Ch-3 What Tha Hell...
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Beginning Story...
Readers P.O.V.
...Three days...
It has took, three whole days, just to get 1,000 eris...
This better be worth it.
I make my way up to the guild, eris in hand, so I can finally, become an adventure.
*About 15 minutes later*
When I entered the guild, all eyes fell on me. Silence filled the halls, not a single sound was made.
I started making my way to the front desk, as the chatter started back up again, to sign-up.
Luna- Welcome back, do you have the money for the registration fee?
"Yes, I do, in fact, have the registration fee."
You say, as you hand over the money.
Luna- Alright then, if you may follow me this way please.
She walk out of the both and lead the both of you to a strange orb thingy.
Luna- If you may put your hand above this please, and put a little mana in it, it will print out a card with your stats on it.
"Oh, neat"
You thought, as you hover your hand over the crystal ball, not entirely sure how to direct mana.
"Should I just imaging it going through my arm and out of my fingers? Or do I imaging, condensing it down to a singular point?"
Unsure of what to do, you tried the former thought... a little bolt of electricity went from the palm of you hand, into the machine.
The crystal orb glowed for a bit, till a card popped out from the side of it.
Luna- There we go. Hmm, your stats are pretty average across the board. The only thing that stands out is your agility, and endurance, which are above average. The only thing you can be right now, is an adventurer.
With absolute disappointment, you take the card, put it in you pocket, and go find an open seat at a table in the back.
Time Skip Enitiating...
Tip of the day: die.
After a couple of hours, of being depressed, you went to take an easy quest, to use, and get comfortable with you powers, now that you know how to use them, kinda.
"Which quest do I want? Slimes? Nah. Toads? Nah. Fight an inter-dimensional beast from space, here to take our livestock... Maybe i should go with the toad quest..."
You take the poster for the toads, and go to where Luna is, to accept it.
Die please.
You're out in an open field, with giant toads in the distance...
Once you calm down, you put your hand out, aiming at one of the toads, and imagining the lightning going through your arm, and out of your hand...
Time seams to slow as you watch the lighting, shot out of your arm, flying towards the toad you picked...
When everything went back to normal, you looked at you hand, and then at the toad you hit.
It was dead, and fried.
Now, with newfound determination, and power, you fry up a couple more toads to complete your quest.
Enitiating End Dialog... Completed.
Hi, I decided to take this abit more serious, seeing as how the last chapter was horrible. And to those who had made it through that torture, why? Just, why?
Anyway its midnight for me, so goodnight...
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