Ch-2 Help me
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Reader P.O.V.
After the light subsided, I felt... I felt...
Deep breath... deep breath...
I'm going to K I L L someone... Either way, I'm in the middle of a road leading to a town, city? I don't really know or care, so what better to do then start walking towards it.
Timeskip Enitiating....
The sneak skill allows you sneak undetected depending what level the skill is at.
Anyway, I'm looking for the guild here, but I'm all turned around.
Hey there an convenient old man there that looks nice.
Nice Old Man: Guilds that way, now FUCK OFF!
That is not a nice old man, atleast I know where the guild is now.
I am jacked up on vines, skyrim, and assassin's creed. Please send help.
I just walked into the guild, and a waitress comes up to me.
Waitress Who's Name Must Not Be Sayed: Welcome and hello there, if you're looking for something to eat, go sit down at one of the table's. If you're looking to sign-up to become an adventure, go over to the help desk.
And with that, she walks away, while I go over to the help desk.
"Hello, I'm here to be an adventure please."
Help Girl: Hello, my name is Luna, (is that right?) and to sign-up, the registration fee is 1,000 eris.
A-A THOUSAND!? That's like... alot of money somewhere...
Either way, I check my pockets for something, and come up with nothing...
"I uh... don't have that kind of money..."
Luna: I'm sorry, but I can't let you register if you can't pay the fee.
And with that I walk towards a table in the back and reconsider life choices before coming here, and then realize I didn't really have a choice in the matter.
Guess I'll go find a job somewhere...
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I got a new ps3, and now I can play Infamous 2! Muhahahahah! ...that felt stupid.
Anyways, why the hell are you reading this? Go waste your time on reading something else.
Have a nice nap while your at it.
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