hm, sleeping completely under the covers? That's weird, well I guess they almost froze to death so...
"Kid." I said gently. Nothing, no ruffling or anything.
"Punk." I groaned.
"Okay well, I'm ripping off your blanket." Still nothing, well okay, I am a woman of my word.
"Hi-yah!" I yelled as I pulled off their blanket. I pulled it off swiftly, revealing Frisk curled up into a ball, just as I had seen her before.
"Narughhhh" She groaned, shifting over trying to grab the blanket that wasn't there. When she realized there was no blanket, she slowly opened her eyes, looking tired.
"Hey punk." I grinned.
"Undyne... I want t-to sleep." She responded, a pinch of annoyance in her voice.
"Yeah, you can afterwards. You need to eat some food. It's already ten." I said rubbing my face. I slept in wayyy too late today.
"Okay..." She sighed.
"Sorry I'm trying to feed you, dork." I teased. I looked her up and down and realized she hadn't got a change of clothes. Shit!
"Hmph, you're gonna need some new clothing, or a pair to change into huh." Fuck, did we leave her in those clothes all night?
"I got one." Frisk said still speaking in that morning voice everyone gets.
"What wait?" I asked confused. Where the hell did she get a dry set of clothes?
"I had another set... already.. Alphys helped me change into them... last night..." She was closing her eyes again. She trailed off, but kept coming back. Frisk was clearly drifting in and out of consciousness.
Aw, Alphys helped her. Alphys is so nice, she always helped everyone...
"Alright, cool. I'll have to thank her later. So whatcha want for breakfast?"
"D-Do you have cheerios?" She yawned, sitting up, carefully adjusting her foot.
"Ugh yeah. You had to pick my favorite kind, huh punk?" She giggled a little and I left to go get some cereal.
I walked out into the kitchen and pulled open a cabinet.
"Good morning Undyne." I heard Alphys call. I turned to see her sitting upright playing on her phone.
"Hey sleepyhead. Thanks for helping Frisk last night." I smiled. I turned back to the cereal and continued talking.
"So where do you think she got the clothes?"
"I don't know, according to the difference in fibers it seems as if one was sewn and one was made of factory made cotton. Therefore someone probably made one of them for her, and the other one was probably store bought." Huh, that's strange. I still don't understand why they would bring two sets of clothes in the first place.
"Probably their mom or something. I mean who else would knit for a kid?" I answered, pouring the cereal.
"Maybe." She replied simply.
"H-How's your side doing, Undyne?" Alphys asked.
"It's good..." I said hesitanty. Yeah my side's okay, but it brought up the fact of Chara, which I had tried to not think about too hard.
I sighed, putting a spoon into the bowl.
"Be back. Gotta feed the munchkin."
"Hehe, munchkin." She giggled to herself.
"Hey," I said pointing at her.
"You're a munchkin too." I laughed. She laughed even harder.
I walked into my room and saw the kid trying to call someone. There was no response though.
"Here." I said handing them the bowl.
"Thank you, Undyne..." She seemed quietly than she was just a few minutes ago.
She barely got a solid grip on the bowl. I sat down at the end of the bed.
"So... who were you trying to call? I don't think you can make calls to the surface... I don't even think human phones have that good of reception." I grinned, trying to cheer them up from whatever dawned over them.
"It was just... nothing." She answered. I decided I should probably back off, I didn't want to push her to hard, no matter how hard my wonder gnawed at me.
"Oh... Well, um. How's your cereal?" They picked up the spoon and ate a small spoonful.
"Pretty good." She smiled.
"Yeah, cheerios are the best. Anyway you still feeling a little sore?" I asked. Okay, I admit now. It was a dumb question.
"You did try to kill me, but other than that I'm okay." She said sarcastically. I'm already liking this kid.
"Haha, miss sass a frass." I laughed.
"But seriously, how are you feeling?" I asked a little more of a concerned tone in my voice. I did actually care, believe it or not.
She just shrugged, playing with her cereal.
"Okay, well we can have Alphys keep checking up on you. Have you met anyone else in the Underground?"
Her face lit up, she nodded excitedly. Wow this girl had mood swings.
"Sans, and Papyrus, and Monster Kid!" She blurted. Woah, woah, woah. She met all them and I didn't even know??
"You met Paps?" She nodded.
"He had me try some spaghetti."
"Yep... that's definitely Paps." I agreed.
"I gotta make a call. Be back." I said exiting the room. I walked out, Alphys was still being entertained by her phone.
"Al! Paps and Sans knew about Frisk!" I exclaimed in a whispery yell.
"Really?" She whispered back. I nodded and whipped out my phone.
Ring.... Ring... Ring...
"Hello, Undyne?"
"Hey Paps. What's up?"
"Nothing much with me Undyne, taking to my usual duties of course. How about you?"
"I'm alright. Duties huh? How's the human watching been going?" I mean, I had to tease him about this. I had to see how he'd react.
He fell silent for a moment.
"Paps? You still there?"
"U-Um, Y-Yes, Undyne! The Great Papyrus is here!"
"Good. So how's the hunting been going?"
"It's been... good..." He trailed off. I had to bite my lip to not die of laughter.
"Yeah? Seen any humans? I know you'd alert me right away, right Paps?"
"U-Uh, um why of cour-" He started stuttering, and out of nowhere blurted,
"Hahaha, Paps. I'm just messing with you. I already met them."
"Duh, of course."
"Oh... no, Undyne. I l-liked them." He said, his voice filling with a saddening tone. Damn it, Undyne. Time to pull my little prank back to reality.
"Paps, I didn't kill them. I nearly did, but I didn't. They can't really walk though. She can move her upper body a little, but mobility is an issue. But I spared them when I saw how kind they were."
"OH THANK GOODNESS! THIS IS A GREAT RELIEF!" He brightened, getting much, much, louder.
"Listen, next time you see a human though, good or bad, let me know, okay?"
"Okay Undyne! I, The Great Papyrus, shall next time notify you!"
"Alright good. Now as to what we do with Frisk... uh, I don't know. Why don't you and Sans stop by my place. She seemed to take a liking to you dorks somehow." I grinned.
"Okay! We shall be there soon!"
Knock Knock
"Undyne! It is I, The Great Papryus! Sans is also here!"
"Sup." I heard the two voices echo from behind the door.
Alphys and I managed to get Frisk to the couch. What I mean by that is I brought her to the couch while Alphys made room for her.
"That'd be them." I said getting up heading toward the door.
I opened the knob and saw them standing there. Papyrus was beaming.
"Hey punks. Come on in." I said moving out of the way.
"Hey kiddo. How you feeling? Undyne getcha pretty good huh?" Sans asked Frisk while walking in.
"She's pretty tough." Frisk responded looking at her ankle.
"Hey, hey, hey. That was frostbite, not me. Speaking of, Al how long does frostbite take to heal?"
"According to the library books I read it takes abut 1-3 months." She said from the kitchen chair.
"Greattt. Well, you'll be off your feet for a little bit kid." I sighed looking toward Frisk. Dang, that sucked, being immobile for that long.
"It's okay. Not your guys fault." She said sighing.
The five of us talked for awhile before the main problem came up at hand.
"So Frisk. Where ya gonna stay in your time down here?" That sparked the question. What's going to happen next.
"Um, maybe with you, Sans." She said looking towards him.
"Yeah, I'm out a lot, training and stuff. God knows you don't do anything Sans, he'll have plenty of time to watch you, Frisk." I pointed out. Although I'd love to take care of Frisk, it'd be so much easier if Sans and Paps let her crash at their place. Then someone could constantly be with them, which is what she needed right now. Y'know, with the whole not being able to walk thing.
"Okay, sounds good with me." Sans said stretching.
"And I do do a lot." He grinned.
"Pshh yeah right." I answered.
"Wait, will the human be staying with us?" Papyrus piped in.
"Yep." Sans said.
"Hahahahah, yep Paps." I smiled.
"And I'll stop by and say hey of course. Listen Paps, with all this going on, you still need to focus on your cooking." I laughed. Frisk looked curious.
"Paps takes cooking lessons from me. Where else would he learn to make spaghetti like he does?" I grinned.
We continued talking the day away. It was a really nice, relaxing, calm day. At one point while Sans, Paps, and Frisk were engaged in a conversation about Cinnamon Bunnies I walked over and sat by Alphys.
"What are you so addicted to on that phone?" I asked looking over her shoulder.
"O-Oh" She said startled.
"Just browsing along UnderNet." UnderNet, the Underground's number one social site of course. Gosh she's such a dork.
"You're a dork." I laughed. She smiled and put her phone down on the kitchen table and turned to face me.
"Okay, so a new Mew Mew Kissy Cutie is coming out and it looks A-MAZING!" She over-exaggerated the 'amazing'. I loved when she talked like that, it's so quirky and geeky.
"Really, what's this one about?"
"It's abo-" Suddenly the world plunged to darkness.
Author's Note: Hey guysss! I know it's not my best chapter, but I wanted to make sure I added this part for background info that will be helpful later in the story. Thanks so much for reading! Leave any comments you have below, woah it's late. I am gonna head to bed guys, have an awesome day/night/weekend! Remember Alphyne for lifeeee! xDD
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