Chapter 10 - Chara's Back...
I suddenly awoke, sweating. I panicked, I had forgotten where I was. Breathing heavily I looked around. Once my brain clicked I realized I had crashed at Alphys'.
I looked over to see if she was still on her computer. Low and behold, she was. Hmm... She didn't seem to notice me. I decided to try and scare her. I slowly crept out of my sleeping bag, not making a sound. It was very dark, except for Alphys' glowing computer screen.
I got into a crawl formation and crawled up so I was behind her rolly chair. I looked over and saw she was on an article about souls or something. I don't even know.
Either way, I slowly sat up, and out of nowhere grabbed her shoulders and yelled,
"AHH!" She yelled, and almost fell out of her seat from her jump.
"Hahahah, oh my god that was amazing." I laughed, toppling over onto the ground.
"I-I just can't" I continued laughing nonstop, my cheeks started to hurt from laughing so hard.
"Undyne!" Alphys yelled at me, her cheeks turning bright red.
"What is wrong with you!" I couldn't respond because at this point I was on my back laughing over and over, I thought I'd never be able to stop.
"I just, that was-" I couldn't even finish my sentences. It was fudging hilarious. My eyes started tearing from laughter.
"Undyne! It is 5 in the morning!" Alphys said acting very serious.
"Is it now?" I said, calming down a bit, a little laughter still escaping me. I sat back up and sat on my knees looking up at her. I grinned mischievously.
"Yes, yes it is." She replied.
"That was amazing." I said.
"It was not." She responded looking back at her computer screen.
"Yes it, it really was." I grinned even harder.
I pulled up a metal seat and sat next to her, trying hard to not explode into tons and tons of laughter, the moment replaying in my head over and over again.
"So, whatcha up to?"
"I am doing research on souls, as you know the very basis everyone lives off of. Monsters. Humans."
"Yep that'd be souls alright." I replied, having seen plenty of souls in my time.
"So what's the point?"
"Well, I thought if she is back, that means her soul is too. So I decided to look into some of the mechanisms in souls. But nothing l-like this has ever happened before." She said looking up at me.
"I just don't understand it." She finished, disappointment filling her eyes.
"It's okay, Al." I said trying to comfort her. I hated when she felt like a failure, which she felt often. It's not her fault that this has never happened before. It shouldn't be happening. Ugh, why'd life have to get so complicated all of a sudden?
"Y'know," I said standing up.
"It's 5 in the morning, I think you deserve a break." I grinned and walked over to her anime collection. When in doubt, there's always one thing to cheer Alphys up.
"How about some..." I whipped out Mew Mew, her favorite anime and excitedly said,
"Mew Mew?" I said, showing it off as if I were someone on tv trying to sell something.
"Oh my gosh, y-yes!! T-thanks Undyne she smiled.
"You're welcome dweeb." I answered sitting back down on my seat.
"Here ya' go." I handed her the disc and she plugged it into her dvd player. I leaned back, ready for some serious Mew Mew action.
"But I, Mew Mew, shall save you youn-"
Ring... Ring... Ring...
"Ugh." I sighed, pulling out my phone.
"Sorry, one sec, it's Paps."
"Hey Paps. What's up?" I asked, annoyed to stop watching anime.
"Undyne! I have heard the news!" Oh shit. Did Sans seriously tell him about Chara??
"Heh... what, what news, Paps?" I asked nervously. Papyrus is way to innocent to be dealing with something like this.
"Mettaton is getting a brand new TV Show!" Papyrus exclaimed excitedly. Phew, I sighed with relief.
"Haha, yeah, it's pretty cool, huh?" I said, playing along to his excitement.
"Yes indeed! I would like to invite you to dinner tonight! We shall all watch the premiere!"
I looked over at Alphys. She was playing a game on her phone. I smiled.
"Yeah, sure. Can I bring along a friend?"
"Why of course! I hope they are ready for my, the Great Papyrus', delicious spaghetti!"
"Haha, sure Paps."
"Goodbye Undyne! Nyeheheheh!"
I shut my phone and waltzed over to Alphys.
"So you now have plans tonight." I said mischievously, leaning against a wall."
"I-I do?" She asked confused.
"Yep, you're coming to Paps/Sans house tonight with me, we'll watch the premiere of Mettaton's new show."
"O-oh. Cool! Thanks for inviting me U-Undyne." She smiled.
"No problem." I answered back casually.
"Now back to Mew Mew?" I smiled.
At about 1 I headed to go see Sans. I wanted to know if he had anymore nightmares or anything related to Chara.
I knocked on the door, freezing even with a leather jacket on.
Papyrus opened the door, looking surprised.
"Hello, Undyne! You know, the show does not start until later, the food has not yet been prepared by me, the Great Papyrus!"
"What? A girl can't just come over to hang with her two favorite dorks?" I laughed, stepping in.
"So Paps, Sans around?"
"Yes indeed he is. SANS! Undyne wishes to see you!"
"Thanks Paps." I said slapping his back. Sans grudgingly walked out from his room.
"Hey Sans."
"Hey Undyne. What's up?"
"Just wondering if anything new news came along?" I asked very vaguely. Papyrus was still in the room, and I didn't want him to get frightened by anything.
Sans looked over his shoulder and saw Paps. He nodded at me, understanding we'd try to not say to much in front of Papyrus.
"Um, not much. An old friend stopped by." Chara.
"They just did what they do each time, they didn't really say anything they haven't said before." Damn. No new information.
"Nyeh? Who is this friend? I, the Great Papyrus, is intrigued to meet them." Paps said confidently.
"Eh, no one bro. Forgettaboutit. I'm sure they'll be back later. You can meet them then." Sans said covering. I could tell from the way he described Chara he wished that she wouldn't come back.
"Okay then. I, the Great Papyrus, shall greet them then!" Papyrus exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen.
"Thanks, Sans." I said.
"Uh, are you alright? With the whole um-nightmare type thing?" I asked quietly, trying to be comforting.
"Yeah, don't worry bout' me Undyne. We just gotta get to the bottom of this."
"Good, just checking." I smiled. I knew it was bothering him, but I didn't want to nag at him, otherwise he might get really emotionally involved.
"Alright, I'm gonna head out, train, and get ready for later. You'll be here right?"
"Yeah, Paps is really excited." He smiled, I smiled back. We both cared for Paps so much, it made me happy to know I wasn't the only one who cared so much for Papyrus.
"Yeah, yeah he is." I smiled.
"Alright see you punks later."
"Later Paps!" I called out to Papyrus, still in the kitchen.
"Goodbye Undyne!" I heard his voice call out.
I got home and flopped onto my bed. Ow fuck, I forgot about my side. When the patch was covered by my shirt I could forget it was there. Until I did something stupid like collapsing onto it.
I pulled up my shirt and saw the bandage covering over the tight stitches. Hm, Alphys told me not to do much with it, ugh but I needed to train.
Yeah.... I decided to train. What! I can't let something as small as a few stitches prevent me from getting stronger. Hell no.
It was hard to throw spears my left arm, as my injury was on my left side. Whatever, my righty can get a little stronger for now.
I took my daily jog around Waterfall and turned a sharp left turn. As my torso twisted the corner before my legs did, I felt pain surge throughout my side. I felt snaps and pinches. Heat thrusted throughout my body.
I came to an immediate stop, my feet leaving tracks in the ground. I fell forward, aching in pain. I lifted up my shirt and saw my bandage peeling. I also saw some stitches undone. Shit. Alphys would kill me if she knew I was training on my side.
The pain quickly subsided, as my body kicked pain's ass, and my main problem became how to tell Alphys I fucking messed up stitches. How does that even happen. Heh, must have been a powerful thrust. Heh, I'm strong, I grinned to myself.
I stood up and decided to leave it for now, and just go home and relax.
When I got home I grabbed my phone and texted Alphys.
Undyne: Hey Alphys
Alphys: Hi Undyne =^.^=
Undyne: I may or may not need you to restitch some stitches for me.
Alphys: WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
Undyne: I may or may not have been training with my stitches... xD
Alphys: Did I not tell you to be careful?
Undyne: Yeah, me and careful don't really match very well. xD
Alphys: Yeah, I see. Well, you can head over now if you want to get the stitches done.
Undyne: Cool, thanks. Also Paps wants us to be at his house around 6. So, by time ur done we could just head over. :D
Alphys: Okay, sounds good. =^.^=
I clacked my phone shut and headed over to Alphys'.
After she finished my stitches we headed over to the skele-bros house. On the way there we talked about anime, and how Mew Mew 2 completely ruins the main characters character arch, according to Alphys.
We finally arrived at their house.
Knock Knock.
"Yo punks! It's Undyne and Alphys" I called.
Papyrus opened the door, with an apron and chef hat on. Haha, he's such a dweeb, you gotta love him.
"Greetings Undyne and Alphys, it is I, the Great Papyrus! Thanks for coming, I have prepared a special meal for the premiere of Mettaton's show."
"Let me guess, is it spagehtti?"
"Why yes it is indeed! However did you know that, Undyne?" Papyrus said shocked.
"Just a feeling." I smirked.
"You using that new recipe I taught ya'?" I asked Paps. Not only did I train him, I taught him cooking. It gave him another hobby, maybe so he wouldn't want to be as much apart of the Royal Guard. I wanted to let him in but... y'know...
"Yes! It is coming out beautifully!" Papyrus smiled.
"Sweet. You like spaghetti right, Al?" I asked looking down at her.
"Undyne. Does spaghetti have noodles?"
"Alright, alright, fair point." I laughed.
We walked in and got settled on the couch. After a few minutes Sans stumbled out of his room and teleported onto the couch.
"Too lazy to go the stairs I see?" I grinned.
"You know you're jealous of my teleportation." He grinned back. Damn it, that was so true.
We all started chatting while Paps worked away in the kitchen. Alphys and Sans seemed to be getting along alright, so I decided to check on Papyrus.
"I'll be back." I said standing up. Alphys started to blush and get nervous.
You'll be fine. I mouthed and smiled. She relaxed a little. I heard her continue her theory about another anime as I walked into the kitchen.
"Mm, smells good in here, Papyrus."
"Why thank you, Undyne!" Papyrus said beaming. He was clearly very proud of his spaghetti so far.
"You need any help with anythin'?" I asked.
"Hm. If you wouldn't mind making more sauce. I, the Great Papyrus, would very much appericate that!"
"Alright you got it." I started making up more sauce, a recipe I had taught him.
"Here ya go." I said handing Paps the sauce.
"Why thank you Undyne!" Papyrus exclaimed, mixing the sauce with his cooking noodles.
"No problem, Paps" I smiled patting him on the back. I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Alphys.
"Hey guys." I said adjusting my sitting position.
"Paps is almost done with the spageht-"
I was suddenly standing in Waterfall. What the fuck? I started getting anxious, my head whipping around to try and find Sans or Alphys.
Where are they??? How'd I get here??
"Sans!!! Is this some teleportation shit??" I yelled out. Something felt wrong, there was a gloomy overhanging feeling. I was in the same outfit I had been just seconds ago in Paps house.
"Heh... Guys, come out wherever you are!" I shouted, but I might as well had been shouting into an abyss.
All of a sudden a figure stood before me.
I felt rage should have been flaring inside of me, I should've felt hate towards her. But... I didn't. I couldn't.
She stood in her green and yellow t-shirt, her heart shaped locket hanging loosely over her neck. Her short hair blowing in the breeze, her eyes filled with sadness. She looked up at me.
"C-Chara?" I asked, a thousand thoughts running through my head.
"How are you... Where'd y-"
"Undyne!" I heard her small voice say. She seemed broken, her voice fragile.
Her eyes flushed with relief when she saw me.
"I-I missed you so much. I miss e-everyone." Chara said, tears filling her eyes.
"Wha-" I started to say.
"I miss everyone. I miss mom, I miss dad, I miss making puzzles with Papyrus, I miss experimenting with Alphys, I miss training with you." She bowed her head and started to sob. Her words struck my heart more than any attack could. Her and I had been close, she trained with me, she wanted to be as strong as me. Memories flooded my vision, before I knew it I was running to her, picking her up and hugging her tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. I knew it, Sans was wrong about her. How could he be so fucking harsh to someone as sweet as Chara.
"I-I missed you too, Chara." I whispered, tears filling my vision. Chara was the best human to ever fall down here, she befriended everyone. And it's true. I missed her so bad. I'd give anything to have her back in our lives.
"U-Undyne?" She asked. I set her on the ground and kneeled to be face to face with her.
"Are you c-crying?"
"Heh, I guess I am." I smiled, hugging her again.
"It's o-okay, I am too." She whispered. I wanted the moment too last forever.
Chara gently pulled away from my grasp.
"Undyne." Her weak voice said.
"Yeah?" I replied.
All of a sudden her sweet, sincere smile became a grin of pure evil. Her eyes filled with blood. I was startled so much I fell backwards, my heart thrusting.
"You are an IDOIT!" She shouted at me.
Adrenaline began surging throughout my veins, my heart stopped. I was too shocked to do or say anything.
Chara pulled out a bloody knife, grinned at me, and stabbed her knife into my side.
Authors Note: Heyy guyss extra long chapter xD Hope you guys liked it, pretty intense at the end huh? Yeahhh things are getting heated... Thanks for reading guys see you in the next chapter. :D
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